Are you planning on having kids Sup Forums?
Are you planning on having kids Sup Forums?
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my wife already has 3
no. One I don't want to be a slave to a woman/the state for the next 18 years, two no woman would want to have a baby with me anyway so no point worrying about it
My wife's son
I can't support myself let alone a child or even a girlfriend.
surrogacy exists
No incentives for doing so.
I don't have the money for that kind of thing. plus raising a child on my own doesn't sound like fun, and is also bad for the child's development. Additionally I wouldn't get all the gibs that single moms get, nor the social support structure. Sounds like a bad plan.
I've had 3 kids just this sunday..
I wouldn't say planning. I rather dream about having kids one day, but I don't know whether I will ever find the right woman. I want to have 2 boys and 2 girls. Maybe that'll never come true, but it's worth a try I guess.
Have 2 kids already. Would like more but can't afford them because I have to support all the welfare niggers.
Make sure you manage to save up enough and find a decent job. If you see any of those improvement threads on here I'd recommend checking them out. Plus single father children come out better then single mother ones.
I had no interest before pol, but now i feel like I should help keep the white race alive.
Unfortunately, i do have yellow fever...
Already got one, planning on having at least another 3. I have a bit of a pregnancy fetish going on.
Don't know how I can afford it, most of my paycheck goes to my wife's sons already
Any moment now, just waiting on your mom
No woman's body looks like that after birthing a child. Propaganda.
Yes, 3 with my potato nigger/scottish girlfriend in about six yeas when I'm 31 and shes is 27.
This is the one thing that my girl isn't really sure about yet. She says that it doesn't really fit into her life plan, though she seems like she could be swayed.
What do?
Yeah but not until my wife loses another 20 lbs. bitch is too fat and I can't stop telling her that.
you should watch this video
No, I'd rather not create a life that would be so prone to the mental health issues that have plagued me for so long.
Besides, the world's overpopulated enough as is.
I have to three-year-olds, and they're not twins . . .
I used to think I didn't. I am now 36 and am thinking I might be a good father. Took me quite a while to sort myself out. It's the money angle holding me back now. Kinda messed up desu since niggers and spics don't seem to mind popping out tons of kids early, and I'm racking my brain to figure out how to support 1 or 2.
Tell her the benefits of raising a child, I'm sure there's plenty of stuff to back you up online.
No, I need my money to myself.
Soon as I am done with college and am a pilot in the airforce. They can come live with me on a base.
I want 4
If you can make kids without partner.
Yes, Pure White or go Asian passed 35, I'm 26
I hope Gen Z make great wives
>in b4 "race traitor"
I don't give a shit
No, leave your basement, they exist
Of course. Maybe in 5-6 years though, it depends.
If I can become a man that's capable of attracting a wife, yes.
Together 8 years, married and have a 5 year old.
We must preserve the nuclear family if we want to make America great again.
I have 2 with my qt latina wife
No. My plan is to get rich as I can and see off my bloodline with a bang.
Already have two. Can't afford more.
All people around me who didn't have any are just now beginning to realize it might be too late. They are going crazy.
My most sincere advice: have them only with a woman you would literally kill for, and only if she feels the same.
Kids are great. Nothing beats the joy of bringing them up red pilled.
No. Overpopulation, and honest to god I couldn't be trusted caring for a child. I'm not suited for it.
No. But I still care about white race.
Yea, that whore is like 60 and loks like that
She's _half_ sister to a famous boxer and changed her last name to leech off that
No they don't.
is one of them darker than the other?
I would like to have kids but i'm a touchless 26yo virgin and no woman wants me.
Become rich then faggot.
I was about to abandon the thread but.....can someone give me the quick rundown?
No, I've learned that I'm not a good partner.
Nah. I grew up without a father and I feel like I wouldn't be able to raise them properly.
About what? OP's pic is her and her grandson
Just use surrogacy if you can't find anyone.
I'm a NEET
Donated my jizz mid 20s and vasect a few years later. My bloodline continues and I don't need to worry about having my own.
Will prob be a foster parent to pass on knowledge to kids when I get tired of living like Harvey or Barney.
Do they even allow single fathers to adopt girls, or would it have to be a boy?
About 3, possibly 4 if the economy allows it. First I have to deal with my fucking near-autistic antisocial behavior though.
i am a manchild
This picture is almost identical to my current situation. Would you like some salt with that jelly?
Ummmmmm no
Yes you can use surrogate mothers if you're a single father.
Become a non-NEET then. Get a job, study up on investments and become the top 25% in 5 years.
It's not THAT hard if you actually give it a shot you know.
>have male child
>he transitions and becomes mentally ill penis girl
>have female child
>she becomes obese demisexual genderqueer
No thanks.
If you are concerned about being a good father, you would probably be a very good father
I'm antinatalist because there is too much suffering in this world.
No. I hate children they cause disgust in me.
Yes. Once I finally move out of California and find myself an actual white girl to procreate with.
i'm 23 no gf and can barely look after myself, not for a while yet if ever.
Probably when I am in my early 30s. I would like to have 3 or 4 since muh white race and having a 3 or 4 probably doesn't differ that much from having 2. Though after the first kid is born maybe reality will clear my delusions.
eventually when I graduate and have a job
gonna make the bih sign a pre nup though
>Norse-Gaelic rape baby
Not worth spreading the mongrel genes.
No. I cant find a job with a decent income and cant make a relationship last more than a month or two. Money and being an introvert have cucked me out of a family of my own
I dunno man. I have a certain ideal of what a father should be and I don't think I could live up to it.
thanks for the flag m8
what is the purpose of getting married if you're not going to have kids?
Yes, but I hate people so I'd only have two
>having 1 is bad because only children have problems relating to people their age
Yes, i want about 6 with Scottish gf
I'd like to but probably won't. I'm in good shape and make nearly 80k, but I really only dig on azn qt's but none want my bald ginger ass. Approaching 40 so I guess unless I import a waifu I probably won't. MFW
Just hire a surrogate mother to carry your child or adopt.
honestly whoever doesn't is a bluepilled idiot and/or beta male
I do, plan on having ideally 3+. Might adopt a few too.
inb4 i'm accused of being a goatfucker that breeds like a rat, I'm a farright catholic
racemixing traitor
at what point do you give up on love? If youre 30 and still never been in love/had a serious relationship isnt it too late?
Pharaoh is right - pretty much the only reason to get married at all, and in reality you don't even have to do that if you want kids these days.
Not many or probably any more, 14's plenty and my wife's getting old. Though she'd like to keep going long as she's physically able.
Anyone wanting < 3 kids has been successfully jewpilled
Whites are not r selected you dumb dysgenic faggot
So why haven't you offed yourself yet?
Yes, but almost all women in my town are taken by arabs or blacks so that is not an option.
Once I've backpacked through Afghanistan and Iraqi Kurdistan, visited both poles, purchased 3 houses (2 to rent for income) and hidden 25M in cryptocurrencies and offshore accounts, then yeah.
So probably never
>my wife
>not I
No fucking way.
Only dreaming about it.
I'm a mental wreck and can't handle confrontation. My children would turn out losers. Like me.
He means Jamal and his wife
I am but it seems as if 99% of the young female population ain't. And i'm not the one with the deteriorating womb. It's fucking weird if you think about it.
I'd like a companion for raising a child, I don't want to leave him while I travel for work.
I was engaged recently (broke up in Nov) and I have been having trouble seeing the forest thru the trees, so to speak.
I love America but I'm almost at the end of my rope. Money is worthless. Id leave today for some beach overseas but I'd still have to feed myself somehow.
yeah, in a few years when i have some income
i cant wait to become a father, 4 children would be the ideal
Maybe after having a surrogate child you can settle with someone in case you don't find the right woman.