Reminder that the third battle of Berkeley will be next week. Thursday, April 27, Ann Coulter will be coming to give a speech.
Antifa are already planning to chimp out
Thread 2
Reminder that the third battle of Berkeley will be next week. Thursday, April 27, Ann Coulter will be coming to give a speech.
Antifa are already planning to chimp out
Thread 2
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3rd battle was ages ago, retard.
Whoops, copy pasted OP in a rush
It's nice to see people finally curbstomping those Antifa fags. If Berkeley wouldn't keep ordering their cops to stand down, this wouldn't be a problem.
Thats the bike lock guy! Similar stoop in his back
You bet your sweet ass it is him
I don't think we're planning any large defense group, it'll just be antifa destroying their own city
yup, some new pics from 4+4, can see he has blue eyes and the same hair
Does anyone know if siracha shirt guy is alright?
Keep the psyops coming.
Why would someone do that? Suck a waste
Why would someone do that? Such a waste
Bike lock fag
Me and a couple other rednecks are coming over from Sac area. Don't leave us hanging bros.
Our goal is to not get arrested but we'll be up in the front with our boys.
Get your asses out there and show some support.
Is there some lightweight material that you can wear which would prove effective against stabbing? I know the first bulletproof vests were made of silk
What time are you guys getting there?
I'm driving up from San Diego. Trying to find people on the way up (6 open seats) to increase our numbers
not that I know of. We need strength in numbers, people watching our six. We won't be armed with anything but our wits and the wrath of the righteous.
Bump. We need a daily general for this event. We need as many Sup Forumsacks there as possible
Not sure yet, have to work until 4 and then 1.5 to 2 hours drive depending on traffic. We should be in the zone by 6:30, I'd guess.
Best of luck, hope you find some big sumbitches to roll with you.
>Sup Forums wants the cops to stand down so there wont be a happening
what did you mean by this burger
>Genghis Khan was once said to have issued all his horsemen with silk vests, as an arrow hitting silk does not break it but ends up embedded in the flesh wrapped in silk, allowing the arrow to be removed by gently teasing the silk open, as opposed to the usual method of removing barbed arrows, cutting them out or pushing them right through an injured limb and out of the other side.
Do me a favour and wear something tough. And remember - best behaviour
Some suggestions - whatcha think~?
reread the post you linked.
The first time shot went down because berkly told the cops to stand down. We are asking the cops NOT to stand down. Those two faced liberals were trying to make a happening.
Good luck you brave patriots from all britbongs, smash antifa good
Best behavior indeed. Defensive action only. My boys are rowdy, I'll have my hands full keeping them from busting heads. Thanks for the concern Limeybro.
It's a bit late for us to armor up but I like the ideas for the next round. I'll be rocking an old skate helmet and not much else, hopefully the chimping doesn't run to stabbings, but we'll see. I think the commies are desperate for a win, they could get up to anything.
I was considering infiltrating antifa to dox them
A bandanna (use a good one) and a padlock are a fine biker tradition and you can also lock stuff with it.
At the very least, anyone planning on going needs to bring a helmet and some kind of gasmask/respirator. Antifa love to use bear mace.
Bring a shield for maximum LARP
If they throw molotovs wool is one of the most flame retardant fabrics on the planet
its going to be warm but I wouldn't put anything past these fucks
Maybe make sure you have an old army wool blanket to dose flame if needed and hey, always good to lie on
It's not going to be that warm, says 65ish right now. Speaker scheduled for 7pm. Sun will be going down and it cools off as soon as that happens.
Good advice my man, but we want to travel light. If molotovs get in the mix we're going to be in some deep shit. You guys have talked me into wearing my leather roadracing jacket though.
We also need a guy with a drum. Who actually knows how to fucking play (unlike that retarded antifa kid last night who couldn't carry a tune for shit)
Marching to Yankee Doodle would be sweet
Well that gives you plenty to work with. Think I'd go leather coat, wool jumper, silk shirt. Doesn't hurt to be toasty
I'm actually properly impressed by the properties of wool now
>Blanket withstands hot coals
Don't forget the milk
People usually dress in layers. As soon as you start moving you'll overheat, but there will be a lot of standing around too.
I think ideal would be underarmor with a coat over top, so if things turn bad you just take off the coat.
same sunglasses
>Store spare clothes in rucksack
I mean most of the shit will be confiscated
>Drinks cans
>Glass bottles
>Hitler busts
Pretty much every standard household object
Same sunglasses, same brand pants, looks like same shoes, similar or same face, same facial hair, involved in protests with antifa (march 4), stuff stored in pocket the same way. Should definitely be prime suspect if not the real guy.
Also same hair, brown curly, pulled back in ponytail with occasional front strands coming out.
Lol you guys planning an old fashioned citizens arrest with cable ties?
>Ann Coulter
Finally - a woman at Berkeley who shaves her pits.
The smoke bomb appears to be what really turned the tide of Saturday's battle. The way the wind blew it back in their faces.
Anons should infiltrate Antifa and deliberately smoke bomb their own lines when shit starts to really hit the fan. Disperse Antifa and expose them for an epic beatdown
Is that Mickey Rooney in the background with the MAGA hat?
Phonebooks/textbooks/newspapers folded several times
>And remember - best behaviour
This. Don't start any shit. Unfortunately the ANTIFA assholes live to deny basic free speech rights to speakers and good people who just came to listen, so be careful.
And Berkeley will almost certainly be of no help since they are on the sides of the collectivists and communists.
>The image of a man going with phonebooks just taped around his body
I'm fucking dying what the fuck?
>Anons should infiltrate Antifa
This is a bad idea. Antifa is a cult, they thrive off of people assuming they're immune to subversion.
Somebody dies at this one. Mark my words.
I just read its canceled
So what all happened at Auburn?
I dont mean like go to anarchist meetings and stuff. I mean like what Joey Salads did. Show up in Black Bloc attire. Hang around for a bit and shout "Nazis" or some shit.
Then when the time is right, sabotage their formations. Keep on doing stuff like this and we can turn their concealed identities into a disadvantage. Hell if a few anons are brave enough to brain one or two with a pole, theyll start to fear their own more than the alt right
Why wouldn't Ann do it on a Saturday? On a weekend you can rally a much bigger mob than on a weekday.
I expect this will be more like Auburn and less like Berkeley.
>more like Auburn and less like Berkeley.
Auburn is in Alabama. They actually believe in law and order down in Alabama.
Unlike Commie-fornia.
It was in Alabama. What do you think happened? Cops told antifa to leave.
Yeah, called off for security concerns.
UC Berkeley is public so she should pull a Richard Spencer and take this to court for violation of the 1st amendment
Friendly reminder:
-Always try to catch the one Antifa that is attacking and pull him in for the back row to take care of him
This way back row is in the use as well and their forces are shrinking every time you do that.
Pull them in one by one and before you drag 10 of them in rest will panic and lose morale.
>she should pull a Richard Spencer
Well she is feisty
And a lawyer.
close, kek is not with you yet
Just in, apparently she will speak anyway
I knew she swung a bigger dick than Berkeley did!
Good news!
Antifacts criminals
Ive been keeping my eyes on the these events so far.
I'm rather disappointed, in both sides actually. Everyone is fighting to maim. If you really want to strike fear, put a few of them down. Permanently.
I've been in a few scraps myself. Even I know that it's hard to keep perfect form, throw a punch the right way... When it comes to it, one of you will bleed, and the other bleeds out. I hope I don't need to tell you which one you'd rather be.
lol they got him. I'm not left or right, but play stupid games...
the commies got it shut down
Where are the police in all of this?
Berkley has become a fucking battlefield. They should probably start sending the national guard at this point
There is now recent federal court precedent. They legally must provide security. No excuses
According to this, she will go anyway
Hey, martial artsfag here. Snatch and grab was probably one of their most effective tactics to isolate and injure our guys.
Spread the word on this:
When being dragged by hand or feet, you can break free by rolling.
Practice: Have somebody drag you and roll until you break their grip. Experiment with multiple people dragging you too. Teach this to people on the front line and demonstrate early on.
The other thing that is big is to fight from the ground. Use your legs to kick. Go for the knees. The important thing is to buy time until backup can chase them off.
Im glad that I go to a hay-seed state university in Montana. Whenever people "protest" here its usually just really lame and underwhelimg.
Posters go up all over campus like somethings gonna actually happen, then all of like 30 people just kinda quietley huddle around the campus oval for a few hours and go home.
>According to this, she will go anyway
Good. I hate for antifa to win.
Berkeley is the battlefield, antifa can't operate freely out of cities that aren't deep blue.
Swedish education
Damn, Ann Coulter's event cancelled
Amazing work
she's going anyway
I did some crowd control with the military, the real trick to bust up a mobs formation is to identify and remove the leaders.
Typically they will be leading a chant with a megaphone and will be surrounded by a group of dedicated supporters guarding them (known as pawns).
These leaders act like the mind of the mob, without them the mob loses its fixated attention point, group cohesion falls apart, and they become a milling group of individuals again, easy to spook and chase off by a concentrated effort. (These small fry make up about 95% of a group and are known as skirmishers)
You need to move quick though, the mob can develop a new leader and regain mob-mentality very quickly. In a mob setting humans are suprisingly quick at assigning themselves roles as leader, pawn, or skirmisher.
Ideally a formation of your group can break in, remove the pawns and leader, then turn on the skirmishers forcing them to disperse.
Im not real sure how valuable this knowledge is cuz it requires a lot of discipline and rehearsal, plus we always used shields, shotguns, tazers, gas grenades, and batons to achieve our purposes and civvies trying to use this knowledge wont have any of this stuff.
This is becoming a tradition for all of these altright people.
Here is how their tactic works:
They have controllers, spotters, photographers and attackers.
Be smart. Never let your guard down.
They also like grab and snatch tactic, Where they try to single out individuals and pull them behind their lines where their kids can then kick the shit out of the guy until opposite side saves him. They dont stop kicking when you are down, so its better to not get trapped and surrounded.
>tfw you live on the east coast so you cant fight any of these commie cucks
This is how attack went down few seconds after previous pic Both videos:
Long video with marking the target
Video of attack
I feel your disappointment, user. I'm in the same boat. Feels bad, man.
All I can do for now is keep on lifting and watch them get beat up in videos people post on Facebook and YouTube.
I am stalking Facebook for commie and antifa events so I can go and wait for someone to start shit with me.
FFS this was my captcha
Dont try to dox attacker here!
Faggot mods banned all people who replied in previous threads.
And antifa cucks try to hide their tracks.
We had been working on this for three days.
We need help to tip to the cops who this guy was.
So careful to not post any names, just screenshots.
You know where to find us.
Refer to Warren v. DC.
They were also ordered to stand down.
try Alex Jones' bulletproof vests
Weaponized autism strikes again.
Did they get a name yet?
Wait... so if they can't build any significant forces I red states. And we're blitzkrieging them in theyre own colleges with "the nature goy" and Nathan "slut killer" damigo
So we're actually on the offensive?
Wow, our grassroot cosplay armies destroy lefties who dedicated they're lives to plotting antifa attacks
Not yet.
But we are close.
And KEK signaled us through trips three times that we are on right track.
fuck, 4plebs is down so i can make screenshots of trips, but KEK is showing meme magic in outer heaven too
> fuck, 4plebs is down so i can make screenshots of trips
Here is a some information you can use if you want to utilize your autism.
bumping with /ourguys/