Why is it that top tier women are almost always leftists?
Is there a good explanation for this sort of thing?
Why is it that top tier women are almost always leftists?
Is there a good explanation for this sort of thing?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Top tier women
It's true though. I can't tell you how often I encounter this at my college.
Pic unrelated I hope
Post pics.
This. Joke I am guessing
Your pic aside.
Marxism. Womens brains are highly susceptible to it.
Any more of this sexy fatty?
Could have posted someone like Scarlett Johansson or Charlize Theron. Instead posts a hamplanet. This is bait.
In Turkey all the top tier women are Islamists.
>Posts shit tier
Most women are pretty apolitical. Women that are heavily into politics are likely to be ugly if anything.
Because all the men of that shit generation that surround them are fucking cuck faggots, thats why.
>posting a cow complete with double chin and nose ring
third post best post
Women on a scale from 1 to 10
Hardcore leftists or hardcore rightists
Balanced, more traditionalists, non feminists, etc
Feminists on the outside, moderate on the inside
Can go both ways.
With rising ugliness, extremism rises too.
That fucking ring in nose is easiest way to let everyone know you are massive slut
you have shitty taste OP thats why
They are not top tier.They are the dregs.Who the fuck wants to try having a kid with someone who believes that fathers don't have the same rights to custody as women?
So they are what? Easy to get a fuck off? So like a scummy hooker but with risk of rape accusations.
Leftist women are lower than untouchable to any sane man
Women don't like confrontation and lefty is the default socially acceptable position because all of their positions "help people." Women also always conform to groups. It is the easiest and most thoughtless position to hold since it takes no effort to understand at face value. Free from government = good. Drugs and gayness = good.
pic related i assume?
Lol nahtttttt they are just easy i love a right wing blonde blue eyed big titted bimbo always
top tier of a bmi chart
Conservatism is inherently masculine.
Inner beauty reflects in inner beauty...
>Why is it that top tier women are almost always leftists?
I don't know, why would a bunch of narcissists vote for a party that tells them they're entitled to everything they take?
Green hair =poison
Bull nose ring = risky and promiscuous
Slut face complete w/ dead eyes with no gleam.... need I go on?
submitting to a blue haird freak female social cult is the same as submitting to a magic sky daddy cult
tradcons are feminists with a layer of "BUT IM REALLY IN CHARGE THOUGH I SWEAR" slapped on it
Politics are unrelated to beauty as an ideal no matter which way you look at it.
You had me confused for a moment, so I'll give you 3/10.
>Top tier women
>posts 240lbs/10
>Green hair =poison
Colored hair is beautiful.
Its easier to be sophisticated rather than natural.
Top tier women don't have a political affiliation of their own but subscribe to whatever gives them the more benefits. Since hating on anything even remotely right wing is a free pass for everything -thx jews- being a leftist is what gains them the most peer praise and befits.
>pic unrelated
10/10 on usa
Because good women are emphatic.
The right-wing attention-whores are pretty much "l-look, I'm tough like you guys!!"
If you're trying to shill, post actual top tier women. Not some blue haired harpy.
"college" this should explain it.
>Top tier
>Posts a fatty
Alright. Here's another example. Another top tier woman at my university who's a leftist.
Why is this?
>top tier
Does not compute
This, it's not even attractive; nose rings look fucking ugly.
Strength in group, it's in media so either subconscious or by choice girls will be joining the rope line
Not on left land
Apolitical or Extreme left
Usually left wing feminists/career women
Ugly women are just shit on so much they try to be super nice to compensate or just go all out feminist.
Average women however fall for the 'career equals happiness' meme more than any other group, most of them will die alone with dogs.
in beautiful body beautiful mind
Generally the more attractive a woman is the stupider she's going to be.
Okay, now you're trolling.
Terrible taste. Honestly dude
that's a Biffa if I ever saw one
10/10 would warbride.
Everyone's entitled to a shit opinion. She won't be too pretty and smiley once she calls you a disgusting cis male though, goy.
Teaching them young
It's beautiful to fuck. You couldn't ask for a better sign that she'll do anything you want in bed.
Also couldn't ask for a better sign that she's top tier crazy and would make life hell if you were anything serious.
Top tears
6/10 would one night stand
He's probably ugly and finds 'obtainable' women attractive. Average women are overwhelming left wing, kinda such because most men are average too.
Money. Funded by (((them)))
> top tier "woman"
> that fucking whale
> cheks flag
> makessensenow.jpg
Since you fags keep whining about weight here's another top tier chick from my uni who isn't "fat".
Some serious space between those eyebrows. Most likely lashing out against society, feels pressure to fit in, and joined in with the mob lefty mentality to be accepted... like moldilocks..
Haha the shills are in hyperdrive today
you have to be black, no way you can be white and think that's top tier.
She is fat and will be even fatter. She is statistically overweight in this image
>top tier lol
But siriusly, women seek confirmation of opinions and never strive to have ideas that stray from the group, whatever group they are part of. So, if they are at a college, they're likely to be leftists. At a church, more religious, etc. This has to do with how women survive. They can survive invasions of other cultures, etc because they go with the dominant prevailing ideas. They've done this for thousands of years and no matter what they really think, they will continue to do this for thousands more.
Be a man, suck it up. Who cares what women think.
Also, sort yourself out, Bucko!
Top tier woman. Right, and you look like pic related?
You have a fetish for fuck ugly bitches?
>top tier woman
>blue hair
>facial piercings
LOL not even close. 0/10 would not bang
>top teir
That bitch fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch going down.
You're funny.
Lol. Are all the women at your college this ridiculously ugly?
Can he suck 3 dicks at a time?
I mean, thats what he's implying.
> top tier woman
> posts literal pig
Really fricks my frackers, OP
Because leftism supports and promotes women being sluts. Women are naturally sluts, so they gravitate to leftism because it doesn't shame them for doing something that IS SHAMEFUL. Plus, leftism doesn't mock women for getting bogus liberal arts degrees.
>top tier
Like a spinning top? Can't stay upright without someone else giving them a spin/push.
Majority of women are apolitical and just follow mainstream social trends, most of which center around Hollywood, which is controlled by leftist kikes, so these women just imitate the culture they are socialized in.
College women are basically the same except they get sucked into the obscurantist poststructuralist intersectional queer-Marxist rhetoric of Professor Schlomo Goldsteinberg
There is nothing wrong with the women I've posted!
Because feminism and far left views are the future?
The patriarchy has to be destroyed in order for humans to flourish into the future, and mainly women to prosper. The shift of power is occurring.
It's not the cavemen days or pre modern civilization anymore.
A matriarchal society values safety and value for all people. To go further into progress , men have to be stripped of their power and re conditioned to serve the better interest of humans.
Socialism and feminism and the matriarchal paradigm are great things and it warms my heart every day to see the younger generation warming to this movement so that the future can be made better once the patriarchal institutions lose their power and grip.
>top tier
Statistically, most women are leftists anyway.
Leftism is fashionable
Women try to be fashionable
That's why winning cultural war is so important
>Implying a leftist can ever be top tier
It's more than what is fashionable.
It's a moral imperative that feminism continues its rise for the betterment of society.
Literal shittier*
>all of them took the bait
jesus christ
What the fuck did you seriously shilled yourself? You're far from good looking you know?
I'm embarrassed for you what the fuck.
This is so fucking cringy...
If that trying-and-failing-at-hiding-fatness is your top-tier, I'm sorry.
they work for leftists who in turn write their checks. 2 + 2 =
because : most women are leftist by nature ( they just exist and demand / expect everyone serve them )
and because of affirmative ( = anti-human rights of men ) action.
otherwise they wouldnt.
women need the help of men for literally everything.
they are a failure of nature.
their only real use is for sex and producing children.
everything else could not ever been confirmed in scientifical studies.
and no, thats not a joke.
Sorry chink here, which part of screaming yelling protesting and condescending is empathetic.
Thats all i see in your media despite it being sugar-coated.
You can keep your blue haired fatties