>Bill O'Reilly rapes women
>Trump shills spending billions of dollars to sweep it under the rug
>Doesn't work
Bill O'Reilly rapes women
>rapes (((women)))
If I were broke, I'd take 10 million $ to make up a false irrefutable claim as well. Remember, the people behind this are worth Billions. $10m to one crackhead to make up a lie is nothing.
>it's not rape if a Republican does it
Man, you Reddit shills are stupid.
It's not false I'd he did it.
Inb4 someone used autocorrect as an argument against logic.
But where's the proof? Some sheboon said so? Yeah women would never lie for money and attention that's crazy
Oh, but as soon as it's a black person, he automatically did it? The burden of proof is now on you. Prove he didn't do it.
How much is O'Reilly paying you to shill for him? Is Reddit paying you too?
>Sup Forums gets BTFO
>they then immediately proceed to run and hide
It's pathetic, really.
Yeah, but they came from Reddit. You didn't expect them to be able to argue, did you?
Ok. Seriously. Why is Sup Forums so scared right now?
You seem upset, friend. Are you mad that your hero has been exposed as a sexual predator?
How much you wanna bet he doesn't go anywhere
>he thinks Trump supporters like Bill O'reily
>it's not rape if it didn't happen
Never met one that didn't.
Prove it.
Burden of proof lies with the accuser, it's that while "innocent until proven guilty" thing we have here. Contrary to what liberals want, America's legal system DOESN'T actually subscribe to the Nazi philosophy that the accusation is a bad as the crime.
You mean he gets rehired before his next scheduled broadcast or what?
Good, fuck that neo-cuckservative.
He did more damage to republicans by promoting liberal ideas as "moderate, reasonable" among conservatives.
He wants an assault weapon ban and believes states should be able to ignore the second amendment if they see fit to.
He's a liberal infiltrator, good riddance
Not in 2017 it doesn't.
If you're a man, you have already harassed women whether you know it or not
There's enough evidence that Fox News there out their biggest money grabber. Funny enough, however, you claim every day how black people kill, Rob and rape while providing no evidence other than "nigs gon nog." So, no, the burden of proof lies on you, based on the logic you have during any other situation. Prove he didn't do it. I'm waiting.
>He wants an assault weapon ban
Like Trump?
>If you're a minority, you have already harassed whites whether you know it or not
No one cares about that neo-cuckservative, glad he's gone.
>opposing states' rights
The only lib here is you.
no the proof is in the fbi released statistics
i dont have them saved but blah blah 13% population 40% or 50% of the crime blah blah
Truth flows from this anons mouth.
>joke's on you! I never liked him! Hehehh....
Which proves that the justice system is biased towards blacks. Thank you for proving my point.
States don't have the right to restrict freedoms granted by the Constitution, which is the only reason cunts and nigs are allowed to vote in several states.
The interpretation of the constitution is determined by the courts.
also in America its innocent until proven guilty so again no matter what autistic thought reverberates in that cucumber you call a brain ITS THE ACCUSERS JOB TO PROVIDE PROOF. IF YOU GET RAPED IMMEDIATELY GO SEE A DOCTOR TO HAVE IT VERIFIED. Its like none of you retarded cucks read "To Kill a Mockingbird"
As a matter of fact, my biggest issue with DVRing Tucker Carlson is having to either fast forward or listen to the end of O'reilly's drivel.
Then why is it that when a black person is accused, it's automatically rape? Did you even read "To Kill A Mockingbird?" Just admit that you have a double standard.
this better be sum gud bait
>admitting to watching Fox News
I wish I had more laughing pictures saved up.
>providing b8 to a serious argument
I can't tell who's dumber, republicans or canadians.
You watch m8, when that cunt Ginsburg dies and is replaced by a conservative there'll be a case and ruling saying states can't restrict shit regarding the second amendment.
They'll also rule demi-Marshall law, but whatever.
kike rapes kike and kikes defend that kike from other kikes.
welcome to america.
innocent until proven guilty sees no color. IF THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT SOMEONE RAPED SOMEONE ELSE IT PROBABLY HAPPENED. If there is no evidence its called an accusation. Which is why we believe innocent until proven guilty so ACCUSATIONS dont ruin lives as much as they already do.
Where our president is the firmest supporter of kikes. B-b-but he's different though.
Funny, in the book that YOU BROUGHT UP, there was plenty of evidence that the black man was innocent, yet in the end, he was found guilty because he was black.
>Not watching Tucker Carlson
It's like you hate fun or something. A fan of (((CNN))) or, worse, the ((((((BBC))))))?
>Fox News is more accurate than CNN
Sup Forums on full deperation mode!
no they don't if u truly believe that you are retarded. Everyone faces some form of discrimination and some face more so than others but to believe that today there is a systematic hate towards blacks and blacks alone is retarded.
States can't ignore the constitution.
Or should freedom of speech be a "states issue"?
*desperation, I think you meant. Naw, both are shit, Fox is just occasionally entertaining.
Enough for blacks to be convicted of half the crime in the US while only being a fraction of the population. If you don't believe it, you're retarded. The justice system works on method of profiling (which Sup Forums supports). At this point, you're just ignoring plain facts that are right in front of you.
no, but I will say you used the operative word there
DID he do it? do you KNOW? if not, it's probably best to let the courts litigate the matter and wait for released evidence.
So you believe that the courts make the right verdict?
you cant prove a negative you monoloid
nice banter, I really like when you called people kikes
they get convicted more because they commit more crimes, you cant be this stupid unironically.
>I couldn't have been here, because I was there at the time the supposed crime took place
Just did, monoloid.
show me all the cases of false documents and biased arrests and again if u can't its just a conspiracy theory you created because (say it with me): The government you are accusing of being biased is innocent until you can prove it is guilty of being biased.
Bill O'Reilly is a fucking cuck anyway, who gives a shit about him anymore?
Prove it. Prove that blacks commit more crimes and aren't just prosecuted for more crimes. I'm waiting.
google your countries crime statistics from a government website and there is your answer
are you actually retarded
what you just said made absolutely zero sense
>implying a cop is going to admit to profiling when making an arrest
>implying a juror is going to come out and say they were a racist the whole time, especially when it could lead to a prison sentence
The only thing we have to go by are statistics, which show that blacks are prosecuted far more than whites. It's not innocent until proven guilty. It's "We have more guns, so what we say goes."
>Enough for blacks to be convicted of half the crime in the US while only being a fraction of the population
That can't possibly be because they commit more crime, no sir! Yup, whenever a white person robs or murders someone the police apologize and let them go
Yes, it proves that blacks are maltreated by my country's judicial system. Thanks for clearing that up.
Probably because you have no reading comprehension.
na hes actually retarded its either a bait thread or some shill invading pol logic does not work on unintelligent people
so post it or give me a link
>Yup, whenever a white person robs or murders someone the police apologize and let them go
Prove that there is no such case of that happening. I'm waiting.
Both repubs and demo's are gonna get it
Are you seriously trying to argue that black crime statistics aren't significantly higher than average?
Ever been in a black neighborhood?
Yes. Whites just get away with it more, both in interactions with the police and in court settings.
Used to live in one. Funny, never been robbed, mugged or raped.
>trusts allegations before they are heard in court
>does not trust allegations that are proven in court
You are ass-backwards
>inb4 op says its all a conspiracy against them or
>prove they really did it
im still waiting for my proof mr OP
Just listen to black "music"
It's 100% crime-related and glorifies murder, pimping, and stealing.
Why did you make me find this just to prove my point?
Your proof of blacks committing crimes is music? How can people think this way? Are you religious?
You think we like O'reilly? LOL
>Whites just get away with it more
No they don't. Stop spreading bullshit because the facts don't fit your agenda.
I've seen him shilled here enough times. Do you suddenly not like him now that he's been fired?
Says the guy who unironically used music as a source.
>not seeing who wrote the report
Have you been b8ing this whole time?
is one person
Are you saying that there are suffering differing opinions within Sup Forums? Are you saying that Sup Forums isn't a hivemind echo chamber?
>hourly threads that are contradictory to each other
>pol is a hivemind echochamber
That's some strong bait, lad. "Here's my retarded claim with nothing to back it up. PROVE IT WRONG or else it's a hard truth!"
/ptg/ almost universally hates him, what are you talking about nigger
O'reilly is a neocon faggot, we never liked him.
>gets called out for being a shill
Anyway, here's your proof.
No the proof is in the numbers which you reject. Since you operate off emotion and anecdote I was showing you evidence you can relate to.
>thread is either 100% Republican or the OP says something not Republican and is hounded by everyone else in the thread
See: this thread
I like that shills are pretending Sup Forums are O'reilley fans, when we've been making fun of the guy on here for a decade.
>cops take precautions at a demographic more likely to harm them
really made me think
>let me use this one obscure source that really doesn't relate to my argument at all but im posting a source so they have to believe me now
Are you insane? If you commit a violent crime like robbery or murder the police are not going to look the other way no matter what race you are. If blacks are getting arrested for a lot of violent crime it's because they're committing a lot of violent crime