Blacks are worthle-

>blacks are worthle-

Other urls found in this thread:

*cough* affirmative action quota *cough*

nobody claims that here

What we say is "blacks, as all other people, should live in their own countries".

>on the verge of finding a cure for cancer
Sure thing Abdul

When will Europeans leave North America and Oceania?


So a tweet is now 100% factual information? Sounds like a nigger thinks his nigger friend is a genius because of his friend passing a college level biology class.

So its true, we did stole african technology, they were right all along.

>He gonna cure canzer

Yeah 'm sure there wasn't years of work from entire groups but sure. Nignogdilla is going to fix the problem because whitey finally stopped keeping him down

Right of conquest.

which advance did he discover? top kek

that aint even a real guy

just a photo nigger.


And in reality he's a part of a big team working on something because that's how it works when you're a student.
Call me when some Nigerian, Sudanese etc. university staffed entirely by blacks finds a cure for cancer.

This has already been debunked. He's just a researcher and isn't on the verge of shit.

Also the "start saying ppls names" is niggerish and detracts from the point the poster was trying to make.

Didn't some black girl discover a cure for AIDS five years ago and yet AIDS still exists somehow?

As soon as indians go back to Asia :^)

The real question is: are blacks a net benefit or detriment to society?

Ask the same in relation to whites and colonization.

The answer is inconvenient for libshits.

North-America = Built by Europeans
Europe = Built by Europeans

The genocide and replacement of the Native Americans was terrible. Does that mean we should repeat the crime in Europe?

It doesn't

>The flag
Sweden Yes

>on the verge of finding a cure for cancer
Yeah. I've been hearing that every day since the day I was born.

I agree with this but desu I also think that this applies if Muslims manage to take Europe

If you can't defend it, it isn't yours. No excuses.

goys im on the verge of finding a cure for cancer too.

can anyone locate this Keven stonewall guy in Chicago. Is he even real

You do realize "Native Americans" are not native to North America, or South America for that matter. Right? They were conquerors also. This is why people who aren't morons call them Amerindians or something along those lines. They came from Siberia, Polynesia, and who the fuck knows where else. We don't know exactly. What we do know is they didn't originate in the Americas.

We also know that every group that survives today conquered those who came before - and in most cases butchered them.

Glad to hear the young man is doing well and I wish him the best. To completely disregard statistics because of it is pretty dumb. No one says all blacks are worthless, but most are.

Arabs have also found a cure for cancer :

Synthetic watermelonium

Oh look this mosque janitor thread again

oh look it's the eternal amerilard

day of the bbq when ?

Then Europeans should go back to the Pontic–Caspian steppe

>on the vurge
>(((curing))) cancer
I don't know what's gonna happen first.

Him get killed for getting rid of (((cancer))).

Him being debunked and giving up science for never being accredited for anything important.

>muh outlier disproves the trend
>Muh general statements == categorical statements
>Muh this isn't yet another look at this genius nigger/female story that will turn out to be bullshit

Yeah in Afrika they invented a cure for AIDS. You just have to have unprotected sex with as many virgins as possible.

You think he's the first one? They'll just toss couple hundred thousand in his direction and somehow his progress slows down to a crawl

>there is only one cute for ca-

You're absolutely correct, which is why this fight against Islam and the hordes of illegals is our present-day responsibility. If we lose it then we lose our right to complain.

Man, I never get tired of these "OMG this prodigy is on the verge of ..." and "You'd never guess the race of this little kid who at the age of four already ..." - and nothing ever comes of it. You never hear about all these prodigies and wunderkinds again. They are always bound to become geniuses and are SO CLOSE to change the world forever, but all that remains of them is exactly that newspaper article.
It's kinda like all those horrible diseases which pop up every year to eradicate mankind THIS TIME FOR SURE! The bird flu, the swine flu, ebola, some other superbugs and whatnot. Same with acid rain, the ozone hole, global warming, climate change.
Once you spend two or three decades of this bullshit, all you do is yawn.

Doubt that. Hes in the verge of fried chicken.


yes most of us do, niggers are subhuman

Wow it's like you're making his point for him or something.

we've reached the singularity

>hes on the verge of finding a cure for cancer
>all cancers are the same

You're the idiot making the "go back" argument

You got played at your own game

Go back to Syria Ali


It was only a matter of time before the negroes became desperate to find Colonal Sanders' secret recipe

To be fair we massively changed our usage of ozone-damaging aerosols in order to fix the holes.

Ozone holes are a success story. We sorted ourselves out.

This is why I doubt man made climate change. Once we know we're the cause and what does it, we CAN unfuck our shit.

>It's actually a new flavor of purple drink

>Discovered by a nigger
Is this like those stories where they claim a teenager has a revolutionary medical breakthrough, but in reality, they're just doing grunt work in the lab for a 40 or 50-year-old PhD who had the idea and did almost all the planning and design? When they write the paper, he'll be the fourth or fifth author, since he basically just did lab work that a properly trained chimp could do.

>nigger finishes a biochem degree
>literally headline news

every single fucking day this bait gets posted

Looks like that med student that faked illness by putting earbuds in his nose to simulate O2 mask.

I read about some neat research that uses nano-machines to kill cancer cells.
It just uses the drugs we already have though.

No it's not this guy is just a cancer researcher. some nog or sjw is trying to weaponize him for feel good points.

>he's on the verge of finding a cure for cancer

Nope. Can't take anything said after that as credible. There will be no one cure for cancer. Cancer encompasses many, many different specific diseases and disease processes.

I bet this was the first time he wore lab coat and then never again.

I applaud both your message and your use of the word niggerish, user. I use it frequently.

Ninety nine niggery niggers are now niggerishly nigging near niggertown

It wasn't terrible. We should have kept going south and taken the entire new world landmass rather than let the Iberians breed with these things.

I dont mean to poo poo on mr stonewalls accomplishments but undegraduate research is shit
I got published and im an idiot

And we should continue improving by removing niggers from anywhere that isn't Africa

> no sources
> meme pic

lol. i'm looking forward to never hearing about this 'genius' again.

This guy actually is somewhat talented and did "discover" something that is useful, but you're mostly right in saying that undergrad research is meaningless.

It was terrible and created a lot of sorrow.

Actually this guy started the "go back" argument

If black people should go back to Africa then white people should go back to Europe.

I doubt a 22yo w/o a doctorate has a lab or funding of his own

There is actually no cure for cancer and never will be because cancer is not a disease. Pure bullshit.

Do liberals admit that this is an invasion and that the people we don't want will not willfully leave unless sent back by force?(like the natives tried to do)
That can be arranged.

Why you gotta fuck up Kevin with more E's?

That's correct. It's one symptom of many different diseases.

He gonna do it, y'all.


>didn't actually discover anything
participation award

This. Cancer is a reaction of the body to heal itself from chemical damage at a cellular level, and it goes into overdrive trying to keep up.

The only way to 'cure' it is reduce your exposure. Which is almost impossible, as many can pass through the skin barrier. A good diet can help.

Not back to Africa though that would be welcome

But really Ali you should go back to syria. Sweden wasn't meant for you

As if (((they))) would allow a money farm like cancer to be cured. How many billions get 'donated' to researching it? At best the research will yield better treatment options to prolong life with the ailment. A one-shot cure for it would devastate big pharma. If they do cure it, it'll be hidden and reserved for the oligarchs until they concoct another plague to be the new scourge of mankind.

>Has science gone too far?

I'll go back to Syria when you go back to Europe

Would be great having him here to help us chase you out.

He belongs to America, you don´t belong to Europe.

America belongs to native Americans

You can theoretically cure cancer by designing some type of virus like machine that does a body-wide full genetic therapy with younger and less damaged DNA. That would also make humans immortals to aging.

You're in no position to issue demands

Lol thank you

he most likely first heard of people trying to cure cancer at the age of 17 then at the age of 22 he was inveited into laborotory to look at the stuff they are doing and understood some basic things.

That is what I thought first then I saw pic related and by now I think that the story is plain imaginary.

>The genocide and replacement of the Native Americans was terrible

Are you christian or just stuipid?

I wish I could be immortal

Yeah man, niggers are going to solve all the world's problems, again.

Just like always. Those niggers sure do know how to figure everything out.

Oh that meme again

>At age 22, he has started saying ppls names
Clever lad! ..bit late in development perhaps.

>On the verge of finding the cure for cancer

Every person from the medical field I've ever talked to would say this is bullshit.

Also, it's good to know this nigga is achieving this without relying on any previous research. Truly amazing.

His race shouldn't even have be mentioned desu. Not in a normal world anyway.. you know, the have a few.years.ago. It would probably just ay his name in the.title instead. As it should be.

Ooh a successful black student! See I told you blacks are just like us. They just have a different paint job.

Please accept this anecdotal evidence as gospel and ignore the collective failure that blacks have become.

That image is bullshit, niggers can't climb into trees

w-wait what do you mean you dont care?

youre a fucking idiot

Trying so hard to be civilized but DNA always overrides "muh accomplishmentz"

No one on pol thinks this. To the contrary, we believe blacks are great farming equipment

This isn't exactly the first story I've read about a scientist "on the verge of curing cancer."

So where's the data, he publish in any journals?

Also, even if he single-handedly found a cure for colon cancer, it would only cure colon cancer, so I'm gonna say "discovered a treatment for cancer" instead.

>what are outliers

Good for him. I'm happy for his work and i hope he cures cancer. You should too!

United States was built and unified by white Christians. Native Americans are a mongoloid people and are not native to the continent, anyways.