Let's hope he'll air on the sex-offender registry next.
Let's hope he'll air on the sex-offender registry next.
Other urls found in this thread:
Good, fuck that neo-cuckservative.
He did more damage to republicans by promoting liberal ideas as "moderate, reasonable" among conservatives.
He wants an assault weapon ban, thinks all guns should be registered, and believes states should be able to ignore the second amendment if they see fit to, but wants anyone arrested with a gun should be charged for a federal crime, and get a minimum of 10 years in prison.
He's a liberal infiltrator, good riddance
>thinks all guns should be registered
What's the problem with that?
Registration leads to confiscation
>Registration leads to confiscation
How that?
Don't use your weapons illegally then
use what little critical think skills you have left to figure it out.
>government asks you to register you guns
>you comply because you're a cuck who thinks "they won't take my guns"
>few years later government decides to outlaw said guns
>they know right where to go to get them
the UK and Australia did this
pretty simple hans
>when owning a gun becomes illegal, why don't you not use that weapon illegally and turn it in good goy
>use what little critical think skills you have left to figure it out.
>>government asks you to register you guns
>>you comply because you're a cuck who thinks "they won't take my guns"
>>few years later government decides to outlaw said guns
>>they know right where to go to get them
Do you life in a trailer or under ground?
No, you're right Mohammed, clearly following the government without question always goes well.
Not an argument. That shit has happened and can happen again. Thankfully, I lost all of my guns in a tragic boating accident.
>Do you life in a trailer or under ground?
not an argument...
Damn, user. We should be more careful. I lost all mine in a similar accident just last week.
>That shit has happened and can happen again.
watch the video and find out
Why do people make the same threads over and over again multiple times?
>not an argument...
No, it's called a question. Now do you life in a trailer or a self dug bunker in the woods?
guarantee my house is bigger than your little commie block apartment
This makes the third scalp.
and now Bill.
Tucker and Hannity are next to be dealt with.
Shills with fagism.
If it doesn't have a basement it isn't a house and if there's a crawl space under it, it's a trailer.
>Tucker and Hannity are next to be dealt with.
Don't worry some other vermin will take their places. Somebody has to tell freaks like you how Obama is draining your brain juices via the micro waves.
>neanderthal dicks were thick as coke cans
is this why they died out? they destroyed the females pussy when they fucked?
kill yourself you faggot
my basement is probably bigger than your commie block apartment.
You first leaf
>Quoting Osama bin Laden
Just because you think like a fascist sandnigger, doesn't mean normal people do as well, Cletus.
good. fuck neocohens.
replace with the TUCK asap
What a thought provoking argument.
missed the argument in your last post, want to try again?
Lost mine in a tragic snorkeling accident, know your pain.
>guilty until proven innocent
Goodnight, america.
i go by Leroy actually, thank you very much
this is absolutely correct
>the tucker diaries
If they know you have a gun and they know what if number they're looking for it makes it alot easier to come collecting when they feel the urge
Yea I'm sure he'll go hang himself
(((sexual harassment)))
nothing more than anti-male
>in wake of harassment allegations
But it literally wasn't, it was in wake of the sponsor-pullout that happened years later.
t. someone who's never watched fox
Shouldn't have talked shit about Putin
He was always an unlikable cunt. I don't understand how people could watch him.
>nothing more than anti-male
Yeah, and child molestation is just anti-adult, right you degenerate?
Bill got caught chasing that ass.
/leftypol/ pls leave
been wondering where you would get one
would you just ask around a bar or something?
asking a mexican would probably be faster but you'll be guaranteed to be murdered
niggers might be a toss up
O'Reily was one of the few good shows on Fox and tried to do an unbiased program. This is depressing and a major loss for the right.
>Create a network with the express purpose of attacking Democrats and liberals
>Successfully drive off most national leftists
>With no natural targets left, begin to eat their own
Oh, the iron knees...
Why do you all hate Bill so much?
Help me re-tweet for lulz,
When I hear comments about the Baby Boomers being the worst generation in American history...I think of Bill O'Reilly and then have no argument.
ITT liberals so ass blasted insignificant things like getting neo con traders fired and losing a special election are all they have left.
Bill OReilly attacked trump during the campaign good residence cucks
All Germans deserve death
Goodnight sweet price
Have you seen his show? I don't hate him, but I don't like him either. Just because he's on the right doesn't make him likable.
The pretend moderate stuff he does is just embarrassing.
>I don't want to make this country safer because one day possibly someone might take MUH GUN
>He's a liberal infiltrator, good riddance
This. Also he's been "ok" with sodomite degenerates adopting kids. No mercy to leftist traitors like Bill Orally.
Registering legal guns will make the country safer when the majority of guns used in crime are stolen or not purchased legally