He's 81 years old.
German man testifies against the Jews before 10 years in prison
>not available in duitsland
see no evil
Funny, I can watch it.
Do you know where to get his books at?
because you're in Tel Aviv
I'm an antisemite.
This might be the last opportunity for me to address my German compatriots.
I am supposed to start serving my prison sentence on April 19, 2017, for another 3.5
years. I am 81 years old, and there are three more charges pending, and it's always
about the same thing: incitement - this time, to the disadvantage of Jewry.
So this is an opportunity for them to remove me from the public sphere without my
getting another chance to return to politics.
I would like to use this occasion to say a few things about this particular situation,
and what we are facing.
The reason they decided to put me back into prison was a talk I had given in
Ludwigshafen on January 9, 2017, which obviously hit the enemy; it angered him.
They are playing a game here, which has not yet come to the attention of the general
public at all. I had been sentenced to 10 years and 2 months in prison. Having served
two-thirds of my term, I am now entitled to be released from prison on parole, in
accordance with German law.
This decision was met in my favour by the responsible judge at Potsdam Regional
Court. In a written statement, he reasoned his decision by saying that my continued
imprisonment would be a violation of human rights.
And he also pointed out that: 1. he was apprehensive about the legal punishment of
so-called Holocaust denial, and 2. my sentence of 10 years and 2 months in prison
was completely out of the ordinary.
He drew a comparison to the penalties for rapists and murders, who get much less.
In other words, he was rather outspoken and daring, but his decision in my favour has
been revoked by higher authorities.
As a consequence, I am now to serve the rest of my sentence in confinement. The
enforcement of the sentence, then, has been interrupted only because I was unfit for
prison due to my health.
It started with the amputation of my left leg up to the thigh, which impairs my
walking in a major way now. Prior to this, there had been a series of health issues that
eventually led up to this amputation. All in all, I had been diagnosed with 21
ailments, including cardiac insufficiency, kidney failure, etc.
All of the doctors said: "He's not fit for prison."
pretty fucked up that we cant watch much of the vidya from germans here in germany but hey we have freedom of speach or dont we>?
Log in and set your country to United States,
We don't and never had in history.
based burger thy for transcripting this for us germanbros
already done a few months ago
Funny, I can just watch it, but when I log out it says not available in your country. Just google for a jewtube downloader website and download it.
Sweet home Allemagne!
The true unbreakable German spirit lives on in this man, a true hero. Hopefully he has managed to pass it on to the next generation
really warms my ovens
I don't particularly care for what he was to say but it is a fucking disgrace to put a man into prison for things he said. There is no free speech anymore nowhere in the world.
At least in America you are safe before the law, but if you are a wagecuck and say (((inappropriate))) things, (((people))) will come after you and you will get fired anyway.
there is no innocent diaspora, every single one of them is personally responsible for perpetuating this destructive and subversive lie
>Say Armenian Genocide isn't real
>Leftist applaud
>Say Holocaust isn't real
>Get sent to prison for longer than rapists
As an Armenian myself, this really fires up my neurons =^)
You have to go back
captcha: waco
>back to page 9 in less than 10 minutes
Is that the entire thing? Pretty short for a 15-minute video.
I love the obligatory 6 million at the end. Don't ever forget it!
looks good for 81
10 years for questioning a narrative in this (((free))) country...
The fact that the man stands by his word and doesn't repent for the sake of his personal freedom inspires awe even in the hearts of his cowardly enemies.
Maybe streets and schools will be named after him in 100 years, if the truth ever prevails in this god forsaken land
Just wow.
For someone who is 81 and in prison until recently he's looking quite good