How do I want to immigrate to Europe it's cool there delicious food and not that fucking buckwheat that in Russia...

How do I want to immigrate to Europe it's cool there delicious food and not that fucking buckwheat that in Russia, there are high salaries of $ 3,000 and not 150 as in shit, there even you can not work, live on benefits and rejoice, not that fucking lorry Where he lost his job - just a bum, there are polite and kind people and not an aggressive cattle like in Russia there all fucked up
You can buy real weapons for the self-defense, and there simply is not life but a fairy tale! There they are not even put in jail for husky vkontakte, how is there a fucking thing, why is it so difficult to find a job without education, they do not recognize local universities, and in their universities education is paid, how is it fucked by this

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better stay in tatarstan, saktilbek

+15 bitch

seriously??? now days people consider to immigrate to Russia and you want to leave??

>delicious food
Wait what

You will never leave ivan

Btw, if we are being honest, i make enough money to leave this place, but there is no country that suits me better. I dreamed of immigration at 16, now i'm /comfy/ as fuck in my motherland

Europe is probably more fucked than Russia at this point

he craves for muslim semen

I haven't met one Russian liberal with half-decent English grammar, not a single one.

Best chance to immigrate is be Moslem


i have family members running back from 'europe'.
They all say that its going to shit with all the muslims and degenerates. No money can can make them stay.

+15 dickheader (zalupa)
If you do not like European food, then you will be surprised how terrible the Russian

I thought Russia were building White right wing death squads, so they could help liberate their Western European brothers from the hordes of shitskins.

I do not care about refugees, I just want not to live in poverty

who? russia is a shithole

>barely speaks English
Like clockwork.

>You can buy real weapons for the self-defense
Here's a suitable weapon for you OP.

liberashka nizhebrod gtfo

If you're broke in Russia you'll be broke in Europe, don't think that you're given $20k and free housing when you come

Middle class russia is living fine

Are you kidding? In Russia, 99 percent of the population in poverty, like me

Just be grateful there's no faggot propaganda being pushed. That shit is driving us Westerners in insane.

at least they aren't cucked

You are staying right where you are, traitor.

I'm ready to warm up gays just to not live on $ 100 a month

Top kek

FPBP. Russian subhumans are not wanted

Why don't you just walk to Germany and get a job?


I will go to the poland in a year, it's easy to find work even for such an idiot like me

Last thing we need are Russian inferior losers coming over with their inferior genetics and nigger mentality. Ivan can't into quality German language skills anyway

Poland is a country of Poles, not Russians. you people couldn't protect your contry from (((commies))) and Jewtin and left it to rot, now you want to simply move, pack a wife and go?
Or live there knowing you won't be accepted?
Most of Europeans here are letting niggers flood into their contry and are not even capable of mobilizing against it on their nations, as if Brussels was 3 thousand kilometers distance, as if they can't talk to each other via lots of places and protest against those bureaucrats, stop a city, a country, and go after them.
Now people want to soil other nations even if they couldn't protect their own, what a fucking shame.

Cowards, you talk about "refugees", corruption and enrichment but you're the same, you might not be raping and shoving money instead, but you're just like them.

typical russians

Im russian and i eat russian a lot the people here like it too german food is sausage + beer

And what am I now, to suffer in Russia? I will not change Russia

There it is difficult to find it, it is better to find in Poland

>invites 1 million inbred pakis
>turns away his Russian cousins

Poles hate Russians.

They don't accept russian or ukainian diploma

And you have to go back to Russia. Once BRD goes down and BfV is not there to protect muhnorities, don't complain on retaliation.

Russians also hate me for being gay

Do you think they accept Turkish or Pakistani diploma? Those maggots live like kings on the corpse of your country.

You can just get refugee status in Canada then. You already speak English.

I don't know why Russians hate Russia. I don't see you guys getting flooded in with endless hordes of shitskins and faggot propaganda like we all have to deal with. I'd happily trade places.

Euro slavs and hipsters eat buckwheat all the time, you will be disappointed user.

Merkel is Polish and Germany for the Germans
Not our or Polish problem, Ivan the dindu. It's so fucking easy to make money in Russia, that I live in a complex full of people from Amsterdam and Hamburg. You know, biggest issue of Russia is the racial hygiene problem. You need the average salary for the only one reason - you are a dumb nigger with shit genetics that can't succeed in almost AnCap dream the market

They don't. They just receive welfare and stay in their containment areas. Luckily, the more shit the Germans get, the more aggressive we get. In the end of the day, every 100th person will commit Breivik type attack. You can only push this race so far

Kings lived in freezing castles without medical care. They live better than kings.

+15 fuking dickheader,

Hey i didn't choose to be here everything sucks there's nothing to do here teachers are retarded we had a russian it teacher and she did better then a german who talks bullshit for 1 hour

Fuck off, we are full

Der Untermensch please. You are a nigger and it's time to get over it.
It's a smart move to compare modern times with the Medieval period now? "Germany" is a American-NATO occupation zone at the moment. Thanks to the USSR subhumans, Jews and Anglos, there won't be much progress before fiscal collapse or racial violence

What makes you say that?

So finish your business and go back? Germany for the Germans, Russia for Russians.

You're delusional.

Make a homosex/anti-putin youtube channel, pay some slavs to beat you up for being gay, get asylum.

Those self-hating Russians make up ~5% of the population, no idea why they're so overrepresented on Sup Forums

Russia is SWEDEN YES type of a country, just anti-homo (officially) and on average poor

Heбocь eщe нa ПЛЮM пoдпиcaн, мaня?


You didn't reply to my answer. I am telling you that you can get asylum here. Take the opportunity.

I don't know but they always have 4-6 children and are on welfare + maybe the father goes to work but the most do illicit work and own a mercedes

>fails at English
>goes full slav when provoked
like clockwork
what makes you think you are gonna make it in Europe if you can't even learn the single easiest language there is?

Come to England, there's an area near me where Russians live and are driving the Pakistanis insane because they don't tolerate their bullshit. Thousands of other Slavs here as well, we all get along great.

How do I want to immigrate to Europe it's cool there delicious food and not that fucking fecal matter that in India, there are high salaries of $ 3,000 and not 50 as in shit, there even you can not work, live on benefits and rejoice, not that fucking lorry Where he lost his job - just a bum, there are polite and kind people and not an aggressive cattle like in India there all fucked up
You can buy real weapons for the self-defense, and there simply is not life but a fairy tale! There they are not even put in jail for balatkar, how is there a fucking thing, why is it so difficult to find a job without education, they do not recognize local universities, and in their universities education is paid, how is it fucked by this


I'll go to russia when im done with school and studying

Before going full Beneš decrees, you can actually push a citizenship revokation law for Hartz IV niggers. Even CDU without Merkel can agree on that

>there's an area near me where Russians live and are driving the Pakistanis insane because they don't tolerate their bullshit

Tell us a story mother Britannia

In England you can make over a thousand per week, just doing ordinary factory work. In an area outside London, especially in the north, an ordinary working class area, it's enough to get a decent flat or house and live comfortably with a social life too.

is that your idea of an argument?

It's not story sadly for you, they even disrupted a muslim funeral after one of their "men" went after a Russian girl.

>make over a thousand per week, just doing ordinary factory work
How? Send me the application form.

That's called autism. If not for ethnic enclaves of subhumans and corruption they cause, Russia would be a nice place to live. Granted that natural resources belonged to the public and finance national development like sports, medicine and science. Wasted potential and dysgenics the country

Apply at a well known stationary factory, and do overtime, especially a few weekends. You get even more if you can drive.

are you a fucking insane mate? did you miss Margaret Thatcher and Blair?

come to italia we likr russians

obscurantism and russian orthodoxy are worse than faggot propaganda

I guess that's what I get for giving the kind of people who would make a thread like this the benefit of doubt
if they actually wanted advice, they wouldn't be posting on Sup Forums and insulting everyone

At least the faggots are not a colossal drain on the society

Jealous Rusbro?

Cancerous nu/pol/. I can't help but to think that OP is a troll, although he has the same impulsive monkey thinking that toilet cleaning dindu immigrants have

No one is, we just believe that you shouldn't be able to hold a Belgian passport, because you are not a Walloon, German or Dutchman. Subhuman Chechen do leave

>high salaries of $ 3,000 and not 150
>working a regular job in Russia meme
I used to make 60$ a day on average from scamming people on csgo for less than an hour of work and then investing it into memecoins
>Literally white niggers

I'm not Chechen you shitstain

Most Russian nationals in Belgium are. You are not

Therefore, you should not be able to hold Belgian citizenship. Pic related
Welcome to Sup Forums
What on earth can you scam people for on a fucking online game

and yet I do... don't be upset. I'm living a good life here.

have you ever played csgo lol ? there are like $500 knife skins out there. I know people who made more than $5k a month doing this shit

You subhumans have way too much high feeling of self importance. No one cares about you personally, but about a cancerous phenomenon of not a single European nation being openly ethnic in it's foundation
>good life
bydlo please

never played, but what possibly can be profitable about that?

Are you an ethnic Russian?

Do you hate shitskins?

Friend of mine travel to Canada, and just say at the airport that he's gay and want a asylum.

They even gave him a free apartment.

don't be a civic moron. there is no such thing as "Based non-native citizen"


Who doesn't?

>>good life
>bydlo please

Well the government steals A LOT of your money and the services they give in return are shitty, but if you have a job here it's impossible to be poor.

Countries like Belgium are ideal if you're a middle class normie

>middle class normie
Them, political establishment and Jews (+ subhuman USSR army and Anglos) are quilty of modern ruined state of Europe

I'm not. I'm against large mass migrations, but I have nothing against other Europeans moving here if their skills are in demand. They will integrate in the long run and they're not polluting our gene pool since they're white too.

The normal, average John that goes to work everyday is pretty innocent though... We got flooded with shitskins because of the economic elite that wanted cheap labourers and later the political and academic elite that unleashed the diversity agenda on us because it earned them money and power

Cuckold the post. You know what makes us different? We the Western Europeans are Celtic-Germanic. The rest are not.
Average John is a retard that enabled maniacs like Jean Monnet and Richard Kalergi

I put the emphasis on small numbers.

And yeah, the average John is a retard. Always has been and there is nothing he can do about it. It's our elites that put the knife in our backs by selling us out to the transnational elites

>small numbers
Why there should be any? Why the sacred institute of citizenship and nationhood shouldn't be strictly ethnic? Why temporary visitors and students should have a pathway to citizenship? What kind of thinking is that?