When did you realize that looks matter more than race?
Are we really supposed to believe that these two belong to the same species?
When did you realize that looks matter more than race?
Are we really supposed to believe that these two belong to the same species?
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Looks don't matter at all. I'm a very good looking guy but I'm miserable. Looks can help, but take it from me, if you are just a miserable person like I am, they won't do anything
that's me on the left
Is that Bill O'Rielly on the left?
Confidence is what you're questioning. Also, looks get better as your confidence increases.
everyone is miserable you fucking self absorbed little clownshoes toolkit.
Left = jew, right = 3/4 aryan + 1/4 native
Show me a beautiful abo
Left is Polish
Right is Spanish or Italian
>these two belong to the same race.
But they don't.
The ugly guy is clearly white, and the model is clearly some kind of mestizo mutt.
Both are genetic.
So is intelligence.
Some races have many more beautiful and intelligent people than other races such as Aboriginals and negroes
Some are much less miserable than others, nigger
i knew i should have called you nigger first... now i lost.
How new are you? That's like lesson 1 day 1.
There's attractive people in all races
Dude on the left could have grown up to be much more attractive if he wasn't fat, didn't have a bad diet (would most likely have more hair), wasn't a mouth breathing faggot (no chin and longass face).
The dude on the right could never have been really attractive because he has nigger lips
>those nig lips
Should have, nigger. Next time you will remember
>not knowing who Eggman is
Why do they all look so incredibly arrogant ?
Guy on the right is Slovakian
eggman is hotter
That person is 1/4 abo at best lmao.
Eggy the boyo that brought you the classic the black pill. He definitely has his highs and his lows.
Nope, she's still ugly as fuck.
Why are bell curves and distributions so mystifying to people?
>When did you realize that looks matter more than race?
Race does not matter. Genes do. Genes for tall handsome athletic intelligent charismatic are valuable regardless of race. White people have a higher amount of "good genes" on average.
Guy on the right has huge DSLs hes low test
>I'm a very good looking guy but I'm miserable
Now imagine how much more miserable you'd be if you were ugly.
Is THAT even human?
well at least you have an excuse
when I realized that good looking people regardless of rage will get preferential treatment, girls, excel in sports etc. because of positive reinforcement for being good looking their entire life
>bro just be yourself.jpg
yeah, im fucking miserable too but at least i get random girls tellig me im cute time to time
>When did you realize that looks matter more than race?
It's kinda funny based keklord Jordan Peterson asked the question, "Would you rather be ugly or an ethnic minority?" and it basically demonstrates that minorities have more privilege than ugly people in the race of "Who is most downtrodden?"
did you misunderstand the request?
He's right in everything he said.