How do I cough up the red pill and swallow the blue pill
I want to be an ignorant normie again
How do I cough up the red pill and swallow the blue pill
I want to be an ignorant normie again
Other urls found in this thread:
There is no going back.
You can't. You'll forever be one of us!
Remember, you are here forever
You will bear this burden for the rest of your life buddy.
Once you've been on the redpill for about 2 years, you really start to stop caring, this is after the stage where you want to just kill yourself and end everything
This is the first post on Sup Forums in about 6 months.
red pills are strong, and have a LONG half life, but once the withdrawals are over, info becomes easier to keep to yourself, you don't care if others are red pilled, and you just live life.
What I want now is a damn family, I could give a fuck if my neighbor knows about the jews
stop browsing Sup Forums, seriously. the content consumed here is mostly cherry picked and would drive nearly anyone to hate the world. go out, meet people, have fun. soon enough the truths you discovered will fade away.
full-frontal lobotomy, or suicide
That sounds about right, except this "knows about jews" part. They'll fucking get it for real this time.
Either get lobotomized or start watching BBC
Although you offer sound advice, you're basically saying, ignorance is bliss therefore it's better to be ignorant. Obviously it's OP's choice either way
Lead pill is the only way out
I am almost at 2 years can confirm for OP. First you get angry, then you get depressed and apathetic. Then you get bored. And the only direction to go is to swallow more redpill, exponentially increasing your awareness and ability to execute will.
at some point you get back to your life. youre just a little more miserable when you see non white raping white women and shit like that but for the most part its the same
also if you use this board correctly it can help you fight degeneracy in your life. you might end up happier than you were originally
Mixture of these three things. Been browsing for quite some time now and I've gone through those stages -but- it is crucial for you to not be a basement dweller and go experience the world.
Take what you read on Sup Forums, the entire Internet for that matter, with as much seriousness as you'd be willing to give your paranoid schizophrenic grandmother and come up with your own definition of the world.
The Jews though... I'm not sure, honestly, man. History is always told from perspective of the one telling it to you. But so are relationship problems, and its your job, all of our jobs, to listen to every side and find out where the truth meets in the middle. Nobody tells the whole truth, but everyone has a piece of it.
yes but you have to read some books. I just finished Stalingrad by Antony Beevor and it's opened my eyes to how overrated the Wehrmacht really was thanks to Hollywood movies and video games convincing Sup Forumsautists they were so formidable.
Also finishing a book now called "The War of Three Gods" about the three way war of Christianity vs Zoroastrianism vs Islam.
Once you start picking up books on topics you start realising how complicated things are and how uneducated Sup Forumslution truly is.
>reads his first 3 books in life
>hurr I'm so enlightened
Are you 12?
You misunderstood. These were my first few books related to topics Sup Forums discusses (Nazis and Islam). I actually read a lot of books but none are on the topics typically discussed by """""redpilled""""" autisms
>first few books related to topics Sup Forums discusses
>claims Sup Forums glorifies the Wehrmacht while everyone knows they ran out of ammo and fuel 3 weeks into the war
I hope you continue reading so that you will make useful contribution in the future, unlike most retards on this board busy with ecelebs and highschool level philosophy/sociology.
Agreeing with the leaf here on that last part. Having your delusions ripped away can be painfully, but ultimately truth should lead to building a stronger, better you.
I actually don't want to read history anymore I feel like I'm distracting from more important things in my life. I think I've learned the ultimate lesson already and that's that things in this world are extremely complicated and I'm better off trusting in what the authorities/experts in those particular topics are telling me. That would be the case in economics, history, geneticists, climate scientists, etc. Sup Forums would call it the ultimate blue pill but yeah that's my conclusion after being on this board for a few years while simultaneously reading books on discussed topics.
pic related is more accurate fyi
no, m8
we can't stop until the jews are exposed and hanged.
we press onward
And I didn't mention a big reason for taking the bluepill again. In some cases I read multiple books on the same topic written by guys that have studied those topics for 30+ years. And they had fundamental disagreements on conclusions drawn from almost the same evidence.
If guys studying narrow fields for 30+ years can't agree on a common conclusion then how the fuck are a bunch of degenerates educated by youtube videos and infographics supposed to know better? No thanks. If the world's expert historians are telling me 6 million Jews were killed in the camps then I trust the figures.
I started lifting recently after being a long time lurker. It makes the sadness go away. Godspeed op
you don't
no it isn't
become an hero!
I don't think you actually can. I became less racist spending a few months away from Sup Forums, but my outrage at forced diversity in media and general multiculturalism didn't fade a bit. I think it's one of those propaganda things that once someone points out, you never stop noticing it
Did you just draw that?
Seems fitting.
huff petrol like an abbo until your brain is hardly functional
Why would you want to go back?
drew it couple months ago during one of these type of threads
take the black pill and wait for the worst to go away
Tfw you are the last one.
stop visiting Sup Forums and find a distraction/hobby
>give up pill
Leaf has hit the nail on the head, I've actually become happier after a few years so on this board, and as bad as the world can seem there's something oddly amusing and absurd about it, and I like many Sup Forumslacks revel in it and have fun with it despite what degeneracy might be about
you are already
Last one is best one
I'm a Sup Forums user but ain't a nazi fag
It's easy actually. You just have to remember all the information that "redpills" you was created by autists and larpers. None of it has any factual basis other than thin citations from fringe internet sites that are less citable than Wikipedia. The only reason you let yourself be redpilled if because you identify with the politics, because these type of politics described as "redpills" are in fact identity politics designed to play on your feelings and not facts. You chose to believe these things because they make you feel better. Like people that choose to believe in god so they don't have to worry about death, it's a coping mechanism. No real information has been given to you so it's not hard to undo it, but first you have to decide to stop hiding from your real problems the personal ones in your own life that forced you to look for a coping mechanism in the first place.
I do it cause I'm bored af
And depressed
You can't. Get used to it, you're here forever
You have but two choices now, live with it or kill yourself.
Yess, yesssss. This guy gets it.
Hey, you need to achieve balance over all.
I complement what I see on Sup Forums with a lot of other sources.
What I love here is that people aren't afraid to discuss what they feel. Although that leads to shitfests 90% of the time the other 10% is really good.
Watch a ton of BLACKED porn.
>come up with your own definition of the world
That's feminism-tier philosophy.
Start posting on Reddit
You can still know and be more chill. Just stop being paranoid and rely on true intuition.
>I'm better off trusting in what the authorities/experts in those particular topics are telling me. That would be the case in economics, history, geneticists, climate scientists, etc.
Blindly trusting authority is a great philosophy.
>reads 3 books
>wow this stuff is complicated
>better stop reading and just trust what I'm told
The world needs more free thinkers like you
You need to get gang-fucked by a bunch of Brazilian tranny's then do a 4 year "humanities" course at some (((university))) and then go and get gang-fucked by a bunch of Brazilian tranny's again. After that you should be bluepilled again.
I'm better off trusting the authorities of the real world than the hivemind of pol. I actually read a lot of books, but these books taught me two things specifically which counters the narrative on Sup Forums to its very core
1) The Wehrmacht is massively overrated thanks to hollywood movies and video games, which ironically had a role in tricking Sup Forums on the reality of the Wehrmacht and the Nazis
2) Islam has never been a monolith of culture or values, it has constantly been changing since its birth
Remember, you're here forever.
Why was the Wehrmacht over-rated?
Because he read 3 books that said so and if you disagree then you're just a larping nazi stormfaggot mouthbreather gazing at infographs and facetious unsourced information all day long.
Don't think too much Nigel, let the experts do all the thinking for you!
Read everything, then decide what's good or not.
I come to Sup Forums for fun, desu. Of course you need to balance msm & alter-mainstream sources.
Sup Forums has a tendency to over-blow the stuff that doesn't go their way.
He's probably a paid shill or something.
Same as this guy
They've come out of fucking nowhere with the old fashioned,
>I'm one of you believe the opposite of what your friends think
I guess the kikes who hired their company for Facebook shitposting thinks we're a threat. All in all just fucking mock them, pose as them. They make themselves look silly but adding more to the fire is funny as all hell and they'll rage and writhe over it.
I don't think the JIDF will ever realize sending their shills is like sending nearly blind men to the eye clinic. The exposure ruined the last wave of JIDF and turned them into us whether or not they could stomach browsing.
Anyhow to answer the OP. Fuck no, you're stuck forever just like the shills here will be soon enough.
Stuck in the mindset between paranoia and comfort. Always questioning boldly where before you wouldn't have.
That is the redpill, and you can't cough it up if you wanted to.
>Yess goy keep being sad with that attitude the white race won't last a century ahahahaha
You all need to lighten up a bit. Think about what Hitler would say if he saw you so miserable and pathetic
No, feminists ironically take a parallel approach and blame men for everything (not that I don't think there's a Jew problem), they're bluepilled because they only target whites/men as it's socially acceptable.
Some nice looking numbers you got there
That'd be 3 more than you read you faggot.
Where to start?
1) they were really only pioneering in two technologies, assault rifles and rockets. The Allies were either a) ahead in everything else or b) decided it's not worthwhile investing in relative to other choices at their disposal. They were monitoring through spies the progress of the rocket program right up to the V2 rocket program for over a decade and all the Allied nations decided jet engines were too experimental so they focused on working designs.
3) The V2 rockets were a meme, they killed more factory workers than british and the program in itself was multitudes more costly than the Manhattan Project. It was objectively a useless thing for the war effort but Hitler thought it would win him the war
4) Wehrmacht tanks were shit. Worse than Shermans and T34 tanks by far. The wehrmacht would have been better of improving on the Panzer but instead they pumped out many prototypes of medium and heavy tanks and never focused on mass production and fine tuning. Panthers and Tigers were absolute shit, some of the worst functioning tanks of the war but Naziboos will try to tell you how awesome they were. Germans did train their tank crews a lot better though.
5) Soviet engineering was actually better. T34 tanks had light aluminium engines using diesel and the Germans attempted (and failed) to copy them). Copied other Soviet innovations like sloped armor.
6) The USSR didn't zerg rush or whatever nonsense. Actual combat casualties were closer to 1 German to 1.3 Soviet. It disparity in statistics comes from the amount of Soviet soldiers dying in POW camps.
7) Soviet battle doctrine was actually brilliant and the Germans were never able to adapt to deep battle doctrine. A lot of their generals would go on to write their memoirs blaming their failures on hitler but in reality they were never able to adapt to Deep Battle Doctrine which was basically the Soviet version of blitzkrieg
Palis and 1488-dubs.
Kek, Thoth, AND Hitler all in one post.
>Caring about what a failed dictator would think
He should have finished the job instead of ruining white pride forever.
I literally own a library and a bookstore you sniveling little turd.
Keeping memeing expert opinions though, it's cute
Saving this one
He'd probably start farting uncontrolably, snort a line of coke and kill himself again.
I can keep going.
But essentially what you take from it is that the Wehrmacht was essentially defeated in the first year of fighting the USSR. They lost all their experienced soldiers and officers while the Red Army was still in mobilisation and recovering from the purges, with the first T34 tanks arriving at the front lines, with the first experienced divisions from Siberia joining the battle, with the first time their new battle doctrines started to be implemented and factories came online which had recently been moved East. The Wehrmacht had lost all the best of the army about all this time before the Red Army even properly got going. It became obvious to the world that the Nazis would lose the war coming into the second year as they got bogged down in Stalingrad.
Oh please show me the books that contradict the common consensus please. Show me the books other than Icebreaker, the meme book you faggots always reference
I want to be redpilled how can I get it?
>Technology and production management issues
I concur.
>Hitler thought the V2 would win him the war
Do you have proof to back that up bud?
>Wehrmacht didn't standardize cost effective and battle effective tanks
I concur on this one as well.
In fact, Otto Remer remarked that the Germans were only producing 35 tanks a month in 1941 and 1000+ in 1944. I'm not going to go through the trouble of getting you a non anecdotal source so if you want to call bullshit go ahead but their production was suffering throughout the war.
>Soviet tanks were better designed
In ways yes, you're right about the engine and sloped armor. I'm going to need proof on that "Germans tried to copy them" thing though.
>Giving a bullshit Soviet k/d ratio
At most points in the war the Soviets lost more men than the Germans.
I'd imagine it got closer near the end sure but when the Germans rushed them the Sovies were getting ground up faster.
You have to remember despite the lend-lease and equipment manufacturing the Soviet conscripts were mostly yokels given rifles that were forced to charge the enemy across the field rather than fall back (thanks to their angry manlet commissars)
>Soviet battle doctrine was better
Yes, the old "charge at the enemy with your bayonets out or I shoot you" is a superb tactic.
be an unemployed virgin and blame your failures in life on the jews
Who /aspiring to be 3rd from bottom/ here, aka ironpill?
How is your conclusion trusting them when you've already discovered they disagree with eachother. What's interesting is which (((experts))) get (((promoted))) and which get ignored and it leads you to notice impossible to ignore (((coincidences))) on literally any historical topic you pick to delve into.
Browse here more. Ignore anyone telling you the redpill is stupid or giving ad hominems for people they consider "redpilled". Half of those are trolls and the other half are paid-call-center professional-Facebook-prop-poster-employees.
>Mob mentality
That's a dangerous doctrine. I'd suggest individualism to cure your life woes.
Yes, I will post pictures of my establishments on Sup Forums's Sup Forums because your opinion of me is important for some reason, excellent idea!
You are so smart and lerned, I desperately seek your validation and approval.
t. Sincere
I saw one the other day who kept suggesting he was 6 foot 2 and muscular and would "beat any of you nazis in a fight!"
In the same thread was another one who kept samefagging and even didn't know what it meant when told to shut the fuck up.
It was fairly entertaining.
I forgot which book discussed attempting to copy the Soviet engines. Put it this way, the later tank designs still kept the heavy steel engines running on petrol.
>kd ratio and battle doctrine
The first 6 months of the war and the POW's was where soviets had their biggest losses and the only time they were still using WW1 style human waves. Soviet Deep Battle Doctrine was effectively like blitzkrieg but included superior firepower because they had far more artillery and things like the Katyusha. The German lines were heavily weakened with huge losses from overwhelming Soviet firepower before their soldiers began storming the German positions. The KD ratio from the second year onwards was quite even.
This. There's the huge frustration part where basically everyone you've ever known thinks you've become a monster/idiot/etc, then some of those friends start down the road as well, most never traverse it long enough to get fully red pilled but you can remain friends anyway, and then there are those who just start OD-ing on blue pills and those drift away from your life. It's kinda sad, but then you realize that suddenly you're in a healthy stable relationship/marriage, and they are still single, lonely and miserable at the end of their 20s and don't understand where everything went so wrong and are growing more and more angry at the world for not providing for their needs.
You agree with the overall narrative but understand there are minor some minor details. For example, Operation Mars was a huge defeat for the Soviets with massive casualties, but there is disagreement on just how involved Zhukov was or Stalin was and there is an extra theory attached that it was always just a diversionary tactic for the immediate Operation Uranus which achieved a much larger victory. The experts sit in different categories.
No. The alternative is literally closeting yourself off to knowledge by being a faggot that says "I think therefore I am". You have to trust authorities when you're learning or you never get anywhere. I go to a historian for historical knowledge for the same reason I go to a dentist to look at my teeth and not my mate Jacko who is a plumber by trade but saw some neat videos on youtube on teeth
You didn't read the Terms of service and privacy policy of 4 chan? DID YOU?
You suck my cock and let me come in your open eye, you weak piece of shit.
>due to overwhelming Soviet power
Sounds to me like you read a prop book.
They had overwhelming numbers versus the spread out Germans. Keep in mind the Soviets had one front and a huge conscription percentile, the Germans had to keep pulling people out to deal with other fronts including Africa and Yugoslavia (Italy can be thanked for that blunder). Germans at that point had two choices, either retract lines if they can't take the strategic targets with what they have (Stalinigrad was a bad choice to target instead of Moscow DESU) or consolidate into a short line and risk having the Soviets march through the taiga to surround them. And even if they took Stalinigrad and Moscow, the Soviets would have refused to surrender and the allies would have still pushed from the other side.
It was a losing situation from the beginning.
Thanks for putting words into my mouth Chaim.
Don't think something just because a large number of idiots think it is what I'm saying. Always stay up on your research personally. Remember, PHDs don't make the doctor an infallible master of his study.
>ur a youtube conspiracy video watcher!!
That explains who you are.
Fucking /his/ reeeeeeeee