can anyone recommend me good german movies? Not necessarily about war or politics
It would be good if not cucked because i found this and it is too much for me
can anyone recommend me good german movies? Not necessarily about war or politics
It would be good if not cucked because i found this and it is too much for me
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protip: german movies suck because its always about people complaining and bitching around.
fucking annoying as fuck.
Try Generation War. I know it has been criticized in Poland, but it's actually pretty good.
Good German movies are hard to find desu.
This movie was really good. Would be my fav if not for so much anti polish bullshit.
Iron Sky
Well this one is kind of about war..The German / Austrian film "Sarajevo" wasn't too bad?
Das Boot
Die Leben der Anderen
also I heard L'Amour is good but I haven't seen it
That movie sounds like absolute shit
German movies suck balls
Good stuff:
das Boot
Steiner/cross of Iron
stuff by Uwe Böll, eg. Assault on wallstreet, rampage, postal, darfur
Stalingrad, the one from 93, good until half the movie
Stereo, good thriller
Er ist wieder da is okay
All I can think about right now
its finnish and its gay
It's about nazis, It's German, shut up, go home.
There was another one, really brilliant but I don't remember the name. About a child who was abused during WWII. He grows up to become a doctor and is kind of obsessed by the nazi who abused him as a child. He finds him and becomes his personal doctor and the rest of the film is just utterly, absolutely twisted. Fucking A+ really well done.
Old ass silent movie
Run Lola Run was pretty good.
Both versions of Die Brücke.
>Marisa decides to help Rasul to get to the country of his dreams, Sweden, and accompany him.
Goodbye Lenin - kids are trying to hide fall of communism from her mother that just woke up from coma.
The greatest sorry never told
Muxmäuschenstill is very good. Basically a Sup Forumsack mixed with /r9k/.
It was fucking bad though. A massive conspiracy theory trying to blame the assassination on ze evil Germans.
>single mother
>first thing he does is visit sex-shop
>not degenerated
Der Untergang and if you are a lil bit into films to think about try to watch Metropolis
it´s the restored version with different music. but you can find some other versions with original music as well but in fact much more shorter
Think I found it -In a glass cage (1987)
Sure it had another name when I watched it hm. Really good film.
Voll normaaal
Ballermann 6
Der letzte Lude
Otto – Der Film
I don't know if you like deep stuff, but these are some good kino.
'Der Schuh des Manitu' is even better if you ask me
if you want to have a laugh, then you could watch: "traumschiff suprise" or "der schuh des manitu" they have nothing to do with war or politics, but are still quiet enjoyable
this movies are the worst and unfuniest movies in the entire history of movies made by unfunny people for unfunny people. they are just made for german norms who think it´s funny to make a movies about gay cowboys and indians and a bad copypasta of star trek with gay people but hey have fun and watch a german untermenschenbeschäftigungsmaßnahme.
The Baader Meinhof Complex is a good illustration of how far lefties think - and act. And it has English subtitles, so you can listen to the German and read the English translation.
Go Trabi Go may be stupid, but it really takes you back to the late 80s. I almost forgot about everyone having those stupid combs in their back pockets.
>comparing bully flicks to the true kino I posted
I thought they were funny when I was 10.
That's a Finnish movie, lol. It's set in German-ish locations with German actors, but the producers are Finns.
Christiane F
if you disregard the winnitouch parts, which is what i do, cause the fact that the indian is gay is indeed not that funny, then it is a hilarious movie, mein freund
Werner 1-3 (the 4th one sucks). Cartoon, toilet humor but reasonably funny.
Most German movies are crap because directors get state/EU handouts for unrealistic, complicated moral conundrums and/or political documentaries about WW2/nazis (judging by what's out there, you get extra handouts if you combine both in the same movie).
>implying bully is not GOAT
00 Schneider – Jagd auf Nihil Baxter
The cAbinet of Dr. Calgari or whatever
Watch Fack Ju Göthe, it's a very good comedy movie.
Even Dwarves Started Small- Werner Herzog. Midgets are funny af
Disgusting and vulgar film, in my opinion.
Stalingrad (1993) is fantastic. Das Boot is fantastic
Goodbye, Lenin
Er ist wieder da: Hitler comes nack in 2015(?) and its pretty interesting.
Wer bin ich?: a Hacker hacks computers. Its pretty cool.
Unsere Mutter, Unsere Vater: 3 part WW2 series. Really interesting.
Felidae: cats investigate a murder.. Seriously, its really fucking good.
Coming In and Stromberg are also good movies.
Im Western nichts neues
Goodbye Lenin
Er ist wieder da
Germs cannot make films.
They can only make things that increase production or effectiveness of industry.
I also liked Krabat a lot, actually
the book was good, didn't see the film
There're no good german movies
I liked it, it might have been just because from a a film about magic I'd expect that rehashed and tired hollywood "dr strange" atmosphere, if you know what I mean, and instead I got something much different, but I liked it
German movies were amazing in the late '20s, early '30's - the so called expressionist school. The Mabuse trilogy, anything by Murnau and Lng is pure gold. Then you had nothing until the late '60's.
Heimat by Reitz, the whole saga is one giant masterpiece.
First Herzog movies are mandatory (Heart of Glass!). And Fassbinder was a genius, watch anything made by him you can catch.
Und was ist Stromberg?
I take for granted you've already seen Leni Riefenstahl's movies of course.
Das Experiment (2001)
Also gotta love Kinski. He was a sick little man full of hatred who molested his own daughter but damn he was a good actor.
Herzog / Kinski, great couple.
watch and fear as if you being little kid again
Can confirm desu, Das Leben der Anderen is god tier
Das Boot
Lola Rennt
The Lives of Others is one of the best movies ever made and it is pure Sup Forums.
Das Boot is one of the best war movies ever made.
World on a Wire anticipated the Matrix by twenty years and has great nerd jokes but is rather long.
Aguirre, the Wrath of God is so beautiful and brilliant you will forgive it for being unapologetically leftist.
Baader Meinhof Complex has heavy-handed anti-firearm propaganda, but apart from that is brilliant and mostly accurate.
Adventures of Baron Munchaussen and Jude Suss are extremely good Nazi-era films that are more than worth a look if you're willing.
Die Welle/The Wave
I am never really certain if it's trying to show that fascism is good or bad, but it's a generally good movie
wasted trips
lola rennt was OK
The Spy who Came In From The Cold is a British-West German co-production (so you could call it half-half German) but is one of the best films ever made and is a very iconic picture of the period when the Wall stood.
Best series ever produced:
>german movies
There is a German film from the Eighties, I think it is based on a Grass story, about a Pole going back after the war to visit "family:" he had been attached to a German household and had schtupped the chatelaine. The movie goes over German-Polish relations, good and bad, at the personal level. I do not remember its name though.
>forgetting the best one
"Who am I" is also a great movie
is a East German Czech collab
I liked them too, but let's be real here. They are as "German "humor"" as it gets. Only topped by Helge Schneider
Run Lola Run is a masterpiece.
Why do you say it was anti Polish? I laughed when the anti jew death squads rolled out
Das Boot was fucking amazing
Unsure mutter/generation war was great
Er ist wieder da, was alright better than expected as I thought it would be a lot more anti hitler.
With the amount of movies i watch and have watched im disappointed nothing else comes to mind
Watch the Kinski / Herzog movies
he knows how to speak german
also a very good movie about the mudslime invasion in germany is "Wut"
it was made by the actual german tv stations and it isn't even cucked or tries to downplay anything
pretty good
>i remember watching this with my grandma every evening when i was with her
the first commisar was best though
Meh German movies in my opinion are usually pretty bad with rare exceptions.
Try Deutschland 83 maybe for some double agent Berlin stuff (it's a TV series).
>anti polish bullshit.
I was about to call you an idiot but then I realized that hypocrisy is a very human feature we all have.
Guess you're not right but alright.