This board is toxic and brain-melting, but I cant stop browsing it, its like an unhealthy vice
H E L P !
Other urls found in this thread:
Drink purifying bleach.
Weak minded faggot
Kys Spicroach
Watch anime
Humans yearn for truth, the deeper you delve the harder it is to get out.
You're here forever.
You are now aware that the reason you are addicted is that you know you will not be censored, and that every other outlet you have for voicing yourself imposes on you significant censorship.
Its my only source of news, but I hate this neo nazi shithole so much
That's actually just the layer of filth that has built up over the years from lies being washed away. It also seems toxic because the truth hurts and you're not used to it.
Give it time and you'll feel better.
nah he'll mature eventually :)
DONT FUCKING LISTEN TOtry to buy as least shit pol says as possible. over 90% of all infographics and info posted here is fabricated.
You have to go back
this is very annoying thing to say. every fucking time someone says something wrong about pol
>u haev to go bac
And why should we listen to you?
Checkmate atheists
reaaly makes you think, doesnt it?
>This board is toxic and brain-melting, but I cant stop browsing it, its like an unhealthy vice
fuck off reddit
go to the cooking board and complain about jews there, that should fix it for you.
yeah this site is a fake news reactor
Before a month or two you too will be posting Franco memes unironically and scaring the shit out of your Podemita friends whenever you slip and reveal a bit of your power level.
This train has no breaks, friend.
Go ride a fucking rollercoaster kiddo
This is a place for only the most hardcore high test males
good, good
let the pill flow through you
It's a great read, here. And it is constantly updated. Every 15 minutes, it's something new. It is like the early days of vnnforum on steroids. You can call this place a hive of Internet toxoids.
That's good. Means you are getting stronger mentally. We are all proud of you
goddamn it, its true.
So how close do you sit to your router? is it 2.4ghz, 5ghz, or both?
pic related
bump. Ever wonder whos selling those new scoped 33ghz radar guns? A firm out of isreal.
Sup Forums is going to feed you on the Zionist pill whether you like it or not
You're here forever now.
Ah, the catalog featured this pic with ann frank.
Fuck off and watch the BBC then
1) Read/watch other news sources like Fox News, CNN, the New York Times, etc...
2) Browse online, unreliable yet sometimes true stuff on reddit & Sup Forums
3) Compare, check stuff, take the stuff you see here with a grain of salt because most of us are miserable neckbeards crowing for attention
4) have fun
Yup, free speech is remarkable here
>have fun
This is a big one. Never forget to have fun, even when things look and feel overwhelmingly grim.
I'm depressed and when I'm down, I go on Sup Forums. Takes things off my mind. True, some posts make me feel desperate, but then I also feel the urge to check this, confirm that with other sources, debate, etc...
Ive been here over a year and I still hate most of you fags
Start lifting, and eating right. Also, do NoFap for a little while.
That'll help the depression part, which is really just something that's happening in the body, and not in the mind.
Believe it or not, but I used to work out, and I was a very self-confident man before it happenned to me. So now those things seem aimless.
Come for the happenings, stay for the edgelords
yes be a good goy and attend college..nothing bad will happen
Because we Keep it Truth.
Once the other layers of your superficial brain melt, you are left with the tungsten core. A brain equipped to deal with basically any bullshit you see.
if you drink bleach in small dosages actually helps to clean your veins and bacteria on your system.
Feel stressed? Maybe you have some toxic organisms in your body that could be killed. Of course too much bleach will damage your good cells too
>This board is toxic and brain-melting
This board is loving and white. We love white countries, white families and white culture.
We also expose Kikery, which is in fact toxic and brain-melting, but you can only blame the Kikes for that.
Same thing happened to me, then I started lifting with reinvigorated purpose.
but don't just get /fit/
get A E S T H E T I C
Put. On. The. Glasses.
Yeah, I dunno. Perhaps it's just not the right time, but I've given up. Browsing the internet all day long is fine. *sigh*
The time is NOW, my friend.
Own the moment.
When you feel down, when you feel aimless, powerless, when you're like me, you just can't "own the moment". I used to, but I don't anymore.
chlorox my good man, chlorox.
chug the whole bottle, pure white mind,
never come back.
>The sky is blue
well duh, if you believe the stuff posted here without checking yourself you deserve to be stupid.
But it's a great point to sharpen your own ideas without the restriction of the normal overton window.
Also when people actually post sauce it can be pretty legit