Starts at 21:00.
Watching the Q&A right now.
My question is: who is this qt 3. 14 and how do I marry her?
cringeworth meme-artist whose only good talking point was when his fat jewish friend started yelling incoherently.
also it was embarrassing to see the skinny, twinkmode losers that I share this board with.
Bump i love richard spencer and david duke!
Shlomo, they aren't paying you enough for this.
What were your favorite and least favorite parts of his speech? What did he do well on and what did he fuck up?
reported for hate speech, have fun at the social justice tribunal
I like spencer and if he ever comes around to my neck of the woods I'll be there to help defend him. He is getting our message out there, but he really isnt that great of a speaker. IMO he drags on to much and is to vague at times.
Mike enoch is better, hes more up front and to the point. I honestly think he should let enoch have a 15 minute segment next time he does this.
The guy's got good ideas, but there are a couple fundamental issues in his speaking imo. First, he speaks too slowly and is generally monotone, almost put me to sleep.
Second, he seems to put himself before the ideas, when it should be the other way around, "I don't believe x, but rather, I believe y."
He could learn a lot from studying the way GLR spoke
When he starts yelling
>Least favorite
When he stops yelling
Very good speech, you could tell he was excited and energized. Looking ready to start a race war. Enoch too.
I'm seeing the beginnings of a new Hitler if he keeps escalating his rhetoric, getting people riled up, conflicts with antifa, it looks with 1930s Weimar Germany and there is no limits.
Brought up some interesting points about identity.
>kike enoch
Keep calling him a Jew, Enoch is the type of nigga that will start a Jewish purge just to prove he's not jewish. even if he is
and who is this semen demon?
She's pretty typical for down there. When I was there you would often see girls like her go to class in pajama pants, and people could still smoke in certain spots on campus. I am old as fuck.
I don't feel like listening to this whole song, just give me the quick rundown on how he's a deep state sleepercell zog agent and he failed the purity test.
No one cares about Richard Spencer, he isn't interesting and doesn't have a large following. He's completely fringe and will never amount to anything besides a joke
>Sup Forums in 2017
Jesus over 2 hours long?
Who does he think he is, Zack Snyder?
A, king of the autists addresses his subject.
bravo my liege, bravo.
>he isn't interesting and doesn't have a large following.
So why does every college visit render total chaos and antifa protests outside, along with campus staff? Why did they try to cancel his lecture?
that is every basic bitch at southern universities. careful they are mostly degenerate coal burners.
Stop making this thread you faggot. The others have run their course. You're spamming it now.
>So why does every college visit render total chaos and antifa protests outside, along with campus staff?
The same reason people would try to shut down the KKK. Nobody cares about him, and he doesn't have fans besides cringe-tier virgins and white people who base their sense of purpose on their skin color
I really, really, really like this image.
Everything Richard says is right. The anti-white war is led by corporations and the state in an attempt to strip people of their identity. Whites need to relaize their identity once more.
Not a leftist not am I reading anything in this thread, but I just opened a response window to say that Richard Spencer is a forced meme person and is irrelevant. It's dickhead retards like him why the word nigger can't become a label to identify specific degenerate kinds of objective human behavior and thinking
yeah seriously he should spend free time listening to George Rockwell, William Pierce, and Jonathon Bowden to absorb some of their rhythm, something. Whatever he makes of them, he should listen.
It would make a great gift, to send their collected speeches to him in Whitefish. The exact address? Send him a bit of money and he'll write you a thankyou :)
>Richard Spencer
Lol, no.
can someone tell me if i've got this right
is Richard a National Socialist, or Racial Socialist?
i see him criticize capitalism regularly. He's also pro nationalised healthcare, pro abortion and for the welfare state. it seems like he is, quite literally, a National Socialist?
here's some earnest non meme critique for TRS shills or even Dick himself:
-LIFT and/or maintain a martial look. Nathan Damigo is a manlet but he carries himself strong, and is /fit/, whereas Richard and Enoch are frumpy and don't stand strongly
-Speak with a deeper voice, or less light intonation
Most importantly:
-Join the military or train in boxing, martial arts. Hitler, Mosley, Mussolini, Powell and Evola were all veterans. Richard and Enoch are pure eggheads.
When he talks off the cuff he isn't very good. His 2016 NPI speech was excellent though.
he literally claimed to be a proponent of socialism, big government, and mandated collectivism during the Q & A. why even care about white people if you seek to govern them in literally the worst possible way? sickening. i like what he said about about identity but that is a small emotional and agreeable subject; beyond that he is handicapped by edgy ideology. it was almost like listening to an angry Larry Wilmore but instead of blackness he was talking about whiteness. 2 sides of the same helicopter worthy coin.
>he is, quite literally, a National Socialist
ding ding ding
lolbertarians plz go
I agree with your post. Spencer is a means to legitimizing White identity: what individual nations and groups of white people do with that is up to them. But their way of thinking is that: we can talk about economics after we have a voice and a place of our own, otherwise we will fight amongst eachother while we lose our homelands.
why does he mock when people call him a Nazi when he is one?
Wear some pants you fucking whore.
because that's an emotional term meant to sidetrack the conversation.
not libertarian just not a retard who buys into this literal globalist shill's 1900s tier shortsighted excitement
right, so National Socialist would be acceptable?
good point but i just hope his poisonous attention seeking retardation doesnt become the core of the white identity movement
Why do you type like such a faggot?
Also, (((nazi))) =/= National Socialist. One gets people almonds activated by jewish propaganda and the other is the untouched and genuine affiliation to the real political ideology.
I guess the meth makes them really skinny
>National Socialist would be acceptable?
i don't know, it's not as emotionally charged, but at the same time these specific terms are erroneous because National Socialist comes from the NADSP from the 1930s Germany, not 2017 USA
Give him a few more years and we won't need him anymore. He's unleashing a floodgate that Jared Taylor had been preparing for decades.
Is this a cringe thread?
Oh look it's Richard, the forced meme that no one with a brain actually gives a fuck about. He's a literal nobody and you guys are braindead faggots for acting like he is even worth discussing.
>says we should ban football
>gets BTFO
He's literally a national laughing stock
The best part was when he explained that dwelling on the "black cloud" over Whites would only lead to the death of the white race, and that for the white race to continue to succeed we need to stop caring about the sins of our past.
I'm not sure if he did well on the football thing. He could've worded things a little better. It was very bold of him to bring that up at Auburn though.
No he's good. I became a fan last night.
So die faggit.
I'm surprised he still goes out in public after video footage of him bitching out and crying after a random attack. Even moldylocks got up like it was nothing and kept doing her thing after being punched by that manlet
Serious question here pol. Why can't we use the reseach on football related brain injuries and sue high schools and colleges to stop playing football?
How could we loose?
>implying they shouldn't ban chimpegg.
wow some retarded low IQ idiots on a black platform want to keep worshipping supermonkeyball
Props to anyone that actually watched that whole thing
Serious question here pol. Why can't we use the reseach on football related brain injuries and sue high schools and colleges to stop playing football?
How could we lose? Kids who play football suffer later in life. Their brains are damaged. If you prove this, and we can, how could a judge allow it to continue?
this kind of shitposting works better if literally everyone hadn't seen the video of this not happening
>Niggers nogging on twitter over monkeyegg
>somehow btfo
It's time for pol to form a right wing legal squad and get football banned.
1. With 1.1 million participants, football is the nation’s most popular sport for high school boys. Track and field is a distant second, with just 580,000 athletes.
2. The danger isn’t limited to games. Fifty-eight percent of concussions in high school and college football players happened during practice.
3. High school football players can undergo significant brain changes after just one season—even if they don’t get a concussion.
There were a lot of people there who looked like skinheads. I was surprised to see those type of people actually supported Spencer.
>There were a lot of people there who looked like skinheads. I was surprised to see those type of people actually supported Spencer.
I think if real life skinheads see 1) A kind of faggy egghead who is fighting for whites
and then hear about 2) mega turbo hyper purity autists on the containment board of a containment board for mongolian finger weavers who actively doxx white nationalists
i think skinheads will choose 1
I feel like the football issue needs to be addressed, but to those who have already bought in. It was a bad misreading of his audience to go there
I assumed they would choose neither.
They seemed like big fans of Spencer honestly, but maybe they just became fans over the course of his speech.
>I assumed they would choose neither.
maybe, but the time for sidelining is over. the barbarians are at the gates and one has to choose.
Anons, I know we accept all kinds here, but Spencer is such a douche. Not only can he not articulate a coherent ideal re the preservation of Western values and/or white cultural inheritance, but his delivery is utterly juvenile. He can't command a room with his rhetoric. He literally got btfo by a bunch of snarky undergrads. Yes, milo is a huge fag, but when he spoke people listened; he had charisma and could be smug and charming at the same time. Last, Spencer, if you are reading this, I know your worst fear is to not be relevant...let go of that fear.
stfu, man. His football analogy about distracting us from our identity was tenuous at best.
i disagree. football is the politically acceptable way to have a 'tribal' identity that so many men want.
We'll no one at Auburn liked it and he got chased out of town by God-fearing, football-loving, Auburn students
Fuck Richard Spencer fucking (((shill)))
>sports are degenerate
He should sub to Charisma on Command on the jewtoobs
It's a controlled tribal (((identity))) that implicitly includes globalism in its mantra with 90% nigger teams. It'd be better if whites produced a real "tribe" or country that was functional, than fixating on this artificial one while the country falls apart.
Probably one of the worst speeches Spencer has given. He would inflect at weird points and he went into too many abstractions that no one really cares about. There's a middle ground between reading off facts like a zombie and enticing people with narratives or some shit but he failed.
Q&A was decent though.
He's from chicago, between our two baseball teams, it's extremely obvious. Just from the ethnic demographics around the stadium, ethnic identities are pulled into the fan culture. White Sox fans are a bunch of niggers, Cubs are a bunch of normalfag suburban cucks. It's such a strong association that a child could tell you, without ever having been to a baseball game
If you want a tribe so bad, why don't you go start one instead of wishing everyone else would do the work for you bitch.
the problem with spencer is he looks like he should be wearing black eyeliner and singing about cutting himself in some faggot emo band
Great image, saved
Is this the girl who was outside talking to the humble bee farmer Holocaust truther on the live stream later on?
Except all this stuff only started happening in the last 10-20 years, the same time that undetectable PEDs were being made available online, oddly enough.
ESPN is already trying to push that, and soccer, because they (Disney) want further globalization and degradation of any national culture.
>National Review
The magazine that sold out paleoconservatives in favor of (((neocons)))
>national culture
Fuck google ball
Instead of watching football, white dads should be out in nature red pilling their 12 kids.
Just watched it...guess I can't use all my bullets on ANTIFA now
finland such a cute
I'm 26, and you could still smoke on campus until like 2012 or so the year i graduated is when they banned it iirc so that doesn't necessarily make you that old, unless i'm old as fuck and just don't know it.
And yeah, she looks fairly identical to about half the student body.