Why don't you believe in Jesus Christ?
Why don't you believe in Jesus Christ?
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but I do. I even have that icon above my bed in my apartment.
I want to, but why is the world so fucking strange and abstract?
Like what the fuck, how did Sup Forums even end up being a thing under the guidance of God?
because he doesn't believe in me
Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.
This bait
He literally gave you life user. He loves you more than anyone ever will.
>guidance of God
We have free will.
i am not an idiot
feels good to be an atheist
What books have shaped your point of view?
> atheist
> not an idiot
Pick one.
desu it's all too ridiculous to be true and the doctrine is instituional cuckoldry written by a literal pharisee
I appreciate everything Christianity has done for Europe, but the religion itself can suck a fat chode
>Worshiping a kike on a stick
I do and my flag is a cross so I have huge cross above my bed
>desu it's all too ridiculous to be true
which part?
God just watches human beings do weird shit
>Why don't you believe in Jesus Christ?
Sup Forums sees Jesus as "not white enough" and prefers worshipping African snake gods instead.
I do but not in that catholic version you posted
how about the part where his mother gets knocked up by a spirit and the one where he dies and is resurrected
and all the tiny little miracles he squeezes in between those two events
I do
He was a rich, Jewish priest-king who never ruled and people based a religion off of him
Jesus Christ was known as (the living word of God). I think this conceptualization goes over the broad majority of people's heads as does what his crucifixion symbolize.
So you're sceptical about miracles?
Read about about modern ones. You'll see that crazy shit happens even today that's almost impossible to explain rationally.
How come Jehovah never gives an amputee their missing limbs back?
Why does your god hate amputees?
I haven't seen him in the flesh. Much like the apostle Thomas, I need to see the resurrected Christ in order to believe in him.
Yes, you could put it that way. I admit that there are things far beyond what the human mind can grasp, but I have a hard time coming to terms with there being a god behind it all. But please do link me some inexplicable miracles.
And, again, the religious doctrine is pure cuckoldry if adhered to.
Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. He lived a sinless life, was crucified, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven where He now sits at the right hand to the throne of God. He is the way, the truth and the light. God laid our iniquities upon His only Son that we may yet have eternal life.
Would you believe in someone who doesn't believe in themselves?
The living word of God.
The living word cannot commit sin for it is the word. It cannot contradict itself for it is all that is in this universe. You cannot kill the living word of God for it is all that is. You can commit acts against it and it rises..
The living word is the way, the truth, and the light.
God laid our iniquities upon the living word of God to example to us that they cannot subdue it as it is eternal. It is indeed through which that we may have eternal life.
Has no one ever stopped to think beyond the surface of a 'dude' doing 'miracles'? Do people not understand the deeper message behind embodying the word as the living word of God? Do people not understand that things like love and generosity live on to this day and are in us? That we too are a living embodiment of it who can walk a path towards it in the light and be redeemed as such?
A carpenter nailed on a cross and didn't even mention neither the shoddy woodwork nor the despicable quality of hammer usage techniques of the roman soldiers.
I'm all up for professional prophets, but I find this kind of slack really discrediting.
But isn't he omnipotent? In theory, he knew about all this weird shit before it would even happen and just was like "yup, that's what I want!"
>he doesn't know about amputee healings
go by the guidance of the bible. the biggest mistake people make is not understanding that whether god is real or not doesn't actually matter.
I do. Feels righteous man.
I do user
All hail that Jew
I do.
Calvinism is heretical, the basis of Christianity is that he gave us free will and our demise is our own fault. If God controlled everything, nothing would have meaning. The Calvinist idea that God needs to control everything is nonsense, especially that God punishes people for things he made them do.
Christ is the only Jew I like. Praise Our Lord.
God doesn't have nationality though
The old testament.
The God of the old testament is different. Even the Gnostics have a better idea than most Christian sects. Prove me wrong.
If I were to become Christian, I'd probably become a gnostic.
Or maybe we should return to "Christendom". The only alliance I might add that successfully repelled both the Arabs and the Jews
"Cuckoldry"? The entire story of Christ is him standing up to the Jews and starting Christianity. A religion that has held back both the waves of Islam and Israel
Why should I?
Actually, the kike on the stick had some pretty rad ideas
Where are the vatican city tards when you need them
I want to believe. Will be going to church next sunday.
The heretic defense xddddd
Why don't you give me an argument instead of calling me a heretic? And I'm not even a gnostic. They do have the right idea on the Bible though
>According to 100 Years of Nobel Prize (2005), a review of Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000, 65.4% of Nobel Prize Laureates, have identified Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference (423 prizes).[5] Overall, Christians have won a total of 78.3% of all the Nobel Prizes in Peace, 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine, 54% in Economics and 49.5% of all Literature awards.[6]
>The three primary divisions of Christianity are Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. Between 1901 and 2000 it was revealed that among 654 Laureates 31.8% have identified Protestant in its various forms (208 prize), 20.3% were Christians (no information about their denominations; 133 prize), 11.6% have identified as Catholic and 1.6% have identified as Eastern Orthodox.[7] Christians make up over 33.2% of the worlds population.[8][9][10][11]
Just follow the link and read exact quotes from the Bible compared to gnostic teachings
You can be a gnostic all you want but you'll never be a true Christian if you accept that belief system
Good luck to you friend
Because I'm not retarded.
>Our Lady of Zeitoun, also known simply as El-Zeitoun, Zeitun or rarely Our Lady of Light, was a mass Marian apparition that occurred in the Zeitoun district of Cairo, Egypt, over a period of 2–3 years beginning on April 2, 1968.
>The apparitions were also witnessed by President Gamal Abdel Nasser,[5] and captured by newspaper photographers and Egyptian television. Investigations performed by the police could find no explanation for the phenomenon. No device was found within a radius of fifteen miles capable of projecting the image, while the sheer number of photographs from independent sources suggests that no photographic manipulation was involved. Having been unable to produce an alternative explanation for the luminous sightings, the Egyptian government accepted the apparitions as true.[6]
The historical evidence for the resurrection:
Proof for the resurrection of Jesus:
The first 30 minutes is what's important from this one, the rest is questions and answers.
Ex-atheist scientist tells his story of becoming Christian after realizing that the story of creation in Genesis actually makes the most sense and gets a lot of things right compared to other religious books:
Cold case detective, former atheist analyzed the gospels using his skills and came to the conclusion that Christianity is the true religion and what is written in the New Testament is real.
The videos are long, but they basically come down to this:
1. The chain of custody is sound, the story doesn't change over time.
2. There was stuff in the Bible that was later confirmed by archeology(places, people, etc.)
3. There are even non-believers' accounts of some stuff Jesus did, just from them you can know a lot about Jesus if you piece it all together.
4. The differences between gospels aren't a bad sign, because witnesses rarely agree on stuff. If every eyewitness would say the same thing, it would be very fishy and would mean they probably talked to each other at one point.
5. The apostles died without getting rich, getting a girlfriend or getting power, they all died horribly. There was no point in spreading Christianity if they didn't believe in it. Why would they risk their life if it wasn't true? Why would they risk their life if it was all forged? Why would Paul try to join this new small church?
Also the only accounts of Romans getting Christians to change their faith was after the 1st century. No account of eyewitnesses ever changing their story.
Because my Gods have symmetrical faces.
Goddamn, medieval art sucks.
It is supposed to represent the dual nature of Christ. Also you do realize people don't have symmetrical faces?
That's nice, sweetie, but what percentage of those Christians are non-White?
Race means more than religion.
>It is supposed to represent the dual nature of Christ.
Is it really? Or is it just shitty art?
>Also you do realize people don't have symmetrical faces
Symmetry is beauty, the more symmetrical the face the more beautiful we recognize it as. That's why most Christian artwork has Jesus with a symmetrical face.
Interesting, would you recommend any theology or anything I can read to learn some more about this concept?
Even back then they would be able to paint a more symmetrical face. I assume it was a conscious decision.
because he's a commie
Because I think of Christianity as the Marxism of 2000 years ago, just a bunch of slick Jews pushing their fantasy bullshit on everyone else and it took off among the goyim.
>middle ages
>shroud of Turin
>Not knowing that icon is from the 500s.
yet we should not need miracles to believe in God
if you are looking for proof of God, that is bad faith
Because he is a myth.
There are lots of Christian miracles. And even if we shouldn't need them, there is still plenty of proof in history, check the videos I posted.
I am not a Gnostic. I was Catholic, however.
I'm saying the Old Testament's God is violent, jealous, and much more demanding than the God of the New Testament. Gnostics believe the OT God is the demiurge, who is evil, and different from Jesus/the God of the NT.
The link you posted doesn't change that. Gnosticism is obviously not perfect, but it gives the best explanation of the OT I've heard. No Christian has given a reasonable explanation for why the OT god and NT god are so different.
I'd love to be a Christian. It's just that this and other hurdles make it difficult to believe 100%.
They are nice to see, but I worry people will use them as a foundation of their faith.
Why don't you believe in magick?
>Why don't you believe in Jesus Christ?
I do actually. I met Jesus. Nice guy. He was working at Taco Bell making burritos with Juan and Jose
Same reason why Jesus never explained germ theory. Cos he's a cunt.
That's the way. Impressive brahs.
I have a crucifix above my main front door.
Because the existence of God flies in the face of rational thought.
Paul was a gnostic, as were most early Xns. Because Jesus was never physically resurrected, nor did he do those miracles, be born of a virgin etc.
Paul talks about the deeper things or the meat which he can't give the Corinthians. The whole Jesus on earth story is a ruse for dummies.
why would I
>OT God is the demiurge, who is evil, and different from Jesus/the God of the NT.
Two things.
Firstly, it seems like a personality shift because we exist in time and God does not. Our perspective and purpose as the human race shifts depending on where we are in history. God, as eternal and outside of time, is fixed in His truth and purpose. Why the difference then? Simple, Christ. The entire purpose of the old testament, and the jewish people as well, is to prepare the way for Christ, and to sustain the culture He needs to be brought into to. This is the single most important issue for the human race, no dispute. That God appears merciless in His persuit of this end is evidence not of His own cruelty, but rather of Christ, and His merciful sacrifice's importance. The jews and their law needed to be preserved to allow for this. Their preserverence, in fact, is necessary for the Incarnation, Crucifixion, and subsequent endowment of Divine Mercy.
The second is the fact that God in the New Testament is merciful of course, but not devoid of Justice or wrath. Through Christ we can wipe away sin, but the heedless continuation of error will lead to judgment.
I don't really like his philosophy. I'm not so much the "turn the other cheek guy" as I am "I'll gouge your fucking eyes out faggot" guy, if that makes sense.
He seems like a hippie
I just need a sign he's there.
Give me trips please JC.
this begs many questions regarding the nature of god.
too many fedoras have crude opinions on this matter for it to be taken at face value.
Thought is always rational as long as it is consistent with ones beliefs and worldview. If you were raised in a cult from day one, you are entirely rational if your defense of said cult, even if you are wrong. Please bury this shitty objection.
Reason, what part of the Christian tradition makes any sense? Not white culture... Stockholm syndrome.
Calvinism is the truth. any denomination that teaches TULIP is part of the true Church.
Thy Will be done means that all who are damned are willed to damnation by God.
Sounds harsh doesn't it? Christ came to earth to bring a sword, not peace.
The highest objective good in life is the glorification of God. Those who are regenerated, the Saints sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ , are predestined by God to praise Him. the others, the depraved, are destined to eternal damnation.
Because God is both Love and Just, so will He love the saints, and judge the hellbound hordes.
Only idolaters pretend that they have free will and can do anything outside the will of God. Only proud and wicked followers of satan think they can escape their fate
Because there have been thousands of gods people believed in through out human history.
Even in today's times we have Christianity, Buddhism, Sand niggers, etc. And you're going to tell me that your religion, that you were taught to believe in at a young age, is the "right religion"?
Go fuck yourself.
Because he doesn't believe in me.
But Jesus is from Israel, not Sweden.
>Why don't you believe in Jesus Christ?
No proofs that anything that stands in the bible ever happened. No proofs of resurection. No proofs of him being actually the son of God.
Secondly, I was raised catholic. I started to dislike the religion as the years went on. Today I'm convinced that Christianity overall is just a Jewish spiritual tool to bind the Europeans and submit them to their will.
I like Churches (the buildings) I like the artwork, I like the traditions (mainly 95% of Christian traditions are european pagan traditions) but spiritually the Bible leaves me cold, uninterrested and it annoys me. I hate the cuckery, I hate this ''let's all love each other'' hippie bullshit. Christianity is the grandmother of communism, because of it's jewish/internationalist character which disregards and ignores racial, political, ethnic, cultural and linguistic borders. So basically fuck the Church, fuck the Bible and fuck Jews and their God. They can shove him right in their semitic ass from which they sit him out in the first place.
"And this, she now realized, was the reason the Gods did nothing. Proof of their omniscience. After all, to act was to announce awful limitations, for it revealed that chance acted first, the accidents were just that-events beyond the will of the gods-and all they could do in answer was to attempt to remedy the consequences, to alter natural ends.
To act, then, was an admission of fallibility."
God is too OG to show himself
Jesus was nothing but a fucking Jew.
If he were in Auschwitz I'd give him a tattoo.
Alright best of 3. Please big J gib trips.