Updated Fox News Line Up

With O'Reilly gone, Fox News' lineup will be the following starting May 1st.

5pm: New one hour show with Eric Bolling

6pm: Brett Baier

7PM: Martha MacCullum getting full time show called The Story With Martha MacCullum

8PM: Tucker moving to O'Reilly's old spot

9PM: The Five now moving from 5PM to 9PM. Hosts will be rotated.

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Thanks for the heads up



Host for The Five starting off will be Kimberly Guilfoyle, Dana Perino, Bob Beckel, Greg Gutfeld Jesse Watters and Juan Williams. Hosts will be rotated in and out.

Tucker Carlson ascending the throne as prophecy foretold.

Kind of eh on The Five moving to 9pm. Greg and Dana are anti-Trump cucks, and Juan and Bob are the two liberals.

Not much interest in watching the Five without my man Eric Bolling.


>7PM: Martha MacCullum getting full time show called The Story With Martha MacCullum

Should have been Watters World

>The Five now moving from 5PM to 9PM. Hosts will be rotated

Should have been Greg Gutfeld Show

Watters, Tucker, and Greg back to back would be great.

They got rid of hannity?

Honestly they're playing it way too safe. Still better than anything MSNBC and CNN shows. Tucker will easily dominate Chris Hayes. The Five however, will defiantly see a drop in viewers. This was so fucking stupid to move it to 9PM and it shows Murdoch's two globalists sons are scared to take risks.

>Should have been Watters World
Jesse is going to be on The Five now. He's taking Eric's spot.

Pls.. no more ladytucker

Not really a big fan of his fence riding but the alternatives in cable news were far far worse. This is such bs and if you are a white male in a corporate workplace this is some scary shit.

The feminists tried to take down the #1 alpha male on cable news and they succeeded. Bad news anyway you look at it, whether you agree with him or not.

what are the chances of Nigel Farage getting a job at Fox News,.

Huge for Tuck. This is ridiculous- his show started like 6 months ago and he's gotten 2 massive promotions since then.

The Daily Caller, his website, was one of the two most /ourguy/ websites throughout the campaign seasons d afterward- they've published a couple articles in particular that could have been written by frog twitter. He understands D.C.- not just the federal government, but the actual cultural and mentality of the physical city. A standard baby boomer Reaganite has been traded for someone who, while still a remnant of Young Conservative, National Review-type yesteryear, has one foot (or at least a few toes) in the new reactionary zeitgeist. The fire rises.

This. Megyn Kelly is a cunt that ruined cable news (no offense to Tucker)

Yeah I doubt that will be a permanent fixture

He won't be able to decide until after June 8th.

Tuck is exactly what we need to start red pilling baby boomers to.

Wait where did Hannity go?

I agree. There's already rumors that Fox wants to bring in someone from the outside.

Remarkable how people attacked Mike Pence over the dinner thing, when reality has shown again and again that if you are a prominent male figure, spending time alone with other women in the course of your employment is one of the most risky, foolish, and reckless things you can do.

He's still at 10PM. Brett and Hannity will remain the same.

fucking hilarious. go to hell O'Reilly

Zero. Nigel would have to move to the US, and he's too loyal to queen and county to move here. If anything I would try and get Piers Morgan. He may be a cuck on guns but he's on the Trump train

What the fuck is the point of calling it The Five if it's no longer at 5.

>the 5 at 9pm


The ratings are going to be terrible.

That show is unwatchable.

>9PM: The Five now moving from 5PM to 9PM. Hosts will be rotated.
That just ruins the whole premise.

5 o clock with five hosts
>the five at five
5 hosts
>the five

If I was Bill, I would try and get with OANN.

It really is a horrible show. Gutfield and Watters are both unlikable rat faced weasels and Bolling is a charisma vacuum.

FOX needs to bring someone from the outside because all they have now is Tucker and Hannity

Its probably temporary until Fox can find a new host. Apparently they want somebody to come in from outside the company.


What are the current ratings for the five? It seems like they will end up being a temporary placeholder until they come up with a new idea or find someone to fill the 9pm spot and then it will be cancelled.

It seems like if the five was going to stay they would have left it at 5pm and had bolling at 9pm.

Wtf? Why isn't Alex Jones taking over the 9pm slot?


It's not like Hannity's used to doing two hour-plus shifts every day before his Fox gig.

He's making too much money off water filters

Wait, what the fuck happened to O'Rilley? Did he diddle children or something?

At least we got one more neocon off the air

Haven't you heard? His lawyers just admitted that he's just an act.

The Five actually draws good ratings. Mostly baby boomers watch that show.

Good, fuck that neo-cuckservative.
He did more damage to republicans by promoting liberal ideas as "moderate, reasonable" among conservatives.
He wants an assault weapon ban, thinks all guns should be registered, and believes states should be able to ignore the second amendment if they see fit to, but wants anyone arrested with a gun should be charged for a federal crime, and get a minimum of 10 years in prison.
He's a liberal infiltrator, good riddance

Why user? Feeling uncomfortable in your loins?

agreed, it hurts to much.

I'd much rather see Paul Joseph Watson (((even if he's a faggot who got humiliated by Anthony Fantano))) and Lionel Media get it. Lionel is pretty redpilled, although he's way too buddy buddy with Ed Schultz

Isnt 9pm a little late for that demo? Why not move it to 7pm then and move the first 100 days lady to 9pm?

>bolling finally gets his own show so he doesn't have to be with the sluts and ass kissers on the 5

good for him

Because its probably a temp spot until Fox can find a new host. They want someone from the outside to come in apparently. Cernovich is probably salivating at the chance to get his own show.

yeah the 5 sucks but if it's on right after tucker people would watch at least the first segment

>T. Cernovich
There is nothing saying the moves are temporary and they're looking at someone from the outside. That's not how Fox works, they don't just hire someone and give them a show

His politics do not matter. It is the fact that the perceived Conservative and prominent alpha male in the news media was taken down by radical feminists with bogus accusations.

This is bad for every white male. The feminists are now going to be as emboldened to launch lawsuits from false accusations the same as the so called minorities.

Murdoch's sons are taking over the company once Ruport dies. Both of them want to shake up Fox News big time, and its a known fact.

What will they do with after they find a 9pm host? I dont think it will be gorrilla man though, he is too close to alex jones and after all of this controversy the past few months they will probably want to avoid that

I do hope they dump shepard smith to make room for it. I leave fox on for background noise during the day but shepard is so fucking annoying I just mute it for the hour.

I want to ascend her throne, if you know what I mean.


Seriously this. Fuck all the cucks saying he wasn't conservative enough. Dude gave Trump a fairer shake than most at fox

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They had Brit Hume on at 7 for about 5 minutes before they replaced him with Tucker.

Oh man the Beckel hosted episodes are going to be must watch insanity


Thank you both

Shepard sadly draws decent viewers though. Also Fox wants to keep the token liberal around now that Colmes is dead.


You think redeye would move to 5 or 8?

He "sexually harassed" women who he worked with systemically and it eventually caught up to him, apparently.

Red Eye ended.

fuck women man, I had a women long ago try to accuse me of rape for a one night stand we did.\\never again am I trusting women

Due to low ratings

I can't wait, Greg has been taking less and less of Bob's shit lately.

Greg made that show. Him leaving really killed it.

The entire schtick for The 5 was that it was five people at 5PM EST

I never understood the talking newspaper.

The Five was about when I stopped making Fox appointment viewing. Prior to that, I used to have it on basically 24/7, only flipping the channel when Shepard Smith came on.

That was the beginning of a gradual slide.

I bought his book old school and i'm enjoying it. Fuck snowflakes.

Hannity is like the foundation of Fox, he's basically as far-right as you can get on t.v these days so he ain't going anywhere

Gee, you think INSIDE EDITION will give Billo his old job back?

Hannity outlasted them all

Kike controlled media having to let Tucker dominate lol

I'm willing to bet he didn't do jack shit, it's kinda irritating how the left keeps sidelining people on our side and cucks from here and reddit just go with it

Tucker goes even further than Hannity

>yfw he writes killing oreilly and it becomes a number one new york times best seller

The Five was supposed to be a temporary show to replace Glenn Beck after he got fired. It did better than expected because the boomers loved it, so Fox kept it around.

It was a smear campaign being run by Media Matters and David Brock

Someone who consistently defended gun grabbing and amnesty is not on our side. Just because liberals think people are us doesn't mean shit. I'm not going to go around defending John McCain or Bill Kristol just because liberals hate them too.

John McCain might as well be a liberal at this point.

The idea was that he was a caricature of the liberal newspapers and their content, of course, but it was one of Bill Schulz' pathetic attempts to be more relevant in the show's dynamic.

It was actually exactly the type of thing that caused him to eventually leave: he simply wasn't as well-liked or talented as Greg or Andy. Not many people greatly enjoyed his presence or shtick.

A lot people hate Bill here. Did he deserve the accusation?

is anyone going to watch tonight to see if the guest host says they are filling in for the vacationing oreilly.

So Bill was basically Opie?

That's exactly my thoughts on O'Reilly. He was never amazing, and recently he was a shadow of his former self.

Yeah, I had to watch a couple of clips to understand the motif. Pinch was a mistake, not funny at all. And what the fuck, Amy Schumer used to do the Red Eye?

youtube.com/watch?v=W58fdM9CIgE watched this a few weeks back, i fucking love me some jimmy dore

Problem is Shep cant hold a candle to Colmes who was a true gentleman by all accounts. Every off camera account of Smith is universally awful, including some really ugly allegations about him working in Haiti in cahoots with some Clinton people as a young journo pup

Give Laura Ingraham her own show already

I guess after Amy got famous she went full on liberal. If anything she discovered third wave feminism on Tumblr and got corrupted by it.

Oh shit what about dennis miller?

>its a prime time tucker episode for the foreseeable future

Shep got a lot more blatant about his liberal beliefs once Trump started running for president. Shep is most likely still there because, since he's liberal, no MSM news outlet is going to go after him.

I'd like to see him and Adam Carolla host a show together.