one day closer to the grand opening of the closing of the border
Accurate information on the US border wall
the wall design
The irony is it all could have been avoided if beaners weren't such shitty people ruining America
Soon it will be a touristic place in the future
Thats not the design, its just a generic stock image used by articles.
Or if Americans wanted to pick their own vegetables.
Don't forget all the other foreign nationals they wave through. Probably give them a satchel full of supplies & a pat on the back, when pointing towards the border.
Really, it all would have been avoided if Reagan hadn't given them amnesty. He basically said it was ok to cross into the U.S.
Were gonna give up the Rio Grande? Yall niggers are dumb and haven't thought this through at all.
You idiot, even if the rio was walled off, walls could have authorized, secured entrances for commercial and recreational purposes.
Reagan and HW bush already conceded to some form of amnesty in the primary debate.
IRCA aka Simpson–Mazzoli aka the Reagan Amnesty granted amnesty to 3 million, then had regulations on employment etc. (which of course was never enforced.)
The immigration cap was increased again under HW Bush with the 1990 INA, which also included the "Diversity Lottery".
There were slight restrictions(that weren't enforced as they should have been) under Clinton and Gingrich.
Pinning it all on Reagan is fallacious, when the system of legal immigration+birthright citizenship created the current situation.
Wall designs?
also link related, in pic related
Funding the wall
Why would an American farmer pay an American worker minimum wage to do backbreaking labor if he could pay a spic slave wages to do the same thing.
Should the American worker just live with the undercut and blatant subversion of the law?
No. They must go back.
I want a modern great Wall of China
man those concrete slabs are to scale?
damn, paco will have to find a comically oversized ladder and a spacesuit to cross.
>already underway
>kept secret to avoid faggots protesting and beaners rioting
>anyone who ventures near the wall gets arrested and housed until the completion of the wall
>anyone who speaks of the wall is fired and discredited
That's my guess. I'd imagine something similar to this happens when secret towns were being built around the 2nd World War.
Why not punish the companies that hire illegals?
It's part of a larger plan.
Yes, punish companies.
Yes, work on stemming welfare to illegals.
Yes, work on throttling sanctuary cities.
Yes, work on ending birthright citizenship.
Yes, work on slowing legal immigration.
Natural obstacles? Can I try my luck?
The Rio Grande is the problem. Over 50% of illegals come through the Rio Grande valley and the Trump admin has ruled out building the wall on US soil alongisde the Rio Grande.
“The border is complicated, as far as building a physical wall,” Zinke reportedly said. “The Rio Grande, what side of the river are you going to put the wall? We’re not going to put it on our side and cede the river to Mexico. And we’re probably not going to put it in the middle of the river.”
Democrats argued that Zinke’s remark implied that the administration was actively contemplating building a wall in Mexico, which would be both legally dubious and diplomatically problematic. But Zinke’s spokeswoman Heather Swift said this was a misreading.
“Secretary Zinke was talking about a combo of natural boundaries, fence, wall, towers, surveillance, etc. and regarding the river he was noting challenges that are being looked at,” she emailed. “He wasn’t proposing any policy.”
Mexico has refused to pay for it. And now, it appears, the administration is conceding that it won’t be an actual, physical wall along huge swaths of the southern border, at least for the Rio Grande portions.
>trump build 100% good wall
>wwiii breaks
>america gets nuked
>americans try to escape to Mexico
>no can do gringo
americans BTFO