Why is Alex Jones being targeted all of a sudden?
Why is Alex Jones being targeted all of a sudden?
left is going through the list of Right Wing people to smear. Fortunately none of it worked so far.
because you will believe anything you see on a meme
Alex has better ratings
Division of Trump and his allies. They know Trump cares what people think of him. He wants to be a popular guy and do a good job.
to discredit him with the normies
>claims intention to shatter right/left paradigm
>merely becomes drumpf partisan shill
Because he is currently in a weak spot
As I understand he is having a custody battle with his wife, right?
how do people stomach smarmy fuckstick humor like this
pure snarky smarmy snide
this guys personality makes me want to fucking puke
It almost seems like a coordinated attack.
They're going after anybody right-wing and in the media, especially if they support Trump.
Right. And they left is on a tear trying to discredit and destroy all right wing pundits.
oh yea, soros paid everyone from students all the way to colbert to specifically target jones.
>You guys just live in a shitty action book
they guy has been going off the rails for years. fuck, 5 years ago Sup Forums mocked his ass for him selling water filters. you new guys are too easily scared
>Being Jones-tier autist
Character assassination to get a head-start on the 2020 elections.
After all that shit about the democrats playing dirty came out during the election I'm not shocked.
You need to use the word "libtard" more. The people on Sup Forums who deliver pizza for a living will generally only respond to the regular use of "libtard" in a post. Hope that helps.
it's too desperately political grasping at every little straw and not funny.
Ping Pong Pedosta would like a word
Because he publicly admitted to being a fraud.
white people, the right ingeneral, cant have any kind of hero or leadership. they have to be isolated and big names must be singled out. that way, even if you disagree with whats happening, you will feel alone and isolated and never lash out for fear of becoming an outsider.
one person can not fight a group or a system, it just doesnt work.
because normal plebs know who he is now.
Alex is a paid shill. A counter culture narrator. They are trying to make the right wing the trendy thing to be, to divide even further. Identity politics. I suspect it's the only way they can act out to create wars, keep us busy at home.
well they had all cannons on deck in the election and that blew up in their face.
Because he tells the truth, duh.
Why do you think they ignore every other "conspiracy nut"?
The (((media))) is trying to destroy dissenting opinions.
we get it. can we have something thats not political, dumbass.
he's getting giant viewership growth and MSM is collapsing.
>Megyn Kelly
>Bill O'Reilly
>Alex Jones
You were saying? :)
just like those hot polls? well i wouldn't sit through that.
So much cringe. Alex Jones is a faggot tho.
The government does this with right wing people all the time. You've seen it happen on this board with Stefan Molyneux, Richard Spencer, and even Trump. I think Ann Coulter will be next to get this media/government attention.
>Character assassination to get a head-start on the 2020 elections.
Yep. It was crystal clear the morning of Nov. 9th that alternative media would be crushed by next election. "Fake news" term was coined and DNC surrogates began screeching for social media to censor information. They couldn't squash stories about Hillary's health issues and Wikileaks info last election. They won't let it happen again.
Anyone behind a microphone and camera uses some level of theatrics in their presentation to the public.
What if the real Alex Jones is more low key and not high energy, so when his lawyers say he is acting or performing, that is what they are referring to. He needs to put on some level of a a show because he NEEDS people to hear what he is saying and sensationalism works for getting peoples attention.
The left have grabbed onto this story because of the easy Fake News narrative they can stamp on him and what he talks about.
>Character assassination to get a head-start on the 2020 elections.
Yep. It was crystal clear the morning of Nov. 9th that alternative media would be crushed by next election. "Fake news" term was coined and DNC surrogates began screeching for social media to censor information. They couldn't squash stories about Hillary's health issues and Wikileaks info last election. They won't let another election go this way again.
idk it's so blatant and desperate, i don't think it's gonna work. but idk.
marching orders from the top jews obviously
His cover as a CIA asset has been blown wide open so they are creating an alternative narrative for the sleepy sleepy crowd.
Alex is a co-conspirator to 9/11. He and the 9/11 hijackers are both financed by Adnan Khashoggi.
Like they can do shit
>first idea was screaming "fake news!"
he might as well just come out every night with cheeseburgers.
it's funny though. lol
Alex Jones is a million times more entertaining than these "satirical" (((news))) shows.
Such an attention whore.
I hate all these late night (((comedians))). I cannot watch that shit. I quit watching tv for the most part. Pretty much just browse Sup Forums for entertainment.
He discovered something real bad. He was talking about google and think that is it. Pretty sure he is slipping those tidbits here and there as a threat to the elites and the alarms are going off everywhere.
>Old media shill vagina
>Everyone who was on the side of Milo before his happening is literally still with him he will literally be back on his feet the moment he decides to come back
>Old media neocon shill
>Alex Jones see the same response as with Milo
Say what you want, you know it's true. People have literally lost the run for president for yelling in a funny way. We literally have a president who was caught before the vote saying that he grabs women by the pussy on tape.
yeah bro, it doesnt have to do with alex admitting he's just pretending
>make up 55 stories per day
>1 is kind of true
>get credibility from retards
>scare them
>sell snake oil bullshit
>x repeat
State of (You)
Thank you for Correcting the Record
Yeah they are tired of him taking all their viewers! Fags
It's just Reddit for old people to watch because they can't into computers.
Pretty much. Good propaganda and brain washing takes a while. It can't be completely noticeable to the people that will fall for it if it's done right.
He reports on actual shit all the time, hes got more credibility than the msm at this point and it is driving them insane. If you cant watch a clip and realize he is overacting and selling shit all the time the problem would be with you my autistic friend. Are you fucking retarded or something?
all part of the ((plan))
Are you familiar with the brainwashing technique known as "soul cracking"?
Read up on it and then compare it to what Alex does.
How else could he win if it weren't Shillary running?
The whole thing was a sham and everyone fucking knows it. Don't you?
>are you autistic
yeah bro, I need to get my survival shield x4 and some of them brain force drops. miracle potions desu
why caring about this fat pig?
Because he's a competitor.
They have basically been forbidden to even mention Alex Jones in the dying mainstream media until now.
>air ionization
>ELF waves
I was thinking about googling soul cracking until I opened your image
Colbert is trying to be hip and win the culture war among the youth. Too bad his audience are old and scrawny millennials and his days are numbered.
Alex Jones is going to become a national treasure in a few years. Just watch his network grow into the WWE of news.
Perhaps you should also look into why military officers wrote that.
Alex really can never go fully mainstream owing to his participation in the 9/11 conspiracy. When you are financed by the same guy that paid the hijackers, you can only have credibility when no serious people are paying attention.
Now that he is semi-mainstream, you will hear more and more about the fact that he is CIA disinfo.
I love how 99% of this goes over 99% of your dumb heads. They are signaling to those of us with brains that they can get to anyone. They got to alex jones. They got to his wife. The messy divorce wasn't just happenstance.
i thought sharia cuck was on temporary sick leave. Why are you trying to discredit the only person who is shitting all over the CIA's shit 24/7 all day and pretend he is controlled opposition?
The CIA has been after him and Trump and the entire right supports him. If he is a CIA operative I'd think Ron Paul is one as well as he's been on his show many times as well.
Hell, everyone is a CIA operative then.
>to discredit him with the normies
This is Alex Jones we're talking about, he discredits himself. It's pretty fucked up they're all jumping on him while he's going through a tough divorce though. I think the great irony though is by attacking him they will make him stronger.
Yes, of course Ron Paul is disinfo. Look up the Operation Red Dog case and how Paul was protected as if he was an asset.
Because he's in a custody battle and a public persona who does crazy shit. It's like asking why Donald Trump was being 'targeted' when he was running for President.
It gets ratings. Media is a business that makes money.
As I said, kys.
With the exemption of Alex Jones those are a bunch of literal whos
Big bowl of chili
name one time he ever reported anything that wasn't 100 percent fact, cuck.
>be completely scripted left-wing propaganda show with team of writers and producers overseeing everything
>ha ha Alex Jones is fake, his over the top rants are just acts!
really makes you think
colbert is a piece of shit and so is alex jones.
Have you seen this clip?
It is the same woman saying he is an actor years ago when they were still married.
Worse, they talk about him running an undercover operation.
Liberal media coordinates narratives to push. Alex was chosen.
Easy, they fear him.
>first they ignore you
>then they laugh at you***
>then they fight you
>then you win
***we are currently here
>how do people stomach smarmy fuckstick humor like this
>pure snarky smarmy snide
>this guys personality makes me want to fucking puke
Ten years without TV has made me feel this way about essentially all TV and movie celebrities. It'll never get better, either, because TV and movies are deprecated in the age of Youtube and so will always belong to Jews.
you mad hillary lost, shill? get over it.
because alex jones, is the new wave. He is important and entertaining.
Alex Jones is willing to put the future of his children before his brand. And correct, of course he puts on a theatrical facade for his news show. Do people think at dinner every night he puts on a screaming fest and angrily compares his children's grades to different scenes from Lord of the Rings?
He ok'd his lawyer to say those things to increase his chance of maintaining custody of his children, as any true family man would. Unfortunately, having children makes you a softer target to the left. They're trying to use this divorce to mentally break Alex and to discredit/demoralize his associates and fans.
There's a war on -- FOR YOUR MIND. Thoughts and prayers, water filter man. Kek told me you're alright.
LOL, when you believe that people pushing for conspiracy exist to make you believe its your own decision without coercion.
Sorry, but the CIA mockingbird program is quite the opposite, it controls the media and they control the mass by controlling everything they believe.
no, im JIDF. nice try tho
Because they think he controls us.
They think our ideas are formed by consensus, not self-evidence.
Suffice to say, they are retards and the game has lapped them, and they aren't even aware.
>He is important and entertaining.
..... man Sup Forums must be full of 15 year olds, no way a board could have such a short term memory
Glenn Beck was attacking Alex, that fat fuck is in on it with liberals
>Talk shit for X years
>No one retorts because your fanboys go on autistic defensive rampage if their god retard is questioned
>Finally lose your shit and your fanbase
>Not expecting people to take their sweet time roasting you given the opportunity
Surprise surprise, people speak up when they aren't threatened by hoards of tards.
His has millions of listeners that he rallied to support Trump.
Colbert is a hack with fake ratings. One simply doesn't go from nearly cancelled to #1 in the span of a few months and barely change your content.
>the (ex) highest rated man on cable
Because, Media Matters destroyed Bill O'Reilly and are on to the next target.
KEK confirmed
because pizzagate is just a crazy conspiracy theory!
>Because they think he controls us.
Lolno. He's a comedian he has his target audience, nothing more.
oh it's real lul