What's it like for white people living in Israel?

What's it like for white people living in Israel?

Is it a possible refuge for Sup Forumsacks that don't fall for the anti-semitism meme?

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There are no white people living in Israel

*circumcises your path*

isreal is a shit-hole. If youve ever been there you's realize just how non-white jews actually are.

hypothetically, fucking a jew and making babies would be fine because jews have good genetic stock... besides the neuronal problems


Can you even get a citizenship for Israel without cutting the tip of your cock?


Nah nigga
Khazars are pretty white m'kay

hey jew, how can goyim get citizenship in isreal?

Marry a Jewess and move with her.
Don't tho :^]

This. AND are we allowed to deny the holocaust while in Israel.
PS:Don't forget who was the only axis ally that didn't deport its kikes.

Guess that explains your intolerance and hatred for whites?



Thank you, please try again.


LOL proving my point. Jews are so tolerant and open... fucking lul

The thought of your women with an ACTUAL white man makes you chimp out worse than a nig dying for tendies.

yes you should move there asap it's so great shalom

Yes, Bulgaria was the only country to say no to Hitler and saved it's jews. So we jews have eternal gratitude towards Bulgaria.

With that said, denying the holocaust in Israel is probably a bad idea. I mean, I know the 6 million figure is WAY overblown... but at the end of the day, jews died.

Circumcision is literally disgusting. It is mutilation, no worse than what Muslims do to their daughters. Not to mention that you get less pleasure during sex if circumcised.

I'm circumcised but really wish I was not.

i want to go find a sexy israeli jewess, then marry her and fuck her while i deny the holocaust at Jerusalem

sorry about ur dik

I have a holocaust denial fetish, too.

Yes you can. If you're a female.

Now seriously, there are few ways but they're much more difficult than being Jewish.

> Is it a possible refuge for Sup Forumsacks that don't fall for the anti-semitism meme?
Only if you're a 200% certified jew.
It's a theocracy mate.

So if I convert to Judaism I get instant citizenship?

>Posts kike

You're not even trying, OP.

She's gonna get sniped

Why the fuck would you want to live in ISIS/kike filled Israel?

Bulgaria is much, much, much nicer. After all it is Europe. And there are no terrorists. Why would you betray your Orthodox faith to become a kike? It's pathetic.

And this is coming from someone who is technically jewish.

I'd like to visit Israel, my godparents are actually Jewish and I grew up on Long Island, so I know how merchants work.

Have you lost your mind, kike?

Your grandfather and grandmother may have escaped the oven, but you won't.

>Hitler did nothing wrong

You can't just convert to Judaism unless you are super rich or if you marry a jew.

>Is it a possible refuge for Sup Forumsacks
>that don't fall for the anti-semitism meme?

If this is a YLYL-thread, I have already lost.

>white people

Mate, the Ottoman Empire is back, there are refugee camps in my city, and a nigga's looking for options.


Not nearly enough.

We'll kill every last one soon...very soon.

>This, it's a fucking ethno state that does DNA testing for citizenship

I'm sure some fat weaboo will ride his scooter and shoot every Jew he sees, lol.

Fuck germans they killed all jews in my country so i cant marry jew and move into Israel :-(

>wanting to live in a society where you'll be spit on, with a wasp nest of degeneracy (Tel Aviv), and surrounded by sand monkeys that one day will succeed in annihilating it

wew. move to one of the baltic countries or russia if you're not cucked.

Do Israelis look at you weird if you speak German language or if you look like a German ?

They are easy to spot on Saturday. Only dumbasses walking

Who is this block head?

you mean german like this

There are those polls about likeabilities between countries. While Germany in general is on the top of statistics in those polls or near the top there is one country where many people hate us for certain reasons.

See the statitics at the bottom half of this page:

So yea, although I was thinking about visiting Tel Aviv someday, I think I better won't.

that schnoz mate lmao


There are no white people living in Israel. They have like 1% christians, and that 1% is all arab christians.

Nah, only the minority.

It's not like every girl looks like Bar Refaeli there. Goddamn is she cute.

You mean non-Jewish Whites in Israel. Any European could guy his burns, put on a Yarmulke and no one would notice. Don't deny it.

I met a guy who lived in a kibbutz and was later offered citizenship. The long way took for ever, the short way implied spending 5 years deactivating bombs in the desert.

I guess if you survive that it means God wants you to stay there or something.

True story by the way. It was in the 80s

Fucking help your country grow you faggot! You come from one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with a rich culture and proud beautiful people. Stay there and make it better!!!


Mate, at least say "Juden Raus".

Come home white man.

you're gonna get killed by a bunch of skinny, heavily bearded 19 year old jewelers apprentices. not even joking, that's like 5% probability it's gonna be the way you die

>After all it is Europe
that's more on a technicality


It's great, the women are down to earth chill. The only way I can describe those women are if you have been around Australian women. Those two groups of women are the best. Israel itself is okay I guess. The Jews have great senses of humor. Even though I'm a halfu I actually fit right in.