Why are millennials obsessed with yoga and meditation and new age bullshit?

Why are millennials obsessed with yoga and meditation and new age bullshit?

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To fill the hole where religion and values were

Fuck this stupid boy and her retarded sociopathic face

because vegan food makes you retarded.

Bet You'd still hit

Because traditional hasn't helped anything to improve lives

They are only interested in those things on a very superficial level, i.e. they want their friends on instagram and facebook to think they are interested in spiritual matters, when in reality, they are just mindless consumers with no deeper understanding.

>you totally gotta buy this yoga mat
>you totally gotta buy these yoga pants

They just want to be percieved as "cultured" by their peers. Of course, the "cultured" part cannot pertain to their own cultures (thats racist) so they have to borrow from other cultures.

Its just an act.

Pretty sure it was worse in the 60's

Implying they do not just do it for attention, because one sad little fuck started doing it they wanted to jump on the LOL ZEN XD bandwagon.
'hey user you are so angry all the time, we should meditate! Teehee'. No fuck you, sitting still for fifteen minutes on a 50euro yoga mate listening to Lordd does not make you zen and it certainly does not make the problems within society going away.

Pretentious cunts.

They gotta fill their hollow, mundane lives with something.

How old are you friend?

both yoga and meditation are very good for you. The fact that you knock them as "new age bullshit" is very telling of you and how much you care for unorthodox forms of fitness and improving your wellbeing. Both will probably continue to increase in popularity until they are viewed the same way as traditional cardio/lifting to keep yourself fit.

Anyone that disagrees is genuinely retarded and has no idea what they're talking about.

You fucking fitnessphilistines disgust me.

FPBP /thread


A better question is why are you so comfortable in your ignorance. The only thing new about people practicing yoga and meditation is your awareness, which is irrelevant
>being triggered over benign healthy practices

Because they either attract pussies, or pussified males, which we have many.

Yoga and meditation are not new age bullshit. The are truly worthwhile practices that everyone can benefit immensely from.
New age bullshit is like healing stones are stuff.

Fuck you you left-leaning parasite. I accept other 'fitness' practices, but it is so obvious a lot of these lolsorandom twats are merely doing it for the social points. If you want to chew on bamboo and do nothing on a yoga mat, good for you. That's really what the world needs, more idiots sittinf around doing nothing.

this /thread

elitist posturing


They aren't.
Especially compared to late boomers and early gen-X that knew the apex of fully commercialized new-age crap in the 80s and 90s.

Actual yoga and meditation are not new age bullshit. I myself meditate regularly. Hell, even Julius Evola was into yoga.

But are you seriously suggesting that liberal, cosmopolitan millennials ACTUALLY understand yoga and meditation, as opposed to just following a fad for social points?

>Why are millennials obsessed with yoga and meditation and new age bullshit?

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>yoga and meditation
>new age bullshit

Pick one. Both are extremely healthy for you. The obsession with astrology, rocks, etc. on the other hand is some new age bullshit I see quite often, and I do not understand the appeal of it.

>yoga and meditation have been around for thousands of years.
>new age

doing yoga is great. makes me feel limber and flexible and eliminates muscle pain. Highly recommend it especially to desk jockeys like myself who are perched in front of the PC most of the day.

Shallow spirituality.

>practices and traditions that have been around literally longer than your own religion

>new age

This is why people call Westerners idiots

Because their lives are so far beyond easy they need to add stupid bullshit to give it meaning.

>he still doesn't meditate

enjoy your lower tiers of consciousness m8

>ask retarded question in op
>leaves own thread forever
>everyone still takes the bait

I believe meditation is good but all these faggots that think they are hippies n shiet are fags muh buddha

There's a difference between actual yoga/meditation and the watered down consumerist version.


>new-age/secular buddhism
I will forever blame George Harrison

In what way?

>I must reply to every post and be watching the thread all day or else I am shitposting
Fuck off, not everyone has time for that shit

It's really not hard to believe that people other than yourself have a deep interest in various hobbies, is it?

>slap together some basic self-questioning that can be done without too much self-reflection, doubt or reexamination of actions and principles
>throw waterpainting on the cover
>print it all
>sell it in the self-help aisle under the "meditation" category

She's not aging well at all.....not even that cute anymore :(

You obviously don't ubderstand what was meant by "new age". That is a specific term.

The Secret (most well known New Age propaganda)
Madam Blavatsky

New age came about in the late 1800s, it crept slowly by in the shadows, transforming all the way by people like Crowley, satanists, and esoteric subcultures. It is now one of the dominant religious systems, though few people realize the extent that New Age ideas pervade Western culture.

Yoga and meditation are just two small manifestations of this.

it's shitposting because its a shitpost and of all the people answering your retard question, Im the first person you replied to.

While Yoga and Meditations are NOT New Age, they became popularized because of New Age influence. Read into the history of it, especially the old stuff ~1880s - 1920s

They have not suffered properly. Their time is coming.

I am a millennial (1995), and I can answer.
I grew up in a religious country surrounded by religious people, but I've never identified with Orthodox Christianity. Basically I never had faith, and I've been blaming it on myself - I felt like there is a side of life that I am missing by not participating in ANY religion, and boom - Yoga/Meditation came along. I've spent a lot of time just reading bullshit and trying to meditate, and it really does work as a mean of calming the nerves, I still do it, but not for spiritual reasons. I think that it's just a good solution to an inner conflict of being opposed to dogmatic religions and still wanting to participate in a spiritual experience.

There's a vast chasm between what he's talking about and the real eastern spiritual traditions.

That book is beyond based. I used it to speak to demons.

Why do we have this thread every day?

Eternally and unequivocally this.

>let me adopt some new age religion that doesn't judge anything I do and encourages my hedonistic lifestyle

because the lack of spirituality and transcendance

not to mention the western ones

t. practicing hermetist aquafresh

Food items

etc. etc.

>encourages my hedonistic lifestyle

Not really. It doesn't encourage anything, it's not Vaishnavism.

If anything, I can really recommend meditation as a therapy, because modern world is so full of distractions that you would rarely find yourself alone with your thoughts. And being alone with your thoughts is important.

Yoga is alright

As much as any other religion. When I did yoga and meditation all I've used was a book I've downloaded and that's it.

Attempting to fill the spiritual void left when raised without any sort of religion.


PS new age is the spiritual equivalent of what the organic-fad is to healthy eating. It takes from all sorts of genuinely interesting philosophies and practices and reduces it to his greentext. True esoteric practice is among several things about facing your demons and going through potentially very difficult experiences in order to evolve in a certain direction. The hedonistic bullshit new age which explicitly propagates solipsist ideas like "whatever you pay attention to or judge gets stronger, so don't resist anything that's bad". Besides they don't usually take the philosophies or practices seriously. I know a lot of new agey types that are horrible people to be around or treat their SO's terribly, no self development going on there.

Because the death of Christianity, having been revealed as bullshit and lies, has left a spiritual void they're trying to fill.

>new age
Agreed. It's bullshit.
hey wait.

Meditation is a bit like pol.

# POL #
>came for the lulz
>stayed for the redpills

>came for the pussy
>stayed for the health benefits of a clear mind

>being alone with your thoughts is important.
That's the last thing I need.