/eu/ - European Union

Good evening fellow 4channers.

This thread is dedicated to the creation of an EU Superstate/EU empire. There are multiple steps that we must take to hold the entire continent of Europe. This is a necessity.

1) The UK. Just as how the civil war occurred in the United States, secession is deemed illegal in the EU. Once a member state has joined, they cannot leave. Thus what the UK is committing is a treasonous act. The invasion of the UK should begin once they have "ceased" to be a member state. The UK must remain a member of the EU. The military attack will be difficult but the UK is no match for the entire EU.

2) Switzerland. This is a pussy country. They are surrounded by 3 giant countries in France, Germany and Italy. Switzerland can be invaded by 3 checkpoints and they would fall in a week. Easy.

3) Norway. Again, they hold a pathetic military and with the UK back in as a member state, we can easily invade their pathetic country. The seas would be ours. If Norway tries to act cheeky, we have a nuke at hand. 1 nuke on Oslo would do the trick.

4) The Balklans want to join so that's easy.

5) Russia. Arguably the hardest to attain. However unlike Hitler, the whole continent can team together and invade Russia. So they would go. If they use Nukes, we use Nukes. Russia is a frozen shithole and their people probably would vote to join anyway.

Any more ideas?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/search?q=hate speech laws&rlz=1C1NHXL_enCA725CA725&oq=hate speech laws&aqs=chrome..69i57.1624j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=hate speech laws european union

Wow Switzerland, Norway and a good majority of the balkans must be redpilled. Fuck the (J)EU.

so are you guys gonna let turkey in

your time is soon, sadiq

Ha ha ha we were talking about Europe not goat fucker land.

>Switzerland can be invaded by 3 checkpoints and they would fall in a week

Hint: These checkpoints are mined and the army is trained to destroy every entries to the country at the first sign of an invasion.

this is pure aids. try to invade switzerland and you will be sodomized in the arse and jizz-painted in the face for good measure. this is called "intelligence amplification for next time".

pretty good plan. I still don't think you would be able to take Russia though.

EU will fall and it will be good

There's a reason that Hitler didn't invade Switzerland

>how to make something grat
>let's kill them it should be easy
>we have to kill them too it shouldn't be hard
>and we must remember to kill them too I think we can handle it

>itt retards think switzerland is harder to invade than UK

Nuked /thread

just nuke them

But I'm British not Yuropean tho

It's on par difficulty wise. But the most important question is, can you hold it ?

One of the biggest gun/inhabitant ratio in the world
Around 20'000 bunkers scattered around the country, you could walk past one and don't see it
A defense system aimed to destroy every fucking roads leading to the country in one night
>just nuke them
More than 300'000 private and public fallout shelters (Almost every house has one, if you don't you pay a tax, every building has one)

infowars: the country

German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.


You're landlocked. You wouldn't last a week with 500,000 armed soldiers marching in. Switzerland is a small country. The UK is separated by the seas.

The UK is also nuclear armed.

And how much time Switzerland has been invaded exactly ?

On the meantime Hungary has been invaded so much time that it's difficult to talk about Hungarian identity nowadays. What is an Hungarian exactly ? A Celt ? A Roman ? An Ottoman ? An Austrian ? A German ? A Russian ? Or all of the above ? Tell me.

Most of those 500'000 armed soldiers would walk to their death. Having to suspect every rock and every building they cross.

>creation of an EU Superstate/EU empire
t. globalist shill

>this thread

beautiful map.

1. Step 1 outspend the US army on a joint EU army
2. Invest everything in the eastern EU, the collective EU gdp is already the largest in the world but if the eastern countries get on the level of the western the collective gdp will be boosted by 50%
3. No one can ever compete

Gee, it surely is a big (((coincidence))) that the jews love the EU. Let's just do what is best for the white man and create a superstate, I bet national identity and culture won't be damaged, I mean, our great overlords in Brussels would never try to destroy a culture, that would be ridiculous.

So what? Sheer numbers alone can take on Switzerland. Your air force is non existant (in fact when your air space got invaded you had to call France) and your ground troops are teenage conscripts. And like I said, you would be fighting 3 invasions at once.

Switzerland literally ARE Jewish.

The Norgecucks too because they are Saudi snowniggers

hope EU will die asap.

The Balkans number one priority is to join the EU. Only the better Balkan countries like Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Croatia can join though.

Countries like Serbia will never join, no matter how badly they want to.

Good luck getting EU states to send their sons and some daughters over to british soil to fight a war that they do not want.

Try that and you will see an uprising and your like will be hanging from lamp posts in the streets. It will be public when it happens so others will know what happens to traitors of the people.

Go back to the middle east and live in ur shithole Achmed

Good analysis. Now hurry up and rejoin Bulgaria :))

EU army will be needed because of Erdogan getting more power. I'm worried about Bulgaria and Greece.

>4) The Balklans want to join so that's easy.
You mean Albos and the rest of gibsmedats. We don't want to have any connection with you post-Empirical Judeolicking maggots.

Shut up, you are not Europe, you are Britainstani.

Pretty funny of you to call someone else Achmed, when you are the real Achmeds.

you will taste that sweet diversity soon enough

Good plan, i approve

The only other Balkan nation that will join is Montenegro.

Macedonia and Bosnia (meme nations) have no chance unless they join Bulgaria and Croatia respectively. Albania, Serbia and Kosovo have literally no chance of joining.

lol, hows the chinese colonization going on? its funny to know your Prime minister has doomed your country to foreign investment to the point that the Heritage that you did have has been wiped away.

The EU is dead, any EU military action would be suicide for it since the media machines of US and others would go into overdrive and paint the EU as the new USSR.
Also, there is no guarantee that every EU state would be on board for military action against any other world power. just because Europe is mostly working together in the form of a political/trading alliance doesn't mean that lets say France will attack the UK, or Portugal (England's "oldest ally")

Some people LARP about forming the anglosphere but most of the time canada isnt included, even if we wanted an empire again you wouldnt be included in it. Your country and Your people are a joke, now go suck off your dog
(Also i called him Achmed because he has a UK flag u nonce)

Lol, nice rant Achmed. Go fuck a sheep you Britainstani.

EU was the only thing you had going for you. But it's a good thing you left, as now you can join the Arab League, where you belong.

Good, I hope you fuck off with your fantasies of bringing back your empire

t. Quebec

>your ground troops are teenage conscripts
Ok you're clearly retarded (but you're the OP of this thread so... yeah you are).

>implying Switzerland would ever join your cuck empire
>strongest currency in Europe
>most guns per capita in Europe
>citizens undergo mandatory military service
Go ahead and try you filthy niggers.


fuck off

huehue, america doesn't like you. in fact nobody likes you, the empire ruined Britain in the end but my point was even if we wanted it back no1 wants canada. its a joke country of frozen chinks and backwards moose fuckers who dont even realise canada isnt theirs anymore.

You are Pro-EU cucks because canada is the cuck nation. now run along you french/chink mongrels

Switzerland and Norway are more or less incorporated already, they have to follow european laws without having a say in their creation.

I seriously have wondered why Switzerland hasn't been "annexed"- even the Nazis let it stand WTF is that about- Sorry to divert just always wondered that.

LMFAO okay Mohammed

Historical neutrality.

We are Europeans, not muslim barbarians.

balkans aren't in because they are getting rejected

Difficult terrain and every man in the country owns a gun. Napoleon did it though

haha, you even put up the meme that we are your farther, shows how irrelevant you really are.

PR reasons and their clay is worthless, invading them would be a waste of resources. They would probably surrender without a fight if Germans won the war with ussr


>Around 20'000 bunkers scattered around the country, you could walk past one and don't see it
>A defense system aimed to destroy every fucking roads leading to the country in one night

all long since disarmed

At least I can still own guns

It's sad because you used to be great. Very great. But now you have been reduced to a shitskin filled, Islamic shithole. And your pathetic people let this happen. Kek.

Oh wow a scary shelter.



Remind me again, when did interfering with internasl affairs become part of the EU deal?

in 10 years all that will be left of the Fourth Reich is Grmany and maybe France


TOP FUCKING KEK at that picture though

I'd rather a united Europe than a united Eurabia.

You mean, make it into an Islamic Caliphate? Because every point you are making sounds just like ISIS' game plan for Europe,.

>#1 lets invade this nuclear power, we'll curbstomp them and nothing bad will happen

>#3 lets invade this other country, if anything goes wrong we'll nuke them, lol

You can't actually be this dumb. Must be just trolling, no one could possibly be this stupid.

Bait M8

>landlocked and mountainous
>more guns than anywhere else in the (((EU)))
>fighting a non-existent EU army
toppest of keks

>UK flag
>supporting the EU
Filthy cuck, do us all a favour and put on some cement shoes and go for a swim.

The Wehrmacht calculated they would need at least a 5 to 1 numerical superiority to invade Switzerland and even then they didn't fancy their chances

Nothing on the world could end our great Union and we need more Europe for sure!

And if we are to be great again after the brexit we need everyone from the UK on board, but no u get Cucks like OP all the fucking time who one way or another undermine not the Goverment (the Goverment can fuck itself) but the country as a whole.

I want whats best for my country as should you, the EU is not in the best interests for the UK. The only places that are thriving in the UK are the major city centers because we have gone from a production country to a service country.
Cucks who can't think for themselves need to be fucking shot because in the end they undermine the nation as a whole. Thats why shitskins are flooding into this country because people like OP dont think about the concequences and just vote for more corrupt authority.

It would be if you went into a trade war with another country and you had idiots undermining your country so that it can fail and then they turn round and say "i told you so" they need to be shot. If you cant agree on the basic concept of that then your either shitposting or you yourself are part of the problem that canada is facing.

Neck yourself.

Reminder that Lincoln arrested anyone who had an opinion favouring the South. Are you suggesting the EU will arrest and imprison anyone who's pro-brexit?


pls have cancer

>burn more fossil fuel
>the ocean levels rise
>the UK sinks

> implying 1 nuke wont make the swiss shit themselves.

>implying im british

and they fought 3 wars at once and military has improved since.

EU actually has banned freedom of speech

Oh so you're a shitskin then. Get the fuck out of the UK and go back to the shithole from whence you came, heathen.

EU shills get OUT!!

you're a women who probably thinks there has to be physical reisistance in order for there to be rape.

No, Im finnish


>mongol rape baby

>2) Switzerland. This is a pussy country. They are surrounded by 3 giant countries in France, Germany and Italy. Switzerland can be invaded by 3 checkpoints and they would fall in a week. Easy.

just bomb the mountains. when the avalanche ice melts the troops can move in

>citation needed


pick one

That pic is a great pro-EU pic. I LIKE IT

google.ca/search?q=hate speech laws&rlz=1C1NHXL_enCA725CA725&oq=hate speech laws&aqs=chrome..69i57.1624j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=hate speech laws european union

You sound like the same guy in the WE WUZ GATHERERS thread asking for citation.

ITT: Switznig pretending that he is a roach and can withstand any attack and thinks the 3 great powers didn't let them live because of convenience



They are british, no European.

There is no such thing as British, just European

not what the Europeans tell us, we are "The eternal Anglo"

It's a meme

>google.ca/search?q=hate speech laws&rlz=1C1NHXL_enCA725CA725&oq=hate speech laws&aqs=chrome..69i57.1624j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=hate speech laws european union
>implying Cuckada is free from these laws
implying USA doesn't do the same shit while calling itself the land of the free

is this a troll?

spread your arses EU, we are coming in soon

EU is immigrant heaven

>implying Canada is free from those laws
Canada doesn't have free speech what are you talking about

Your trolling is poor.

half a truth in it, there have been periods in time where even both British and European people have said that people in England are not European

EU must become a Superstate. It's the only rational thing to do, regardless of what the nationalist cücks here say.

That's the first step, the last step is a One World Government but that is still far away.

1984 anyone?

Will that benefit the common man?

Why do Croats hate Serbs so much. Isn't everyone North of Greece and south of Romania/Hungary more or less the same people anyways? UNITE.