Is he, dare I say it.... /ourguy/?

Reddit? kek

id suck a dogs cock if i ever got the chance.....

>not a scientist

How many /ourguy/s do we have?
>Leaf country

Bill Nye is a jew pushing the jew agenda

Ok I like Tuck but is it possible for him to not make that absolutely retarded face in every screenshot?

Bill Nye will eventually don the KKK hood and blast Neil Tyson for stealing his Reddit crowd

He's exposing the Jews?


I take some solace in the fact that none of this current retardation has retroactively ruined his old TV show.

It's still great for kids wanting to learn science and honestly it's the only thing this guy will be remembered for.

Really fires them neurons...

Wow you can't make this stuff up.

>Bill Nye
>Mechanical engineer
No, he decidedly is not /ourguy/.

>le reddit science man says a well-known expression
>he's /ourguy/

well meme'd. Takes more than that to receive /ourguy/ status

lmao. . . so many things incorrect about this.

he is not /ournye/

nice numbers^

/nyeguys/ finish last

>the sooner we embrace renewable energy sources, the sooner we can bring the military home


"Why do you keep sticking around like a we fart?"

Fuck off plebbit

Like what?

Where's 80's nigger science man?

It's curiously close to my fap face...

1. Global warming is a scam
2. There has never been a single war fought for energy sources.
3. Water will become more scarce than oil soon.
4. Renewable energy sources cannot replace fossil/nuclear energy.
5. Faggot.

Fuck him and Beekman

>Mr. Wizard
He may be dead but he will always be my go to science guy.


This is the same faggot who said there is no difference between races of humans.....This nigger honestly believes in evolution but goes and says this.

This cock guzzling faggot is not /ourguy/

You have no evidence. Asswipe

im not here to educate you retard.

>bill "global warming is directly causing islamic terrorism!" nye
are you, dare i say it... /retarded/?

I'm aware that your just here to shitpost you transnigger

check your flag reddit cunt

If anthropogenic global warming is true, surely we've passed the point of no return. And even if the world nations decide to do exactly as proposed, you still have to implement, and that can take years or decades, some acting faster than others. So what's the point?

you're only wrong about 4

proxy you transnigger. i can smell your stench through my screen

Literal nigger calling a mountain god a transnigger. to what lows will reddit faggots not stoop to.
no. im not. with the exception of the panacea of fusion reactors renewable (solar/wind/hydro) cannot meet earths demands especially with the looming fresh water shortage necessitating massive desalination operations

You win my swiss friend. Your dick truly is bigger than mine. I will return to my sub good day