Is there anything more stupid than nationalism? Why should I feel any fraternity with the 300 million strangers who happen to live within the same set of borders? Why should I identify as an "American"?
Is there anything more stupid than nationalism...
>Is there anything more stupid than nationalism?
whiteys who aint steppin up so they wifes gettin BLACKED
Because they are your family, and you should protect your family against bloodthirsty Chinks and Jews that want to drain your blood from your corpse.
Love your people
Yeah I never understood American nationalism. It doesn't make sense at all, because the population is so randomly thrown together. They have no common roots and no common history.
Why does exactly the same shit get posted mutliple times? Do you care about your question, OP? Or are the conshillacy theories true?
firstly fuck off with the asianposting
secondly because individuals don't survive in the world because people can group up and fuck you over through force. for americans the problem is the US already took that shaft without a fight so now you have a literal mexican standoff going on within our own borders and no one wants to make the first move. it's fight or flight, and flight is the best option for the time being.
history has not ended. don't play dumb. there will be organized violence again some day and on that day you sure as hell won't want to be alone.
Because believe it or not 30 years ago America had quite a distinct culture. As nationalism died down your culture increasing got subverted and changed it also changes when your demographics change. .
One of the aims of globalism is death of different cultures. Nationalism is a natural buffer against that.
Because thanks to them you're having a life you're living, but hey you can always move somewhere else.
Then KYS
Because statisticaly you are likely to share the same civic values with those 300 million strangers, and not with say: me. You will probably find it more comfortable to live with those people then to live in another culture that does not share your values and outlook.
Just live near niggers and you might start to get the notion.
Yes. Multiculturalism.
You don't have to, faggot. We can swap citizenships. I'll identify as Burger. Gimme my gun bih
nations were invented as "civil religions" to substitute religions because "freethinkers" dynamited religion and religiosity.
in other words, you will not be able to have a society, if there is no nationalism.
that's why national sports competitions. to keep you together.
But niggers are a part of your "nation" as long as whites are. American nationalism would mean to consider yourself the same as these niggers i.e. an American.
America was created for Europeans of all stripes to come together and embrace freedom.
God damn guys, think about if it were just your town?
Read the Constitution sometime shithead. It outlines some of the only things worth persevering in the secular world.
>Why should I identify as an "American"?
Because whether you like it or not, growing up immersed in American culture has given you a cluster of behaviours, beliefs, opinions, and cultural signifiers that will forever mark you out as part of the American in-group and to varying degrees, part of everywhere else's out-group.
Lol tell me more about my country, what is german nationalism aside from a 19th century civics project gone awry
Oh ... then in that sense yeah... i don't get fucking nationalism at all unless it's white nationalism.
>there are people on this board who would not race mix with pic related
Really makes me think
>le ebin "group loyalty is backwards and problematic" mehmeh
There's no reasoning with your retarded cousins. You guys should be glad to be ridd of them.
unlike Germans who aren't a mish mash of French, Czechs, poles, Syrians, Russians, and faggots
It isn't the nation per se, as that is just an abstract institution. It is the culture, and the individuals within that culture with whom you share a common identity, language, ideas, morality, etc..
>but they are strangers! I dont know them, I could know anybody just as well
That is surface level detail. You share far more in common with your countrymen then you realize. As mentioned, you share a language, a common history and narrative, customs, etc...
Beyond that, your fundamental conception of the world was based off of your nation's philosohpical traditions, off your literary tradition, your artistic history, etc... thats why even if you learn a country's language as an immigrant, you will never truly "fit in" as there is so much implicit knowledge, tradition, and culture that you are not attuned to.
When you remove the culture or destroy it, you end with a nihilistic society that seeks individual hedonism and self-destruction above all else, and/or an tyrannical hell hole of imposed explicit rule by a small elite (like the soviet union, or china). For America in particular, we are being degraded into being consumerist slaves, with our "identity" revolving entirely around what we can afford to purchase.
Germany: A nation without nationalism.
America: Nationalism without a nation.
nothing like first hand experience
literally the exact same is happening in Europe right now
thus calling others biased for having a negative opinion, due to negative experience, are most likely living among their own ethnicity and have never witnessed any of this in the first place
there really needs to be something in the water preventing people from using common sense for 5 minutes a day
We are a mish mash now, but at least there was a time when we were a quite homogeneous nation.
American culture is Hollywood, media, sleeping, drinking and smoking. What culture?
Would Sup Forums really breed with, Pic related, rather then OPs pic of it meant preserving the white race?
You're still a homo nation
get out
Understanding jail segregation and why it occurs is the ultimate red pill.
What is bad for the hive is bad for the bee.
azn goddess or white trailer trash....
Bye bye white race.
Now the pure blooded Germans live in USA.
STOP REPLYING TO THIS THREAD! AN EXACT COPY OF THIS THREAD WAS POSTED THIS MORNING! It's a slide thread and if you get into an argument you deserve to be killed like OP as well.
I totally didn't see that coming, yawn.
A+ contribution..
Anyways, nationalism is more like a sense of belonging somewhere. One has to know however, that borders of most nations were more or less randomly drawn on a map, there was not always a great war taking place. With todays mix of cultures, I think nationalism is a generalized term for a much bigger problem.
Stop replying, dickheads. It's a shill thread.
Stop Ishihara posting
>1 post by this id
>close up of a girl's face
>contrarian liberal argument
dont mind me
Germany: A nation where the Jews decide is what can be talked about.
America: A nation where the Jews decide what can be talked about.
>Hurr cohesive national identity and history and borders don't exist and should be no point of pride
>But like, in terms of systemic racism, prejudice, and disadvantage, you are at fault for the actions of your ancestors and it totally matters
Can't get it both ways, faggot
This is a shill thread. This will be the last time I post this. Do not reply.
better than having shitskins and low iq soon to be glass niggers coming into our countries
google reverse image search has a lot of goodies for white trailer trash and you pick this?
Andy Levy bringing the bantz.
so would you rather live with your kind or with a kind 100% different than you?
What? The response is obvious? Everyone would rather live with their own than with strangers?
Congratulations, you are now a nationalist.
The ethnic family is a greater extension of the family and it benefits a nation to have children and people that resemble each other because that greatly increases charity and feeling of 'togetherness' of the group. This can only be accomplished with ethno-nationalism however, as having mongrelized children that resembles neither group will benefit no one in the end.
If your neighbors kid resembles your own, you're going to treat the neighbor much more like family than if he was a foreigner, it's pretty beautiful being able to 'adopt' the community as your own but there needs to be resemblances to make it easy.