What is Sup Forumss stance on psychedelics?
What is Sup Forumss stance on psychedelics?
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It's a good way out of this shitty modern world.
They can be used in degenerate and non-degenerate ways, just like any other drug.
Personally I doubt I would have ended up on Sup Forums without LSD.
>Personally I doubt I would have ended up on Sup Forums without LSD
Love em, love what i learn from taking them.
One thing that creeps me out, is that it feel like i'm in an MKULTRA experiment :s
Probably one of the most intense, life changing experiences possible. Non-addictive (LSD was shown to treat alcoholism, so it's anti-addictive in a way). Bad trips are scary, first time is always the most fun. If you have the patience and skill to brew your own alcohol, you will have no problem growing them in a small closet. In general do not do drugs if you are a gun owner, the punishments is much more severe if you get caught. If at all possible take the your "trip" with an experienced guide. It's the only drug I would ever recommend as something you can gain experience one time and be done.
agreed. LSD was a fantastic experience.. but everything in moderation.. don't want to reset the computer
cat stance
anyone here had a dmt breakthrough?
drugs are degenerate and you should all be gassed
They're useful tools to further your own perspective on reality and can cure depression, laziness, and delusion.
However you need to know what you're getting into first and not be an actual retard otherwise you're going to give them a bad name and get them banned :v)
Why degenerate? Is it because there's no Kosher tax on it?
People who dont do drugs are dangerous psychopaths who could kill you at any moment and get away with it by claiming temporary insanity. People who do drugs knows the path to whatever you would want as a person. Genetic failures fuck themselves up by overusing or simply because their brain was fucked from birth.
>People who dont do drugs are dangerous psychopaths who could kill you
Loved my trip on shrooms. They seem to be so fucking rare to find tho.
Today's Bicycle DAAAAAAAAAAAY! I'm about to dose on 2 or 3 hits.
Shrooms are the only ones worth doing. i've done acid, nbomes, and shrooms. Nbomes were really fun but they just aren't worth the risk of getting seriously ill
I've been able to work through some repressed shit with mushrooms and found empathy for past tormentors.
Studies have also shown that mushrooms can effect a significant mood lift that can last for weeks after even just a light trip.
They definitely have their benefits, just don't abuse them. Use them for self-exploration, not for simply getting off your tits.
See, the insane are rarely aware of their own condition. One would have to be downright batty to blindly fillow the rules...
Some people get a lot of benefit from getting off their tits, who are you to judge friend?
>blindly fillow the rules...
You're the kind of guy who thinks "everyone is an idiot but me."
because escapism is weakness and generates nothing while destroying your health. Getting wasted on drugs is literally the definition of degeneracy.
I've done drugs in my life, probably more than all of you faggots combined, and I'm not proud of that fact. I wish I could turn back time and spend my entire youth straight-edged like I have been for the past 3-4 years.
checked, but you are still commie scum that deserves the rope
They're great
My judgment is reserved for the conspicuous drug abusers who are obviously ruining their own lives and of those around them.
Yeah sure, let me just escape all my problems and live life on auto pilot. Wonder who would like me to do that?
Everyone should at least try them. If you don't try them you are not qualified to deny their benefits.
I tried lsd. felt like a had an angry ball of bees in my stomach. wasn't for me.
They're opiates that stop people from solving their problems
>I've done drugs
This discussion is about psychedelics, not meth or heroine or weed or whatever you claim to do.
find god thru field shrooms
You are actually retarded.
If drugs are used to escape reality you're a degenerate. Drug use should be used sparingly and to gain a deeper or different insight into yourself or the reality in which you exist. Escaping reality because it sucks is exactly what (((they))) want you to do, because it means you aren't working to fix the problems -- not in reality as a whole or in your own individual lives.
It's time to wake up, Neo.
It's the ONLY drug I would recommend besides wine and spirits and occasionally caffeine. No weed, no opiates, no beer, no sugar, no video games, no porn.
If you think psychedelics are lazy, goofy fun escapism like smoking pot you have obviously never done them.
>psychedelics aren't drugs, man
I hate hippies like you. I fucking HATE the scum that has been dragged in to Sup Forums since the election
Hah, I think you are projecting...
I did acid before most of you kids were born. I was eating amanita muscaria before DMT even existed
based leaf
Can't believe people are on here advocating illegal drug use. Fucking nu-Sup Forums
Well, that is reasonable.
You got some major repression going on friend...
>they're opiates
What did he mean by this?
No matter how great my setting is, great friends environment etc I always get thick anxiety on the come up, thoughts like why the fuck did I take this, no going back, this is super self reflective, I didn't know I was this insecure, this is scary. But I understand this is the mind identifying weak points so the sober mind can sharpen them. Arguably the most important part of the whole trip.
In no conceivable world are drugs ok. Degenerate to the core.
How many times do you guys want to talk about this on a daily basis?
Who outlawed the drugs? Traditionalist Europe didn't ban most drugs, it's largely a modern phenomenon. We all know who controls the (((modern))) world.
If kikes were really pushing psychedelics to the goy why wouldn't they just legalize them and advertise them on TV like all the prescription shit?
They're great if you do them sparingly.
Meh I don't agree with the first trip is always the most fun. Every trip I have is always better than the previous one.
I "escape reality" because what you think of as some solid, objective thing, I know as only am insignifigant aspect of what is really out there... Escape really isnt the right word you know...
Guess you should throw out all your coffee then.
>I don't know what psychedelics are
Where did I say they weren't drugs? You were generalizing. Experimental psychedelic usage is different than the shit you've claimed to do. If anyone needs to fuck off, it's you.
>hurr 3 years sober
>I fucking HATE the scum that has been dragged in to Sup Forums since the election
I guess you should leave then.
over rated
>he doesn't shoot shit while tripping
Been here longer than you faggots. Sorry you are too much of a pussy to explore your own head...
i wouldn't buy blotters off some dirty gypsy handling them with her bare hands
metaphor m8
Drop some of that weight friend, and it will likely be a more pleasant journey!
>never done ayahuasca
What you get out of psychedelics depends on your IQ going in, if you become a hippy then you should kys
Personally since I was able to think without utilizing language, psychs gave me a new respect for linguistics and psychoanalysis.
It can give users schitzo tendencies but that can be harnessed as a way to change habits and behaviors if you aren't a retard
Breddy fun if you're in the mood for them.
Ego death is not supposed to last after the effects wear off. Please seek help.
>asks for stance on psychedelics
>spergs out when he gets one
LSD is basically satanic, all other psychedelics are Ok though.
>shit you've claimed to do
at the time of your post, I didn't claim to do anything you complete fucking moron.
Later in the thread I claimed to have done acid and shrooms, psychedelics.
You are a fucking dumbass and drugs are making you stupid. Please learn to read, read through the thread, wallow in your own stupidity and reflect on the utter failure you have become and strive to fix it.
degenerate shit. only scumbags to drugs.
LSD or Acid is a garbage psychedelic.
Shrooms will work on you , but only if you´re willing to let it happen, otherwise you´ll end up es a dumb hippy
Probably shouldn't hold all those sheets of Lucy like that. That's what I think.
say no to anything that messes with your mental state
Significance is a matter of scale retard, if it's insignificant than you are admitting it's on an objective scale
I understand. But consider this:
>A portal opens right in front of you
>You can see "true reality" on the other side
>You step through
Are you in true reality? How can you be sure that this false reality didn't generate the illusion of the portal and you're still trap inside of a false reality? Even if you happened to escape into whatever true reality is, you wouldn't be able to know for sure you arent just being tricked by the System.
So with that in mind, you might as well consider this reality "true reality" because it's the one you exist in most of the time.
>can't even handle a fake reality
>thinks he deserves to be in true reality
Escapism is defeat.
I don't drink coffee. Also, thing is not black and white. Think about the goal of drinking coffee against the goal of taking psychedelic drugs.
You haven't hit ego death then... That experience does not go away. I assure you I am perfectly functional. Long term employment, girlfriend, 2 dogs... I am really nice to everyone I meet, even if they are not. I know I am not more important than anybody else.
no to the jews.
Too pussy to befriend your inner demons, Justin?
psychedelics are a gateway to the true redpill. dissociatives. mxe in extremely particular. prove me wrong.
Bet they got a good buzz off of doing that!
>If drugs are used to escape reality you're a degenerate. Drug use should be used sparingly and to gain a deeper or different insight into yourself or the reality in which you exist.
Pretty much this. Any institution with a violent monopoly in authority has an absolute need to (((shut down))) psychedelic use because it reminds you that you're not a body, you're something more having the experience of a body and a co-creation.. a social construct, in which free will and natural laws exist as counterbalances.
indeed Frenchbro always say no to the Jews
>before DMT even existed
So, you're at least a billion years old then?
Fucking leaf
Wow you are testy and arrogant. Insignificant as in less than .01% of what makes up whatever everything is. You need to take the 10 dicks out of your ass and consider the possibility that you don't know jack shit.
Yeah... I puked up shit I had eaten 3 days prior when I took nbomes. The my face melted for like 2 days. Brutal shit. Tripped face, but i wouldn't do it again.
I don't like the way people seem to act as if they have no penchant for abuse, but they're definitely in the top tier of drugs (along with MDMA)
Although research chemicals for the most part (especially NBOMe series ones) are absolutely vile.
Do you understand what one over infinity entails?
also i might add, the underground satanic/communist/marxist movement hates HATES HATES psychedelic users.
churchofsatan com /docs/CS-Active-Application.pdf
go to their site and look at the application, ctrl-f "drug".
they want you to be a slave to your material senses and desires and intellect.
as I repeatedly stated, I was young and stupid, like most guys, and I experimented with various psychedelics as a youth. Upon further thought and reflection, and mostly just maturing and becoming an adult, I realized that drugs are for losers and should be avoided at all costs, same with alcohol and tobacco.
You can all do what you want, but if you do drugs past the age of 18 you are a failure at life and deserve to be lined up and shot Rodrigo Duterte style. No matter what your drugs make you think about yourself - the fact is that civilized human beings consider you to be degenerate junkies and they are absolutely right.
the place it takes you is on a different frequency than other psychedelics.
there's a quip i've heard from a whistleblower from the music industry that reported that 2 different bands took LSD and gave them the same song that came from a demonic entity that gave it to them during the trip.
there's also the people who pushed it. it has its agenda, like the normalization of homosexuality.
>you're something more having the experience of a body and a co-creation
>free will and natural laws exist as counterbalances.
>I know that reality is less than .01% of what really exists
>you're arrogant for pointing out how full of shit I am
that's a long time to achieve nothing. such luck.
It was reasonable to believe that your hardcore drug abuse was not limited to the class of drugs under discussion. Furthermore you were vague to refer to it as "drugs." You seem upset so I will let you be butthurt with your opinion and leave it at that. I think it does bring up an important caveat, clearly if you are young, say under 25, you should wait to do anything that messes with brain development so you don't end up maladjusted like this fellow.
>I know I am not more important than anybody else.
Never mind you are completely fine and 100% correct.
psychedelics is for morons. Why would you take something that can make you insane?
i heard horror stories about lsd and mushrooms. people who had their minds shattered, etc. i had a good friend who was very intelligent and sensitive, but he was utterly broken. he did a lot of psychedlics in washington, and blames those experiences for much of his problems.
then i got ahold of some lsd, and rather than blow my mind with it by eating 15 tabs, i took < 100mg each time, and had great experiences that really helped me to challenge the framework of my perceptions.
with the right approach, psychedelics can really change the way peopl eexperience existence for the better.
hot dogs?
They are both tools when used correctly, the girl drinking a starbucks frozen lattee is comparable to the hippy tripping in a crowd for fun. I only trip when i am a cross road in life. I get no pleasure from it but i gain alot of knowledge