Sup Forums is great and all but honestly what the fuck is up with the anime. Never been a fan of the Japs and I hate seeing weebs talking about White Nationalism.
Sup Forums is great and all but honestly what the fuck is up with the anime...
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Behold, the endgame of weeb "white nationalists"
This is an anime website after all. If you don't like it you can go to a less cancerous place.
Well, the Japs were honorary Aryans in ww2, so it's not like it's unrelated.
>comes to anime website
>hates anime
Pretty much haha
sorry are there other anonymous image and chat boards that are specifically about new wave national socialism???
Fuck off
I'm getting more weeb every day, but still think racemixing is kind of disgusting. Japs make good 2D, Germans make good 3D, I suppose.
we should nuke them until they are only sd
Probably. There's so many chans out there now a days.
I'd rather nuke you than Japan tbqh.
Most anime is cuck shit.
The only good anime's are the ones nobody knows about and nobody will tell you because you've been permanently cucked.
There is no anime to uncuck you. Sorry.
Also, have you heard of Bitcoin?
I invented it because of shitty anime.
we would have nuked you but american boys were already drinking all your wine and the Russians were raping all your women
Daily reminder that weebs will be hung on the day of the rope
I'll drink to that
Japs are honorary Aryans. Hitler said so himself.
post best girl facesitting pic
Do you think Hitler would watch anime and succumb to such degeneracy if he were still alive today?
Reminder that White Nationalism is bloated up by ironic NEET otakus and will crumble and fail as soon as it has to show it's real face.
Actually no. This is a website designed after a japanese website.
You want anime.
Gonna have a cheeky wank, lads.
I don't have it, sorry.
I'm browsing Sup Forums, /r9k/ and Sup Forums at the same time right now.