So I'm part of a discussion group in college and we need to argue about pedophiles.
Give me some good arguments to red pill the whole classroom
So I'm part of a discussion group in college and we need to argue about pedophiles.
Give me some good arguments to red pill the whole classroom
The most effective cure for pedophilia is a bullet. True story.
>we need to argue about pedophiles
Are there any madmen that are actually going to support pedophiles? Anti-pedophilia is so obviously in the moral right that I don't even think its worth having a discussion about.
just say this op
repeat this verbatim
I'm going to focus on its a disease side of the story, caused by how Media portraits girls dressed in sexual and teasing ways
Pedophilia is great. Fuck Children.
Kek the accent makes it 10 times better
Would you class murder or rape as a 'disease'
The search for pedophiles on remote islands continues
The simple fact of the matter is pedos destroy a child physically, psychologically and emotionally and should all be put to sleep the way an old dog is put to sleep.
State "pedophiles should be gassed" and step over the pointless discussion; don't respond again, just take your seat.
'Rational' debate is deconstructive nonsense.
There's nothing wrong with liking little girls.
No, thebest way is to be a leftist but instead of sugarcoating it you exagerrate. Not too much. Like this:
>I see no problem in gay adoption
>Why couldn't sodomites buy little boys with firm asses? This is outrageous.
>nothing bad can happen. Okay it's happening in countries that accept it but don't be a far right biggot
nee, onii-chan [spoiler]in the shower[/spoiler]
I want reddit to leave.
Castration also works.
Fucking pedo.
Don't mind if I do.
It's correlated with male homosexuality.
Male homosexuals were abused by older men as children. They go on to abuse other young boys and the cycle of abuse continues.
>something something Quran
>something something Aisha
Just show a nonce hunter video:
And don't forget to print the proofs, op
murder and rape is an act, pedophilia is a sexual attraction. There's plenty of mental diseases that make you murder or rape.
There's no harm in just liking them; the harm is done in acting upon those desires. That's what makes it a disease; the inability to suppress your desire for unacceptable behaviour.
It's your problem if you see any intercourse as harm
There's harm to the psyche of the children engaging in those acts; their sense of what is normal degenerates, and it leads to repeated behaviour in the future. Same as for homosexuality; there's not always physical harm, but there is mental harm and formative harm. Not to mention the harm you do to your creation as intended by God.
Ephebephiles and pedos are 2 different groups, be sure to make the distinction. thank you.
nah, you're a pedo
Nah bullshit, if there's no injury and the person doesn't percieve it as harm then there's no harm. But then cunts like you come along and decide that it's harm because of your autism and the person can either decide to subjected to you calling them degenerate, retarded sluts or say they've been harmed and probably receive some reward for it too.
So who's the mentally ill person there? Pro tip: it's you.
I'm pretty sure God had no problems with people fucking little girls for 2000 years but suddenly it's a problem huh. Very interesting.
I remember back in högstadiet (roughly equivalent to high school I believe) when one of my classmates started to argue against a friend of mine, which also happens to be of the most leftist people I know, that if homosexuality is okay than he should be allowed to marry animals and children. Many keks were had by us in the audience. It all culminated in my leftist friend throwing a whole glass of milk on my classmate.
Last I've heard of the guy that got MILK'D he's studying to becoming a doctor.
Good times.
The gays rights movement was founded by pedophiles, who lesbians actually called out for trying to abolish age of consent laws
It is a mental illness caused by an error in sexual targeting. Trauma occurs at some point in the nascent pedophile'a life which makes them attracted to a specific age group (judging by the age they are attracted to is a good judging point for when said trauma occurred). This trauma may include sexual abuse, overexposure to sexuality at an undeveloped age, or physical abuse. Since sexuality is something that develops according to traits rather than being inborn, this is an illness which comes about over time.
compare it to other paraphillia and rely massively on how historically people treated gays but start by showing how attraction is formed over influences from childhood finally it easier if you can provide evidence than most paedos were molested or had childhood trauma but FPBP
pedosexuality is redpilled. there is literally nothing wrong with consensual sexual relations between adults and minors.
And are you going to look for correlations between symptoms of the disease and characteristics of pedophiles?
why are all Jews pedophiles?
its a seriously common recurring theme with Jews.
is it the inbreeding and prevalence towards mental illness?
t. jew
>it's okay to be a pedo
What did schlomo mean by this?
Are you for or against?
>OP ask for redpills
>gets nothing but memes and lies in return
what happened to the pizza gate threads?
>Never heard of this country
>Looks it up
>Just north of nignog lands
>East of spic lands
No wonder you're such a fucking degenerate. You've got the worst of both. kys cunt. You were probably born out of child molestation.
we have the highest IQ
>if there's no injury and the person doesn't percieve it as harm then there's no harm
I partly agree. However, perception of harm is based in ability to perceive. If you don't consciously or immediately recognise something as harmful, it doesn't mean there will not be any harm in the long run. That ability can develop in later years; a 6 year old getting raped might not consider it weird or harmful until he learns better; that does not mean there's no harm done at the time of the molestation. Difference between pedophilia and sluts getting 'raped' here is informed consent and accountability; if a person wouldt have been able to prevent the act from happening by clearly indicating unwillingness, there's no actual harm; just buyers remorse.
> I'm pretty sure God had no problems with people fucking little girls for 2000 years but suddenly it's a problem huh
Yeah, nah. As long as a girl wasn't sexually mature, she belonged to her father, and he had every right to protect her against sexual abuse. After sexual maturity, she was her husbands', and no longer 'a little girl'.
It's a problem when sexually immature children get sexually involved with adults. Only feminists would condemn an 18 year old fucking a 17 year old; everybody would condemn a 40 year old fucking a 3 year old. Because that's a desire that's unnatural, degenerate, and socially undesirable.
Pedo's aren't logical.
There's no way to safely have sympathy for them without becoming one yourself.
he's brazilian tho
>translation needed
Depending on the maturity of the minor and any direct or indirect power that the adult might have over the minor I'd could potentially see me agreeing with you. Ideally any boundary regarding maturity would be decided on a case by case basis. However as that would prove to be an tremendous burden on societies already taxing bureaucracy I would argue that the laws in place in regard to sexual self-autonomy are fine the way they are in Sweden, as they are already quite dillegent in allowing a grey-zone between the technical age-limit and what the law allows.
>call people name on pédophilia
>caused by how Media portraits girls dressed in sexual and teasing ways
Are you stupid? Most pedofilia victims are little boys not girls you underage faggot, do a little research at least
Do we know how many pedophiles that ever hurt a child, or help to create a culture in which children are hurt compared to the ones who don't?
>you can't feel pity for someone who was born with brain damage
user, are you okay?
They have a good point on children being sexy
It's a never ending cycle.
Adult diddles a kid.
Kid grows up with issues and ends up diddling other kids.
This is how homosexuality happened and the whole rampant, "homosexuality is not degenerate" is to convince these children with issues that its ok to become a pedophile.
That would've been actually interesting to know. However due to the massive stigma regarding pedophilia I highly doubt that many people would willingly admit to a surveyor that they are pedophiles.
I grew up with plenty of issues, but I never once felt the desire to hurt another kid. Your whole premise is bullshit.
By that logic are all us heterosexual people heterosexual simply because a person of the opposite sex diddled us as kids?
If no, then what effect does being diddled by a member of the opposite sex have?
Pedo's need to die. There's no excuse.
If you weren't diddled, then chances are your not gonna diddle.
>If you weren't diddled, then chances are your not gonna diddle.
Source please
Found the pedo.
it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with maturity but more with knowledge and respect of the adult participating it. your average pedophile would never do anything that would hurt, harm or scare the child, since it's basically the first rule. the only reason pedophilia has such a bad name is because the only time the general public hears about it, is when some asshole rapes a loli but these people are more likely just rapists with low impulse controll since it's easier to overpower a child than an adult. i'm willing to bet that most cases of pedophilia you'll never hear about because both the adult and the minor enjoy it to the point that they will simply not rat out.
Pedophilia is indeed a mental illness.
People who willingly admit they have a problem and want to treat it should receive treatment. It is benifitial to Tue individual and society as a whole.
Having sexual intercourse with minors is a crime. Regardless of their consent. And criminals should be punished in accordance with the law. But they should also be treated the same way as non-criminal pedophiles should be, except their treatment should be mandatory. Depending on severity of their mental problems, they should be released from prison on condition of agreeing to vasectomy operation, to negate them being a danger to society.
Banned topic, similar to how GamerGate became a banned topic.
Make sure you argue about actual pedophiles (attraction to children, not teens).
You should try arguing about the age of puberty and menarche, and also the ages of consent and ages at which women birth on average around the world.
Girls in the USA may be considered targets of "pedophilia" while in other parts of the world girls of the same age are busy giving birth to children.
Law-abiding pedos are unlucky folks. It's cruel but they'll need to be monitored or chemically castrated for the safety of children, who are far too vulnerable and the damage done by molesters is irreparable.
As for the ones that do molest, they clearly had bad luck but that still doesn't excuse a crime. Lock em up.
Yeah, resort to personal attacks. That'll definately show everyone that you are in command of the discussion. Not to mention make your unsupported claims magically true.
They should be chemically castrated or shot. No exceptions.
and for the record there are adults who still aren't mature enough to have sex.
what makes you such an expert on sexuality that you can tell when a child knows what's good for them?
pedophilia is corrupting and its metaphor is sprinkled all through out global politics.
Estuda em curso de humanas em UF, OP?
You just want to justify your sexual attraction to children.
There is no justification for sexual attraction to children.
He's swedish
Your strange flag is going to overshadow your joke.
I kek'd
>It's cruel but they'll need to be monitored or chemically castrated for the safety of children, who are far too vulnerable and the damage done by molesters is irreparable.
Do you have any statistics that back up your claim that pedophiles as a group are more likely to commit a sex-crime?
You're basically arguing for thought-crimes. Why should we limit this potential damage to "just" pedophilia? Or do you also want it extended to other areas?
Heterosexual males are probably overwhelmingly the people who commit rapes on females. If so do you support the monitoring or chemically castration of this societal clique aswell?
People with anger issues are probably more likely to cause unlawful violence? If so would you support the monitoring or forced chemically calming of these people?
If it's a matter of where to draw the line, then where would you personally like to see it drawn and for what reasons?
>Yet another personal attack
If you don't succed, then try and try again.
I fullheartedly agree with you however that there's no justification for sexual attraction to children. It's after all not a problem in itself. It only becomes a problem if it effects other people. Pedos, just like anyone else, should not lay their hands on children. Your sexuality doesn't excuse your behavior.
You're just mad nobody posts cp anymore and you gotta pay for it now.
One of my close family members is a paedophile (he has downloaded large amounts of cp, but not actually directly harmed a children). So I might be biased, but I take a sympathetic view towards paedophiles. Let me know if you want any of those arguments, at least to see what sort of arguments you're going to have to argue against if you'll be on the opposite side of the debate.
Why would I be mad that people aren't doing something that disgusts me?
This shit is starting to seem like projection from you buddy,
I want to see them out of curiosity
Let me guess.
"I just want to be a kid again."
*Faps to cp*
The only arguments that support pedophilia are the ones that try to justify sexual attraction to children.
That's the line.
Do not cross.
Incrementalism pushing it from above to make it acceptable in mainstream liberal views as "tolerant" and "sexualy liberating"
Look buddy, stop asking me for cp.
I have none.
>Non Sequitor.
Well atleast you've progressed to another logical fallacy.
Children are pleasure-seeking creatures, just like adults. They can enjoy sex.
People have been having sex with children since there have been people. It's natural, stress relieving, and beneficial. It has only been viewed as harmful in the most recent century due to the efforts of older women wanting to eliminate their sexual competition.
Ok fine. Here's some cp.
About 1000 to be exact.
Play doubles avocado and bluepill them into legalizing pedosexuals
>Children can enjoy sex.
Just because you get pleasure from something doesn't mean that you should do it.
>It's natural
So is belladonna, BTX and ricin. Does that mean that you should shove it into a person?
>It's beneficial
In what sense? If you mean it grants pleasue, then see my first comment.
Now who's the one pointing cp?
Say this please
Well this person had been sexually abused as a child, never received counselling for it, and just dealt with it within his family and swept it under the carpet. Had watched his parents fight a lot too and was asked to take sides, making him afraid of any sort of conflict. Fast forward 40 years and he's got a happy family, but starts having problems in his marriage and due to his fear of conflict he doesn't know how to deal with it, just retreats further into depression and isolation. Somehow this manifests in him getting involved in an online paedophile community and downloading 1000s of images and videos over the course of 5 years (including some really sick stuff and mostly with infants and babies). Always deletes the images after a session, but ends up going back on his computer afterwards and downloading new ones. Started seeing a counsellor to try and deal with his many problems, but ended up getting arrested before he had kicked the problem (although he had reduced it).
I'm not saying what he did wasn't disgusting or that he didn't deserve to be punished, but I think when it comes to paedophilia, the vast majority of people refuse to allow any nuance into their perceptions. They want to see a monster, so they see a monster. The local papers didn't report any of the things that may have contributed to his actions (e.g. sexual abuse, marital problems), and chose to report him as a simple sick pervert. Local people outraged that he didn't go to prison, and vowed to beat him up or kill him if they ever saw him in the street. Now he lives alone and never goes outside unless it's to a town at least half an hour's drive away. I visit him when I can, and just want people to understand that he can be both a good man and someone who did sick things.
not going to completely agree. most animals still wait until the children start producing sex hormones/pheromones before smashing dat. this is essentially what ephebephilia is. attraction to sexually emerging children. peadophilia is an UNNATURAL attraction to pre-sexual children. liking teenagers is completely different then finding toddlers and kids sexual in any manner. pre-teen/tweens is really pushing the boundry of peado- to ephebe-
at this point, even talking about "lowest age" is very controversial because everyone develops at different rates so one 9 y/o may be ready to go, but another 11 year old may still be too slow and not ready. the safest thing is to just push the "legal lowest age of consent" higher.
60% of pedophiles are homosexuals
your flag and your pic fits each other very much
Why don't you focus on the major reason why it's bad?
No feels, just logic.
Human babies take the longest to develop, mostly due to their brains.
A human is not fully functional until it has a fully developed brain, which is central to everything we do.
This development stage reaches maturity around the late teens, although research shows the brain still develops into your 20's. Still, you've got most of your wits about you around 18.
Since your brain takes so long to develop, other growths are put off so that critical decisions (such as mates) can be made when the organism can make a conscious, relatively logical decision about it. Due to a growth spurt in hormones, teens still make irrational decisions.
Pedophilia is wrong because it is defective sexual emotions directed to an organism that is not capable or reciprocating.
Sexuality must be reciprocating, because that's the only way bisexual organisms can reproduce.