>it was going to be a ceremony to remember the victims they said
>it was going to be nonpolitical they said
>Crazy sandnigger goes on stage praising multiculturalism and open borders
>crowd cheer him on
I feel physically ill watching this.
>it was going to be a ceremony to remember the victims they said
>it was going to be nonpolitical they said
>Crazy sandnigger goes on stage praising multiculturalism and open borders
>crowd cheer him on
I feel physically ill watching this.
Other urls found in this thread:
You deserve everything you get i have no sympathy for swedes
Her face looks like she's been run over by the truck
We've been indoctrinated in school and through our media. It doesn't mean we all deserve to die!
Why do minorities imitate nigger culture/ His clothes, his style of speech, his mannerisms, the way he stands, everything about him is a ripoff of rap posturing and bravado. Why does this always happen?
Be glad she's dead, she would become another leftie that would vote to import more sand niggers.
>dresses like a nigger
Style of the (((oppressed))) and closeted faggot race.
>its not out fault lol
i'm not clicking that shit
that cartoon made me kek
Its fucking disgusting they let that fucking sandnigger speak for those dead...
It shows how fucking diluted those countries are.
In the Netherlands its just the same.
They dont even see how retarded this is anymore.
They cheer it on.
This is why i dont live there anymore.
Its all faaar far away now.
I'm ashamed of my Swedish ancestry.
Please, Sweden, have hope.
why do all European countries try to copy the multiculturalism of the USA . it is truly mind boggling and pathetic at the same time
>minorities imitate nigger
>poorest class
>edgy teenager
>no school tier
>why do all white countries.
Fixed it for you m8.
And we all know why (((they))) do this.
So tolerant, Sven!
le BASED aryan master race
US has no public transit, public healthcare, public safety net, free college, high crime, etc.
The rich don't have to worry about such things. Their money shields them from both crime and having to rely on government services in a time of crisis.
But if the lower and middle class whites have no access to those things, and are being raped and murdered by foreigners constantly, it's easier for the rich because their primary competition (other white people) is too busy fighting for their lives to pose a threat.
A single turn of bad luck will wipe you out of the running for good here if you are not affluent.
We're too busy commuting two hours to work, paying off overinflated housing costs so our kids can go to a white school (which used to be free by default mind you, until 1960s), or begging their insurance company to authorize dad's chemo treatment to challenge the ever worsening status quo.
I wanted to post some ironical maymay but nah.
This just isn't even funny anymore. It makes me sick to my stomach.
>copy the multiculturalism of the USA
assimilation has been and remains a keystone of American immigration policy...
America is a MELTING POT of cultures...
100% NOT multiculturalism
>people cheering their own demise
Not even surprised anymore. And let's not pretend it's just Sweden that suffers from this mental illness, no western country is clear.