>Sup Forums will justify this
America is rich, Americans are not
Justify what?
taht ralely maesks me tihnk
Make it happen
Who the fuck would want to live in southern Texas? Are you mentally retarded? What a shit graph.
I'm in the top 10 percent because of my parents, so I like the way things are. Sucks to sucks
>tfw you're in the 9% and get to keep your comfy Midwest home and then some
Sounds bretty gud to me. Very comfy. I get to shoot anyone who violates the NAP right? ANCAP when?
tfw parents are 1% of top 1%
How much would the 2% that are jewish own?
>Thinks his parents money is all going to go to him
Have fun rationing out their inheritance in 30 years when they die
How does wealth translate into volume? I'm having trouble activating my almonds.
I think you people are missing the point. Don't think of the geographical splits as "literal". They are figurative to give you an idea as to who your masters are.
Better yet, nvm. OP quoted no sources, so whatever.
>Rich people in shit holes like california
>well off middle class in upper east and midwest
>south full of most of the lower middle class
>for some reason, the 20%, whoever they are, gets the lower bit of texas
>The poor as shit "40%" live in a red dot in texas
Other than a few things, this kinda looks a little bit like how America is now, but this is still fucking stupid
Well over the majority of the country
>parents are 1% of top 1%
You're lies are terribly bad
can i borrow some money?
Same, now I'm old enough I have seen how my parents sacrificed their own youth to allow me a chance of being successful.
>now I'm earning great money
>own a few houses
>retired my parents
90% of that capital is tied up in bonds and obligations. It's not "muh free money of the people!" as leftists want you to think.
Basically, it's just fucking debt. The US' great wealth does not actually exist.
Can I borrow some of that borrowed money
>tfw 22 and already in top 10%
I know I'll realistically never be 1%/millionaire status, but who gives a shit? As long as you're not retarded you can easily become upper middle class.
this is anti-semetic trash. You alt right people make me sick complaining about wealth inequality. We earned this because of our hard work while you goys were wasting time begging for gibs.
Buy him a train ticket Goebbels
My family would still be in the 1% sector
44% of Jews are in "The 1%" so since they're 2% of USA then 88% of all 1%ers are Jewish. Only 12% of the 1%ers are non-Jews
More like
>we earned this money siphoning your country of its wealth and resources, and buying out your politicians, which is why we were banned from dozens of countries in the past and why the nazis hated our guts in the first place
We goys do all the actual work.
the purchasing power adjusted average income in the US is still one of the best in the world
>source is tumblr
San Antonio is a decent city, m8. Demographics are fucked but this city is a paradox. Crime is low and business is good.
if you can see this stupid ass picture you're already the 1%, dumbass commies don't realize they're going to end up living in tin shacks and hunting rats if all wealth were redistributed, 90% of the world is fucking starving because they're retarded
I too, hate the Jews.
>hard working
That's not very "liberal."
>Sup Forums will justify this
I won't Kameraad, I will offer a solution to the problem
Breaking news: the rich are rich and the poor are poor.
You're a fucking retard.
Why don't they show the part where I'm a king who rules Alaska with an iron fist?
We wuz temporarily embarassed millionaires n shieeet.
i agree, let's punish those who chose to save their money instead of spending it. also, lock up anyone that passes the marshmallow test
Why should I care about the poor?
Why shouldn't we just exterminate them?
its a capitalist system at work, only the best equipped thrive. i would not want to live in a system where everyone has the same income because not all work is equal
The poor are genetically predisposed to being poor. Trace their ancestry back and you'll find them to be descended of serfs and peasants.
Alternatively your chart exposes Jews.
fucking commie
You might take ownership from the 1-10%, but you'll still be a retard.
Why is the map black? They own less than th 40% because most live in aection 8 housing.
What this map shows me:
>We're full
>We need to kick some people out
How about we kick out everyone that doesn't own property?
IRS 2014 numbers: 95% of income tax revenue is paid by those making yearly incomes over $50k and the number of those filers makes up about a 1/3 of all tax filers. The other 2/3 of tax filers don't pay shit to keep the Fed running. So how are taxes too high?? Pretty sure the only people who can claim this system is unfair is the ones who actually pay taxes..
Did you follow all that OP or was that too much facts/logic and not enough 'but muh feelings'?
But it is not divided like that. And does it really matter if we are fiscally unequal?
Epic meme
Makes sense. So when ivy league schools have more jews than non-jewish whites enrolled, despite whites making up 77% of the country and jews making up 2%, that's just "hard work". I'll be a good little goyim and go apply to McDonalds and hope to be in the 6% of applicants who actually get accepted - to work for McDonalds.
Top 10 boys rich dad feels nice not having to get a job or pay for anything.
dont u become retarded if you do do anything ? i was like 9 months without work, first 3 months was nice but then u slowly become retarded.
idk i need work, i have to make something good for society to feel good, i guess you realy need to be a sociopath.
I know right? life is comfy
Are kraurts retarded?
this is a good idea
thats pretty anti-semitic, most billionares are jewish goy.
>The top 1% owns the majority of American wealth
>"Yeah, but that's how the free market works. You don't want to redivide wealth like some commie, do you?"
>Jews are overrepresented among that 1%
Pick one, Sup Forums. Either you're okay with the Jews controlling the media through their wealth, or you want to redivide wealth.
redivide wealth through honest business, not the lying jew bullshit.
keep dreaming
Not sure how I feel about this, need to determine what bracket I'm in
"A rich man has as much chance of getting into heaven as a camel has of passing through the eye of a needle"
Maybe if we made the top %1 Christian...
okay mr.usury, okay
Seems fine. I mean, I certainly want to remove the major tax loopholes for that 1% as well as try to remove money from politics.
But I have no problem with rich people being rich.
Yeah I need a fucking job im probably already retarded. All I do is go to school but thats only 2 classes for this semester. Which ends on the 8th.
>redivide wealth through honest business
Do I have to explain on how many levels this sentence doesn't make sense? This is the exact same rhetoric commies spout about bankers who just "manipulate the market" to earn money.
i dont see the problem
I'm top 5% at age 29, feels good man. Getting a 30% promotion in two months.
Welfare coons don't even deserve the dot.
Of you're over 18 (and if you're not, gtfo), you can't say you're in the top 10% based off of your parents' income.
>- to work for McDonalds.
why not just buy a McDonalds, it isn't much more than the cost of a degree.
The debt that is going to be paid by poorest wagecucks, while (((rich))) (fuck it, there are both Jews and WASPs there) patricians only milk the country for more until it runs dry.
not an argument my mentally retarded commie enemy.
> Honest business
It's like "smart nigger".
It exists, but it's more likely to be shot by some ooga booga, then to achieve success.
> i wonder in wich category the jews are in
not quite enough bar mitzvah shekels for that
No I personally do not want to artificially divide wealth, but let us understand that most wealth is artificial divided in favor of a small percentage of worlds population. Working tax payers have to divide their wealth with welfare poor. People that are not absurdly wealthy keep the economy going. 1 billionaire is not going to buy a million washing machines, or cars, or fishing poles. 100 billionaires would not be able to defend their country. The wealthy don't dig coal out of the earth, pump oil out of the earth, they don't build highways, and water treatment plants. Most billionaires are crooks, from Russian kleptocrats, to American Ponzi/pyramid schemers, they really do not contribute to civilization. They take money out of the economy and leave nothing for the people that keep the wheels turning. I work for myself now. I got tired of seeing spoiled brats spending money I made them on boats and hot rods. Every chance I get to fuck the middle man, is good.
mfw people are still acting like Occupy Wallstreet is something, not just a circle jerk that has accomplished nothing to stop the income inequality in America
>> i wonder in wich category the jews are in
There are Jews in every single one of those groups.
Anti-semitism is a distraction to divide people. There are plenty of working class Jews getting fucked over by the global elite, run by Jews and gentiles alike.
>all these poor people commie tears
Congrats. Get as many white men in positions as you can. Look out for your people. Unless you are a shitskin, then super conratulations are in order for pulling yourself out of poverty... And GTFO.
Absolutely. Whites need to stop chasing the bullshit education maymay.
I fell for it and now am stuck being blue collar and paying off student loans for a useless piece of paper.
Gas kikes when?
Also 88%, what did (((they))) mean by this?
Isn't the cutoff only like $170k for 1%?
> There are Jews in every sigle one of those groups.
Sure mr.Shekelberg, there is absolutely nothing wrong or suspicious about the jews being 2% of the american population while being 44% of the top 1%