0 Being completely uncucked (not even sure if such a Celebrity exists)
10 Being most cucked
I'll start with an example of a 10
0 Being completely uncucked (not even sure if such a Celebrity exists)
10 Being most cucked
I'll start with an example of a 10
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off
mel is a zero
Uncle goy who begged (((holywood))) and promised to be a good goy?
Nice proxy Louie
10 is the most cucked you retard.
(((Louis Székely))) is an 8.5 and I'm being generous.
I'll admit I used to mildly enjoy some of his stand up from a while back. But the more specials he put out the more he became this absolute self loathing loser who always had to shoehorn politics into his act. Not that he was some super confident guy with high self esteem to begin with, but you get my point.
U wot m8?
dumb nigga you cant read
where did this joke come from, is it cuz he got divorced
I honestly have no idea, I think he just has a strong craving for non-white dick.
Kek. My sides. Good ole mel. He will rise again and bring down the Hollywood jew once and for all
What rank would Hunter S. Thompson have?
More like 100/10
President Trump 10
Pic related, no wonder she doesn't want to share a bed with him
Oh yeah he's an 8/
8 and it seems to rise each week, heartbreakingly.
Would be 0 but he's a fucking leaf
why is captain america cucked
Also said he wanted to fight the guy that punched Moldylocks
Beat me to it.
redpilled on women, but the SNP is for faggots
Varg 6/10
same score for this guy
(((Anthony Bourdain))). (Not sure where to rank him)
Dropping my favorite Woods tweet.
rate him
Strong 10
I give him about a 3
He did vote for Gary "Open Borders" Johnson after all.
I'd say about a 4. He was a victim of cultural marxism pertaining to drugs and hippie culture. Yet, a strong advocate for Second Amendment and a true patriot. He was a conflicted soul.
Armenian Genocide/What's that?
396/10 and -994+15i/10 respectively
Everybody think's he a kike for some reason and I don't see it all. Not that it matters, cause he still needs the gas.
It sucks that everyone considers him mentally ill because he called out the Jew.
He may have been MKUltra'd
2 in the 70's, 9 in the late 80's. 7 in the 90's and then 5 in the end.
Guys, I watched a few of his shows. Pretty funny.
I missed something? and I do not understand why you call it an Cuckold?
John Oliver is worse than Louis
I mean his children are very white girls
I'd say about a 5
Talks about white guilt type stuff and slavery. But at the same time also has an anti-SJW attitude. He recently talked about how it was stupid to call a man a woman when he clearly looks like a man.
how is larry david cucked?
Another 0
I swear he goes 0.000001% further right with each upload.
I frickin love him lol
Just because of the muh patriarchy is so stronk.
hes a 4.5 at the very least
he's a scientologist so at least 4/10
list to his stand up specials, starting with the newest and work your way back.
>being offended over this
Rate him?
8109065OverloadInfinity 0Not sure400
For I have seen hate itself...and it turned and looked directly at me.
lol 3 autismos, I wonder what it's like being a father to 3 Minecraft-americans
2 he won't name names, but hes antifem
I wouldn't be if you could get away with literally pissing all over Judaism and not getting called out for provoking Daily Shoah #5000 but that ain't happening.
>Clint Eastwood
Are you taking the piss?
id give stefan a 2 because he blames everything on women
i never followed the louis ck cuck meme
what did he do that made him a cuck?
I'd say a 4, but his cuck level has been rising rapidly. Listenin to his older stuff, he use to be about 1 on the cuck scale.
>people who you don't agree with politically are the most cucked
>people you 100% agree with politically are the least cucked
same. he even said nigger in one of his sets.
Everything basically.
He started off with a stage persona of a self deprecating loser and then he eventually became the self deprecating loser.
See such hilarious "jokes" as
Most important what cucc level is Tommy Wiseau?
Whatever happened to C(uc)K posting? Those BIG BLACK COCKS standup posts.
Because that's the case dumbfuck.
At least learn the terminology before you try to act the smart aleck faggot.
>Ben Affleck
That's gross, that's racist.
I didn't believe the "Trump fucked his daughter" meme but this family is just way too wierd
this 10. he also loves nigger dogs/pitbulls.
James Woods: 0
wait is bill clinton alpha?
I've seen all of his HBO specials and he pretty much always says nigger.
>what did he do that made him a cuck?
He shilled hard for Hillary and recently said that Trump is LITERALLY Hitler. He's still funny though.
triggered much, whitey? :^)