What if the Jews were on our side this entire time, and instead of infiltrating the Right to subvert it, they're actually infiltrating the Left in a long-game to destroy it forever?
Other urls found in this thread:
so 100+ years of making 'the left' a toxic asset that society rejects?
I'll accept this as plausible when we retake Constantinople
Maybe the Jews weren't so bad after all
they're trying to seek refuge in the right because they understand what's going to happen in our future.
I honestly don't know who is jew anymore. Everyone from every angle is jewing each other so hard, every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year.
I just want all this to stop. I want off Mr. Trump's wild ride...
just look at who the us nuclear spies were. look closely at all the names
use any source you want
youre welcome.
Six million Jews killed Hitler!
Deus Vult
Us Jews play 10000D quantum table tennis
>in the hour of need for the west the Jews come to save society
there is no stop
no. Never trust the jew.
This. I think we have reached memetic singularity. I just don't know who is jewing whom anymore.
classic jewish tricks
step 1: create problem
step 2: let it fester until it becomes critica
step 3: arrive with solution to the desperate victims
step 4: victims now love (((you))) after you pulled them out of the shitstorm you created in the first place
step 5: collect shekels
They manipulate both sides and play them against each other.
What if jews act in their own self interest and do shitty things to get more money?
>what if
under& b&
the eternal Jew Jews itself
>You're just not working hard enough to get in and network. You gotta pull yourself up by the bootstraps
t. my family.
why don't we all become jews and enjoy of the profits?
Lol nice try Jew
Reminder that Israel was the last country supporting Rhodesia and Boer South Africa. Jews are literally /ourguys/
>what if creating a one-party state gives Jews total control over us
So this is the power of methamphetamine?
>retake Constantinople
Can anyone explain to me what this means? Constantinople is modern Turkey right? So I assume this means it was once European til Muslims took it? So we want to remove kebab and reclaim it for Germany? Is this the correct understanding of "retake Constantinople"?
10D chess
>the Jews are making anyone who doesn't support ultra-capatialisim into an insane gay Muslims communist thus allowing them to gain vast amounts of unearned money from the goyium like a typical greedy Jew
What if the left is the true redpill and Jews are playing 4d chess?
Jews hate Muslims. Yet Jews invite Muslims into Europe by the millions. Is this because they know the only way to redpill Europe is to put the problem right in their face til they wake up? Do Jews want us to wake up faster so we kill all the Muslims like they knew all along needed to be done? Dear God are Jews the good guys?!
wtf i love jews now
Of course they destroyed the left.
The left doesn't care about redistribution of wealth anymore, it's all just identity politics now.
It's all according to (((their))) plan.
Nobody will attack them as left and right argue about tranny toilets and muh oppressed minorities/muh white genocide.
>just look at who the us nuclear spies were. look closely at all the names
Give us the names Frank
Its the (((Ocean People)))
But that's not happening, because the more things like that happen the more Sup Forums blames the jews which by extension worms its way into the mainstream.
Read a (((book))).
Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine Empire, also known as the "Eastern Roman Empire" or "The Empire of the Greeks". It was composed of the entire Eastern half of the Roman Empire, occupying from the Balkans through Anatolia, along the coast of the Mediterranean down to North Africa.
The state outlived the traditional Roman Empire, however it slowly lost more and more territory before finally being conquered by the Turks in the mid 15th century. The Turks renamed Constantinople "Istanbul" and converted the grand Church known as the Hagia Sophia in to a mosque. Istanbul was the seat of the Ottoman Turkish Empire until it's collapse after World War 1 where it then became the capital of the nation you know as Turkey.
When someone says "Re-take Constantinople", they want to restore Christian ownership of the territory, as it was originally a Christian city.
Then why do neocons exist?
Fuck off kike.
constantinople for germany? retard its either going to Greece or Russia
No. It's the pan-european project. Praktischer idealusmus.
tl;dr no more white people. A slave race of nigger-arab mix serving Jewish leaders.
Nope. Throughout history the Jews have only ever been out for themselves.
They are on both right and left. These fags on Sup Forums have never read the Protocols. That's why they fell for Trump.
>finally being conquered by the Turks in the mid 15th century
You're leaving out that this only happened because of the fucking crusaders sacking Constantinople.
The Byzantines didn't recover from that.
>The Turks renamed Constantinople "Istanbul
It's still Greek.
Blaming Jews only becomes mainstream if the Zionist Jews in the media and positions of influence promote it as the truth. The only time they've done this was in 1930s Germany to build up anti-semitism so Jews would leave Europe and eventually go to Israel, and to cement the Jews as the perfect, eternal victims. It worked.
Stupid people still haven't figured this out.
pure coincidence and all that though
its also worth noting that the adl was founded to
defend rapist/murderer of white children, leo frank
Ok fine, can they come with the solution already, I want my country back.
Hitlercaust museum when? If pool our resources, we can spin some amazing tales of suffering.
So why can't they just take over the entire middle east and africa, mix them to hell and rule there instead? Why start this long, arduous project in white nations and risk WWIII and the real final solution?
That's so dumb it hurt my brain. Fuck you user.
Jews are greedy liars with superiority complex? Fucking assholes basically and all you paid shill morons suck their wood cocks? No surprises here. I like pagan amoral ponzi schemes hurrr
This. Lurk more, OP.
Look, you're already doing it. On Sup Forums there is no room for rationality, no application of human nature to jews. The idea is that they are a true hivemind, all in on the same goal, have no human desires. They are omniscient, practically omnipotent. The idea that they are baring over you and practically unbeatable. There is no want, there is no fallible human greed and selfishness, there is nothing beyond the assured destruction of just humanity.
It makes every single move done by any one of them a plan to eradicate you, it surpasses any amount of reasoning they can give you. No longer human, they become a force that must be rejected on every fundamental level.
This way, whatever plans might actually be cemented in reality are instantly rejected without any logic, any argument. The very core of the people are rejected and inherently untrusted. There can be no moves on the chestboard without criticism.
This is perhaps Sup Forums's masterpiece and it looks as though it is beginning to spread across the internet, ever so slightly.
I will be rejected for this post by pointing out the narrative, because not a single ounce of reason can applied to this. They have to be inhuman, a perfect hive mind collective, spiritually congealed into a great shadow of evil. Everything else is JIDF.
basically the 40D chess meme
>I honestly don't know who is jew anymore. Everyone from every angle is jewing each other so hard, every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year.
>I just want all this to stop. I want off Mr. Trump's wild ride...
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
No one honestly thinks Jews are a hivemind. Their humanity is irrelevant, same for niggers, spics, and gooks. The reality is that the world has finite resources and our survival depends on our willingness to secure and hold resources for ourselves to the exculsion of others. Jews have disporpotionately chosen a path which opens the flood gates of our lands to outsiders and subverts our culture. If there are Jews who wish to step up and help us gas the kikes reponsible for this I will not stand in their way, but the hard reality is that such Jews will be few in number.