I mean: what the hell is wrong with those people?
And also why paganism and Satanism?
The only thing that work is science!
Why in the 2017 there is still people beliving in magic?
Yep, thats a fact!
However there is a growing global stupidity and mistrust in science.
Why? I would imagine it is because most didn't learn to think critically when growing up, they learned how to think correct.
Without critical thinking you can believe in all kind of nonsense.
science is magic, m8
Yes, it is magic that work!
nobody knows what electricity is, for example
still, in 2017
Fuck science, mathematics is the truth
People still believe in ftl travel too.
Humans have a hard time dealing with facts that contradict their worldview. Even atheists will jump at the chance to defend anti-science like ftl.
Atheists are sometimes extremist as islamists.
nobody fucking cares pasta man
Fuck science, KEK is where it's at
No atheist has ever blown themselves up in the name of atheism alone.
But they do make the same leaps of logic as a flat earther or muslim.
>t. Pseudointellectual sweaty Reddit lard with a fresh fedora
What did you say about me, you little bitch ?
Look at how much of the Elite has interest in the occult. Either the people that run the world are fucking deluded or they know something that we don't. Esoteric knowledge is kept hidden for a reason. Science is a noble field but perhaps we are not getting the entire picture through it.
Well, atheism just means you don't believe in a god(s). Doesn't make you smart, technically you could still be religious since all religious don't have gods.
>tfw I never successfully shot a Kamehameha out of my hands as a kid
Meme magic is real, there is enough proof of it.
KEK non believers will never understand.
Also checked
>Why in the 2017 there is still people beliving in magic?
Cripples need their crutches.
>since all religions don't have gods
Fuck, I meant SOME religions don't have gods.
its real
Fuck off tripfag
>ill prove it then
You have no fucking clue.
This guy is going to get so much raped after he is going in prison.
"Hey telekinetik guy!use ur ass to move mah rod"
This, notice the trend of normie pseudointellectual faggots aka ppl who go on joe Rogan and infect my leftist friends with drivel. This kid came to me saying "it's all the alt right people who think they memed trump to office... blah blah blah" I told him you notice how you just regurgitate these "intellectuals" talking points when you or this faggot never even took time to actually lurk here. The same people who thought Hillary was a shoe in and would laugh anytime I said trump has the momentum and will win. I'm getting sick of the leftist "know it all" and "analyst" faggots that just label this place and generalize it into a watered down bullshit perspective
define magic?
Leftist are the true cancer!
For the sake of bullsh*** and integration, immigrants bring theirs stupid belief and we got to adapt to them.
Wuuu i can sense ghost, demons, angels and I can heal you with mah rod
They still believe in Marxism too, though saying this is just repeating the idea that people still believe in magic.
again bunch of undefined terms, at least not enough to draw any conclusion about it and stay reasonable.
I know what you mean man, the power creep is destroying the meta
Belief is a human right.
to be more precise:
Healing cancer with the magic, healing with the divine intervention, ask a god and make a sacrifice to have his favour.
Yes, but stupidity is not.
Particle physics is stupid.
We aren't made of particles.
We are made of fields of effects.
There aren't tiny little spheres on the quantum level. Not even strings.
Just effects.
Overpowered Effects.
lol dude
friendship is magic
Managers may not believe in astrology, but their bosses do.
More like a Human wrong amirite?
I've seen that video and it's pretty interesting and a logical conclusion, however, only about 5% of that theory is practical.
Humans are so fascinated by circular patterns and routines that they'll invent theories to alleviate their fear of an end.
Time travel is a pipe dream and will always be impossible unless you were to redefine time traveling as recalling a memory and changing how it effects your expression.
There's that word again.
> Effect.
What do you mean? Baked Alaska is a real magician! he is even writing a book about it.
Behold, the power of cheese
Time travel is not possible for many reason, however is not impossible at the technical level(someday it will be available and then there will be a catastrophe)
I don't believe in magic in the sense of the supernatural
Rather I believe there are unknown forces in the universe which we barely understand that are indistinguishable to what we know as magic
Time travel is absolutely possible and surrounds our universe. Black holes and white holes for example. There an infinite amount of ways to travel from universe to universe and I guarenfuckingtee that there are wormholes from other universes into our own at a different space-time.
That's having faith in the other 95% of that theory.
Which is ok if you plan on living for thousands if not millions of years.
top right panel dude with the shovel is me
If your traveling from universe to universe your not really time traveling. Your space traveling.
The only thing we can do is slow down our perception of time.
What about that theory that perception affects realtiy?
Most of them probably don't really believe in it. They just have trouble dealing with the fact that everything is pointless and so they cling to such things in order to give them comfort and convince them not to neck themselves.
It doesn't mean you can do drugs to "warp" the reality.
Schroedingers cat freaks me out.
What if I the only reason I'm alive is because people think or believe I'm alive.
Does that mean the only way to truly kill someone is to think or believe they're not alive?
Awareness is a funky property of consciousness. It's all a poor excuse to try and make money on thoughts and ideas rather than applied action.
Science is just magic with stricter rules.
Magick is the science of the things we don't understand.
Or maybe you are a cat!
Dude, if the others thinks you are a space ship that doesn't make you a space ship!
Time is a perception of space. Your wording is irrelevant because time doesn't exist. Without human perception time does not exist yet space continues to be. So I was correct in what was said.
4. Magic
88:4.1.Civilized man attacks the problems of a real environment through his science; savage man attempted to solve the real problems of an illusory ghost environment by magic. Magic was the technique of manipulating the conjectured spirit environment whose machinations endlessly explained the inexplicable; it was the art of obtaining voluntary spirit co-operation and of coercing involuntary spirit aid through the use of fetishes or other and more powerful spirits.
88:4.2.The object of magic, sorcery, and necromancy was twofold:
88:4.3.1. To secure insight into the future.
88:4.4.2. Favorably to influence environment.
88:4.5.The objects of science are identical with those of magic. Mankind is progressing from magic to science, not by meditation and reason, but rather through long experience, gradually and painfully. Man is gradually backing into the truth, beginning in error, progressing in error, and finally attaining the threshold of truth. Only with the arrival of the scientific method has he faced forward. But primitive man had to experiment or perish.
Well, my body is a vessle which can also be called a ship and it travels through space so yes, in a way, I am a space ship!
We wouldn't know that space existed or would exist without consciousness if we didn't have consciousness to recognize that fact.
Phones and TV are magic.
>We wouldn't know that space existed or would exist without consciousness if we didn't have consciousness to recognize that fact.
That is untrue. Our universe would still exist without our perception. Unless you are simply referring to the words themselves in which case is borderline autistic.
You don't know that.
You have faith in that.
If you were an athiest, you're not anymore.
What difference does it make if magic is not "real" as long as it works?
Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can fire lazer beams from your nipples!
if it works, it is called modern science!
Magic is what we don't understand.
There's a lot we don't understand.
Magic still has a function.
Soon. Spaghetti monster.
>We place no reliance on virgin or pidgeon. Our method is science, our aim is religion.
What if paganism is science.
Please, not the jew club again!
Why live
See >>>/121908430/
That's me, you need to broaden you perspective (like a lot).
You just went full /x/.
I'm going to go shapeshift into my reptilian form and haunt your ancestors with chemtrails.
Nah man, it just takes an expansive view of possibility to understand. You sound mentally closed off so let's end it there.
We have seen magic play out on this board.
You aren't necessarily saying anything I haven't heard already. So its hard to open my mind any larger than it already is.
But I get you man. Science and shit.
*thumbs up*
of blind eyes? who believe only what they see, chasing nothing, for they know not he who creates something?
You (like a lot of other people) have a fundamental misunderstanding of Schrodinger's and his cat. The point of the thought experiment was to try to understand or explain quantum superposition. It is NOT trying to say that a human consciousness observing a system somehow alters it because we are super special. I think the cause of the misunderstanding comes from people not understanding what observation means in the context of science. Observation can be a sensor detecting a single photon that bounced off a particle. Think of it as being similar to the word measure. Observation does not specifically mean conscious human observation.
If you want to know more, read about the double slit experiment or quantum entanglement. These are things that deal with quantum superposition.
Some assess need a larger perspective here!
who could be behind this post
At last, someone told the truth!
Thank you :)
Because niggers.
I was trying to imply double slit to schrodinger's cat.
Can't blame me for trying to bridge theories.
I'm Italian, so technically I'm the spaghetti monster.
The only magic we believe in is meme magic
Because telling mainstream religion to fuck off and backing iFuckingLoveScience brand "science" wasn't edgy enough to get them attention anymore, so they had to up their game and back literally fucking magic to get their kicks.
Christians 0
Attention whores 2
Next up: Not just converting to Islam, but becoming a radical Islamist and chopping off your little brothers head because he's an infidel then blowing up your parents because they didn't buy you the new iPhone.
your perception IS reality
I thought Scrotumdingers cat was to mock the idea of superposition by applying it's consequences to a larger scale.
Scalability of theories is necessary for refinement.
Turning magic into science.