So boring right now

So boring right now..

Where are the happenings.

>Still no nuke on NK
>No terror attack
>Steve dead
>no Auburn riots
>Coulter cancelled
>No Westeuropean country collapsing
>couple of days till french elections


Come on world, do something

Other urls found in this thread:

>mama mia
uhh what is going on

cultural appropriation

that was just the last picture that made me laugh on Sup Forums .

how big is the O`Reilly thing in the US? Did he actually attack women or do they just wanna get rid of him?

Here, take some videos



no thanks.

If I wanna see this shit I`d go to Sup Forums .

Nobody even likes O'Reilly.


seen this shit before
how the fuck is that even possible though?

>steve dead
Give me the rundown.

dont worry, tomorrow is a very special day friend

You can watch the /comfy/ Venezuela riots.

Alex (((Jewnes))) exposed as a paid actor

>all those years of deception
>all those years of OBAMA WAS A NAZI GLOBALIST INBRED GERMAN COMMUE PINKO and the donated shekels

I mean look at , if Americans had any principles he'd be facing justice for having robbed you of your hard earned money while peddling lies (watch the second clip!)

Also pic related

Didn`t really follow his final moments.

He shot himself. Quite unspectakular.

ofc his anger was an act, but he told the judge that he believes 100% what he is saying.

That`s all that counts to me.

>or do they just wanna get rid of him?


will the edgy mass media celebrity David (((Dukowitz))) take over now as the Edgy-for-normies christian media personality

>*kills self*

that's basically what happened, no lie.

if this post ends in 22 Kek is blessing our great countries by removing kebab

So he believes that

>Obama is a Nazi
>Hillary is a Nazi
>The NWO (later re-dubbed "Globalists) are inbred german-later-turned-UK royalty Nazis
yet he goes silent when presented the JQ statistics and proportions of fellow Racial Brethren inside U.S. media and last century's communism etc?

Then he's ignorant af

He is also backed by several (((donors))) since years ago, you better look that one up bro

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if he is or isn't.

Enjoy the character, don't worship it. Always take a step back and analyze for yourself.

Even the worst disinfo can lead to the best epiphanies.

>but he told the judge that he believes 100% what he is saying.
>that's all that counts to me
Meanwhile his (((jewish))) wife and his (((Greatest Ally))) in the Middle East don't give a shit about your White-European nation state Germany or its white germans not being racemixed into oblivion (death of your Race and physical phenotype that birthed your own culture and History... because Civic Nationalism)

>what is

Who is Steve?

>new WORLD order
I wouldn't call this a "re-dub" because you'd have to be a retard to not know these are the same thing and can be used interchangeably

>Enjoy the character, don't worship it. Always take a step back and analyze for yourself.
He is backed by money

money talks in America and its relations to the Greatest Ally-state of Israel that Alex (((Jones))) (jewish wife, jewish kids) cares deeply about

>Even the worst disinfo can lead to the best epiphanies.
political Epiphanies aren't worth shit if they lead to people doing wrong actions IRL; ie being deceived into acting against their own gain

>what is people voting in Trump because he was supposed to not be like Iran-invading Hillary or the Bush 2.0 GOP republicans; yet now we have Syria and Trump acting out proxy wars YET AGAIN despite promising to """"""""""""""""Drain the Swamp""""""" of the same (((people))) that influenced both Bush and Obongo
>and their voters

I wouldn`t be surprised if the British royals are involved in pedophilia.

He calls the jews out constantly. He is bashing Soros and the (((Bankers))) daily.
The reason he doesn`t go further on the JQ is him not being a white nationalist. He`s just alt-lite .(which surprises me cuz I`m pretty sure he read a shit ton of books about cultural marxists)

Gonna look up the donor part.

Gotta stop visiting pol man. Past few months just nothing but 100% fake happenings and everyone saying WW3 yet NOTHING will happen. You let the autism get to you.

No kebab removed

It will happen. With or without his blessing.

(((they))) will keep pushing until Germany snaps.

>The reason he doesn`t go further on the JQ is him not being a white nationalist. He`s just alt-lite
Yes, because his wife is jewish thus rendering his own children Jewish (not White, not European-American) too

Again if the wars of Bush-Iraq, Obama-Afghanistan and Hillary-Proposed-Invasion-of-Iran were all backed by (((Jews))) - why should Trump get a free pass just because he picks at low hanging fruit?

>bashes Soros
>does not ouright BAN him and his banking business from the U.S. like Vladimir Putin has done with Russia

is that quote from churchill real?

I feel you hans a couple weeks ago I thought ww3 was imminent. Sucks

I started to mix the two (Trump/Jones) up while writing my post but I hope you got my point

Alex (((Jones))) is already financed by X amount of people behind him, and he tries to get mass appeal as an official face of online Alternative Media (he has been written about and photos published in Jewish-owned swedish newspapers - normies or old people IRL don't read The Internet so they may think he's the end of political dissidentry in the U.S.) while still putting (((Jews))) and (((Israel))) before the Goyim-American people (Whites, Hispanics, Blacks (see pic)...)

(((they))) probably donate to him cause he is a winning horse in the media race?

I doubt Jones will sell out for money, when he didn`t even sellout to make sure his kids won`t get taken away from him.

Besides that I think he makes enough money with infowars without the donors or why is he forced to pay 45k $ each month to his ex wife.

And even IF he is a jewish owned puppet you can`t deny that he is redpilling a whole lot of people about the MSM (which is also controlled by jews) .

I haven't go the source available right now, but I found it in some article that went through the ((((1915 bombing of Dresden))) mentioning many of his pro-Jew and Anti-White sentiments during the war

>Bombs the peaceful hospital/sanctuary city of Dresden, TARGETING CIVILIANS, at the very end of WW2
>buildings razed
>paintings, statues, culture, cafés - obliterated

Was gonna put 1945 of course, fuck

>And even IF he is a jewish owned puppet you can`t deny that he is redpilling a whole lot of people about the MSM
Nuh-uh, think of the term "Bait and Switch" m8

pic related, the swedish """""""""""Red pilling""""" party (SD), or the Sweden Democrats, with the shabbosgoy woman in the picture currently enjoying a high salary of 67 000 Swedish Kronor (or something like that) for helping out with ((( Aliyah ))) politics for a foreign country that is not


yet (SD) profiles themselves as "The sane, SWEDISH (((socially conservative)))nationalism" and fool people IRL with Anti-Muslim banter while not talking openly about their (((economical policy)))... :^)

This 'Civic Nationalist' (just like Trump and Alex Jones!) party is assumed to get 30% in our elections next year, so of that happens then look out for Swedish military joining Trump against the Goyim-state of Syria in the near future :^):^)

I have no illusions about the """rightwing""" parties in western Europe.

AFD = Shilling for jews
LePen= Shilling for jews
Wilders= Shilling for jews

I just don`t think Alex and info wars are part of the global scheme.

I`m sorry to hear that about your party but atm we Europeans have to vote for the party that at least is opposing the deplacement of our people.

Besides that I firmly believe Sweden will solve the problem non political.

Its impossible to remove all the criminal migrants and afaik Sweden is close to collapsing

>but atm we Europeans have to vote for the party that at least is opposing the deplacement of our people

>(SD) is not against immigration, just criminal immigrants
>(SD) goes against muslims, but not fellow non-white Jews or Asians
That is like the tip of the iceberg, because then there's international economy, Self-Worth (getting rid of (((Jewish))) feminist theories from academia, White Guilt and/or ridiculing Euoprean values in cinema, and much more)

You can't trust in a geopolitical "Battered Wife Syndrome" to ever fix your shit if you don't get rid of those that gave us multiracialism and multiculturalism _in the first place_

>You can't trust in a geopolitical "Battered Wife Syndrome" to ever fix your shit

Here is an example from the past of Civic Nationalism btw; Americans have still not repatriated the Blacks (and they still whine about the Slavery era to this day, targeting White people exclusively VS real history))

Why would the """""Lesser of two EVILS"""" choice solve the problem of white Sweden or white germany losing their White People and, most importantly, self-determination, in the long run? These both Evils (the lesser and the greater) both share qualities/attributes heading towards the same political end goal against the native people of White countries

oh fug wrong pic

Cultural Marxism will die out soon.

People every generation get more conservative.

I know it doesn`t look like it with all the Antifa fucking shit up and professors being marxists but I see many people even on my campus being redpilled and aware of things getting pushed by (((them)))

thats why Germany is working on Laws basically declaring redpills illegal.

They are losing the culture war , they are losing the mindset of the younger population thats why they flood us with shitskins and niggers.

When it comes to the great clash between nigger/sandniggers and native Europeans we will win the battle.

Shitskins are champions of welfare
We are champions of warfare.

Nothing will beat us

a board of peace means nothing ever happens