

Whites are the Chosen people of God, True Israel and Jesus came only for us. Non-whites hate this.

Spoken like a true kike

Both but the nation of islam teaches that whites are a product of the devil.

Jews are Edomites and the offspring of Satan as Jesus Christ tells them at John 8.

>Choose one
Why not both?

Of course what he did is unethical, but what do you think made the black guy hate whites?

He obviously faced discrimination for being a black guy in a racist America where police brutality is rampant.

I reprimand his actions, but this shit happens when racism against black people goes unnoticed.

Both. He posted online about wanting to kill white people, then screamed Allah Akbar when he gunned people down.

mixed motivations

he is also nuts
the killer trifecta

What makes him hate whites is the constant brainwashing from the likes of Al Sharpton so he can stay rich peddling victimhood propaganda.

Waiting for this to be deleted. Multiple threads about the Fresno shooter were insta deleted last night. Couldn't find one up for more than 3 mins

>spotted the shill

Racially but he thought screaming allahu dindu would make him look less terrible

No, it's likely the mass amounts of discrimination black people face. You know the water problem in Flint Michigan? If that happened in a white neighborhood, the problem would have been fixed in a month.

I am not a shill. I am actually a white nationalist. I just hate seeing racist shit going on in the black community.

Water in Flint, Michigan? That's your example?
Here is a picture of their mayor.

Try again.

Bro, it's not the mayor who is responsible for this crisis. Mayors don't have the powers to extract federal money to pay for these predicaments.

The governor of Michigan and the president of the United States have done little to nothing to fix this problem.

>I just hate seeing racist shit going on in the black community.
Where? What laws or companies or governments here exist here that specifically aim to be racist.
Where are the weekly meetings and seminars on the black community that end with "and remember to be racist today"
Where is the jim crow like public attitude that demonize blacks?
I don't know what you see but here I see exactly the opposite. Blacks are given outlandish praise and their faults are ignored.
Diversity is practically forced on us with affirmative action and other programs.
Where is this racism that you speak of?

Black people are raised to distrust people that aren't black. It's in the music they listen to, the education they recieve in public schools, and the sermons they hear in black churches.

>If it ain't black, It's wack!

Look up the guys twitter. Full of comments of other blacks spewing hate.

Look at any black person's twitter or social media, for that matter. Full of hate towards white people or at least some mention of how they were slighted (usually just someone saying ghetto or something innocuous like that) that require an essay by them of how they were wronged.

Me. I've done anything to any black person, yet I've been robbed with a gun in my face twice by some black teen, all the while him calling me whatever blacks think offends white people.

I don't necessarily want to oppress black people, but I sure as Hell don't want to risk getting shot by one. Same reason I leave snakes alone.

If you live around lots of black people (my city is 70% black) you'll understand.

I'd be perfectly happier if they didn't exist, though. I'd still be cautious of strangers, but at least that vile HipHop and the loud screetching that they do in packs would end.

>WTF, I realized I do hate niggers

It happened because the nigs that run the city were corrupt and didn't have the money to buy water from the corrupt nigs that run Detroit.


Race is based on biology.

Why should they?

Like lead poisoning would appreciably effect a niggers brain where one could notice.

Those nigglets will be dead by 20 anyway.

Why worry about shitskins that have no value?

Same stuff happens in Africa. Are they racist to their own people?

No. They just don't know how to run anything.

There's a reason why they were still chucking spears and Europeans had rifles.

Primarily racial.
This guy converted to Islam because he hated whites and Christianity is mainly the religion of whites. Islam is anti west, anti Christian, anti American and covertly anti white. It's an Arab cultural supremacy ideology.

I think autists and people with low social intelligence hate black people the most because they don't pick up hostile body language and take what blacks say at face value. This isn't a defense of blacks, the adage "around blacks never relax" is very true. You have to be more alert and perceptive if you want to deal with blacks and not get fucked over, so it's easy to understand why people just don't want to deal with at all

its both

>what is Nation of Islam