Dear Trumpkins.
Why isn't she in jail?
Dear Trumpkins.
Why isn't she in jail?
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You scared the fuck out of me, go back to /x/
Because shes working for Trump now.
Because trump is no different than her, an elite pupper.
this is something trumpniggers won't fathom, they won't get out of their cult of personality and admit that trump is just rothschild puppet number 49851324 (just like every other politician)
Because she won the popular vote, Drumpf knows he can't take her on.
wasn't she supposed to die like sometime now? They said she had like 6 months
She's too sexy for jail.
TWD scary as fuck this season!
because hitler did nothing wrong.
Mentally Ill people don't go to jail.
Because he can not instruct specfic investigations or prosecution on individual citizens.
Most obvious reason is that bill clinton and trump have been working together for decades.
Putting her in jail would put bill in jail as well and trump doesn't want that.
Once he got elected Trump was let in on a few secrets, and putting her in prison would disrupt the secret establishment
>mfw confirmed
I'm a goofball. I don't lobby for any kinds of goofball rights. I don't use public bathrooms. I don't have casual sex with strangers and have no diseases. I pay my taxes. The government does not pay for my therapy, prosthetics or makeup work.
Do you really think I'm harming society by existing? As in, me specifically? I'm not talking about the things Disney and Jewish media are doing, I'm talking about me.
Don't you have a moisture farm to tend to?
Cuz trump wants her whole organization to go down with her.
she will be in prison soon
with how the elections went I'm surprised she didn't commit sudoku out of shame
dindu nuffin
No, but i'm going to moisturise your mom's clit.
>an elite pupper.
Because she is a part of "The System".
And you don't fuck with The System.
Going after her will waste important political capital, and make dealing with the dems even harder.
>expecting sociopaths to have feelings
Because the Satanic shit happened in Vienna
>dealing with the dems
When does this start?
Because the Clinton's are extremely powerful.
The time and effort used to make her face justice might be satisfying, but the fact is America needs to get it's shit together. Prosecuting a corrupt politician doesn't help people put food on the table, sleep safely in their beds, and rebuild the mightiest nation on Earth.
Maybe down the road she can get prosecuted, but her and her Husband (the actual source of power she hides behind, like most women), have to many allies, too much money, and have brought so much shame upon America, that it isn't worth dealing with now.
Hilarious and probably true. She has to hate it, lol
Who's they?
>Using the British spelling
Moisturize you absolute retard
That's it. Bill Clinton told Trump she was ill, she could go anytime.
Trump has big heart, he couldn't help but feel sympathy for her.
talking shit when your countries only claim to fame is literally coarse sand that gets everywhere.
Finally - the truth can be told!
Shit, only noticed it now, puppet i meant.
Because the corruption is at the very top of the DoJ, FBI and everywhere else.
Her appearance is upsetting. Something about her eyes is unsettling. Yuck. Trump is a walking disaster and totally incompetent, but we avoided something deeply sinister in the outcome of the election.
speak the REAL english you retarded, self absorbed, narcissistic, unoriginal, low IQ, mongrel ameritard
Did you actually think he was going to do that? He wont because he didn't need to.
actually 50% of my country is mountains and forests, pretty hike material
the other 50% is urban
Pretty much this.
burger btfo
Sup Forums propaganda during the election lol
t. shillary.
No President wants to be the first one to start jailing his former political opponents
it hasn't been done before and would give serious credence to the cries of "muhhh fascism"
Yeah but I want trump to be a fascist.
Yeah. She was sick for the campaign but she's at retiring age and not dying age.
Its human face is slipping.
becouse they probably dont have any real evidence against her except speculation.
also it would destabalize the country even more.
hes not right wing enough for most of us on Sup Forums but hes the best choice we had
Reptilians don't throw their own in gaol retard.
>how did this
turn into this
>i'm going to moisturise your mom's clit.
Your mom doesn't have a clit, Mohamed cut it off.
FGM isn't practiced here.
this, get the fuck outta here with that creepy shit
Then you are not true Muslims.
>would destabilize the country even more
>even more
how so?
did the "hurr durr not my president anti trump" butthurt actually change anything at all since November?
Name one verse that commands you should cut your clit off
She is protected by the elders.
"You will cut off the clitoris wherever you may find it."
because she died
good banter
Yeah to be honest I was afraid Donald Trump would actually destroy the country but it seems like he's just Bush 2.0 so I think we'll be fine even though nothing will really change.
And where is the wall?
Other than increasing civil unrest, a noticeable uptick in racially and politically motivated violence, and mobs of people literally brawling in the street while police stand down, I would say the country is just as stable now as it ever was.
well it will not become a fucking civil war or anything like that, ofcourse not.
But the protests and riots would grow a lot, whcih would be a major pain in the ass for trump and not very good for re-election either. this is especially important becouse he won with such a small margin.
>early 2020
>Hillary gets sentenced to life for high treason
>liberals get super butthurt
>riots erupt
>police starts arresting people
>thus convicted are no longer allowed to vote
if anything this should help Trump to secure his second term
He made the liberals shit diamonds tho, that's why I voted for him
Because she knows for the 9/11, she know that the FBI knows and they can't do nothing against her for that very reason. She also got more than 100 millions from the saudi to her foundation to keep her mouth shut.
first they'l have to find lasting evidence for the treason. something more than deleted emails.
also, trump may possibly lose swing voters who did vote for him last term, maybe even to another republican candidate.
thirdly, I'm fairly sure he doesnt give a fuck about hilary clinton, this whole thing was just a way he could get people to vote for him. he IS a tv personality, he knows how to work the crowd.
the biggest mistake the democrats made during the 2016 election was attacking Trump personally, it was the only reason he backfired like he did
it took the dems till the end of November to figure this out
now since Hillary lost the election she is no longer a threat to Trump thus he simply ignores her
until 2020 when the campaigning starts again and Meme War 2 begins
but than again, i doubt the dems have learned anything from this, they will nominate a female Sanders-Style POC and tank just as bad as they did last year