The only reason I'm against the wall is that it will effect nature negatively
I couldn't give a flying fuck about spics but what really pisses me off is people who don't give a shit about nature
The only reason I'm against the wall is that it will effect nature negatively
This will no doubt be slided by all the Trump shills
You care about animals than saving your country from invader welfare leeches. FUCK OFF LEAF
I wonder just how insignificant the damage would be, not saying I want the animals to be affected.
Nature is just a resource meant to be used, so good job for hating yourself because bad people turned some minerals into the computer you're using right now.
How many houses are being built for the illegals? Look at San Antonio. They are building on the aquifer recharge zone.
But Mexicans are animals.
> it will effect nature negatively
It will be really bad.
Scientists say it will speed up the extinction of ocelots and other animals
This will be damaging to the already endangered ocelot population
if its too stupid to fly over the wall maybe it time for it to die out
A list of animals that dwell near the 1,300-mile expanse that the proposed wall would cover seems endless. In May, in a report called Trump Wall, Outside magazine, using information compiled by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pointed out more than 100 species between California and Texas that are listed as threatened and endangered under the Endangered Species Act, or are candidates for a spot on the list.''
This will be damaging to all these species. For one thing, it will fracture their biodiversity
the real richness of this planet are their biological resources aka Biodiversity. Minerals are abundant everyfuckingwhere in the universe, yet we are the only one known to harbor life. Your priorities are completely mixed up.
as a canadian you must know that to titillate an ocelot you must oscillate its tits a lot
''While at the University of Texas, Lasky led a study on the impact of barriers published in the journal Diversity and Distributions in 2011. The study’s main conclusion was that the “new barriers would increase the number of species at risk.”
A big concern, Lasky said in an interview Friday, was that over time the populations of threatened and endangered species would decline. A wall cutting off isolated populations from those on the other side of the wall would exacerbate the problem because they couldn’t mate, at least not in a sustainable way.''
The wall will definitely be negative to nature. Maybe even catastrophic.
And plus, not even that many illegal immigrants will be affected by the wall, they'll find other ways to invade.
I agree with being tough on immigration and deporting illegals. I think the wall is stupid though
Who cares, these are american animals
All of those animals have perfectly viable populations in Mexico. They in absolutely no way NEED to migrate north.
Also, why the fuck is the bat on there? They can fucking fly.
That was awesome
I have solved this issue.
According to my calculations, nature can continue to exist on both sides of the wall. We can let the species that are dying die with dignity.
Let's demolish the Great Wall of China then so that wildlife can roam freely.
These animals wouldn't be in danger if it weren't for Mexico and past American presidents actions.
It is not Donald's fault.
My priority is Me, rest can burn.
There are many endangered species that are threatened such as the ocelot
>not use tranquilizers to bag and tag animals to transport them over the wall during migration season
Can't we put some little cat door flaps on the bottom for da animals to come in through? XD
Construction still disrupts and destroys their habitats, it even threatens the bald eagle because of this
This only matters if a study is done to determine how many species cross the border between US and Mexico frequently. My guess is the number is quite small.
>implying the wall will ever be built
But are those animals legal or illegal?
They need to get a visa.
fuck mother nature
climate change isnt real you faggot and having fucking wildcats die is better for mexican farmers, wont lose anymore chickens to those feline niggers
Don't put up a wall. Just place a bunch of people with machine guns there and let them shoot Mexicans while letting kots pass.
Animals get food to scavenge and mexicans get stopped.
US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) has estimated that the wall will threaten 111 endangered species as it passes through four key wildlife reserves on the US side of the border and several nature reserves on the Mexican side.''
That's fine with me
Stop giving welfare burger then, but some bobcats come to America to work.
Lets be real. Trump us going to put up a partial fence to shut up his retarded supporters while he sells the country to the Jews
He will just post on twitter that the wall I done and they will all believe him
The Trump wall would undoubtedly spell the end of jaguars in the U.S. The very last jaguar thought to call the U.S. home is “El Jefe,” a 7-year-old male. Heavily studied by conservationists, he was captured on video earlier this year.
The Department of the Interior has designated 764,207 acres of Arizona and New Mexico as Critical Habitat for jaguars. Under the Endangered Species Act, that designation requires any federal agency to “conduct their activities in such a way as to conserve species,” and also to “ensure that any activity they fund, authorize, or carry out will not jeopardize the survival of a threatened or endangered species.”
This map shows the Critical Habitat set aside for the jaguar. Any wall roughly tracking the border would have to pass through it. Detouring north, to avoid the habitat, would invariably leave cities like Sierra Vista and Nogales exposed to the southern border. Skipping that area could ruin the point of the wall entirely by leaving a porous, difficult-to-monitor area.
With only a single jaguar remaining in the U.S., does the species have any chance of a future? The hope is that a female from the Mexican populations will wander north and find El Jefe or that he may wander south and find a potential mate. Any border wall would prevent that from happening.
Nature will find a way.
its thanks to people like you that this world is so extremely fucked up
I agree, the wall is a stupid waste.
ALL you have to do to completely destroy illegal immigration from Mexico is severely prosecute the people who hire illegal immigrants, this includes large corporations, large farms and even home owners who need new tile in their bathroom, while allowing ICE full reign to raid and round up those illegals already here, regardless of how well-established and "integrated" they are.
Basically just enforce the laws we've always had, but have been so ignored that their legal enforcement is compared to the holocaust.
There, you just saved $30 billion dollars, or so.
>but the wall will employ people!
So will disposing of the exploited underclass cutting out American workers, and driving down wages.
I love that collared peccary pig thing.
Let's kill the rest of the animals and feed them to the collared peccaries.
When I was an architect student I designed a building in a forest which had a big wall. I was worried that kangaroos might not be to get past the wall so I designed holes in the wall to let them through.
I called them roo chutes.
“The Gray Wolf, being a keystone predator, is an integral component of the ecosystems to which it typically belongs,” explains USFWS.
Any border wall would invariably cut off populations of wolves north and south of the border. Populations are down to just 100 or so immediately north of the border, and there are only a few dozen south of it. That means a genetic “bottleneck” has already been created, and wolves need as much intermixing as much as possible in order to survive. ''
The Mexican Gray Wolf remains the most endangered subspecies of wolf in the world.
Trump wants to kill kek guys
typical wetback ignorant scum, I understand you, ecology is a bourgeois problem, people that can barely amount enough to eat like you will never care.
Wondering why wolves matter? watch this video
Rip kek
I suggest strategic "breaks" in the walls which are secretly heavily monitored. National parks, for example. Some desert, so that they won't just go to the parks.
Yeah, the wall itself wouldn't even make much of a difference for how people were invading anyhow.
People just like the symbol of the wall
>nobody shopped a spic onto the list of affected animals
For shame Sup Forums
im on this side of the wall you faggot
go lick the gringos balls so they let you into their playhouse lol
ecology is bullshit, nature does its own thing, animals adapt, plants the can spread their seed the farthest and easiest survive no amount of hippie protections and regulations will save nature
nature takes care of herself, unlike your whore mother that couldn't take care fo you and your siblings ayy lmao
like the Mexicans don't already make tacos from every one of those species
and bald eagles fly...
If only I cared, you dumb fucking leaf.
I am actually worried about this but the fence is there so aren't the animals used to it already?
>ALL you have to do to completely destroy illegal immigration from Mexico
I agree. We have had the solution since the 40's.
yes, it's already started to effect them negatively, but the massive wall will make it worse
So build the fucking wall around it. How hard can this be.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
You either have to kill all the animals or kill all the beakers.
You choose, asshole.
Most of Mexico City and Juarez already looks like something from Fallout, desu.
Trump is kind of retarded tool.
Putting them out of their misery for good. A kindness, really.
Mm. Nature finds a way. As you can see, it's been here all along.
So we need to enable child prostitution and cartel show-punishments because of delta smelt? You are literally putting rats above Mexicans?
Oink oink oink oink
Relocation programs should be administered, as well. It's a manageable situation for humans.
So a bunch of pests and dangerous big predators? Idgaf, senpai. I would happily personally exterminate every last bullfrog or whatever the fuck with the heel of my boot in order to make sure the wall goes up.
Pretty sad really.
The consumers won't stop until everything is dead.
High IQ and clever enough to win over America, he knew the slogan ''build that wall'' was catchy and people would love the symbol
But if enough people question the wall, maybe he will address the issue and come up with a better solution. Doubtful very many people will ever care though
delet this
Nature reclaims land as well, boi.
Your children and children's children will grow up in a bleak world then
>collared peccary raping women
>chachalaca dealing drugs to kids
>lizards stealing our jobs
>bobcat killing legal citizens
>salamander shiting in our fields poisoning our lettuce
>snake blasting his Mexican rap in neighborhoods at night
They all have to go back
Lot less bleak then seeing mexicans destroy your country tbqh senpai. Go suck some somali dick.
Unfortunately this.
>he thinks the wall will save america
The wall is just a symbol, it's not going to stop Mexicans from invading your country
Caring about nature is a very "white" attitude, user. It's sad our American friends have to resort to such ecologically damaging methods to simply enforce basic laws. Shitskins just ruin everything everywhere they go.
The wall could have some WIDE OPEN AREAS where there is normal border patrol and shieeet??
It'll slow them down. Sessions is laying down the law at the border. down 60% from last year. Need some good policy too, can be done.
Yeah, it is a white attitude. Hitler and the ''Nazis'' loved animals.
And someone tells me to such Somali dick because I MUST be an anti-white cuck if I'm against the wall. Ignorant stupidity.
America doesn't have very many white people though, so I know a lot of american flags on here are just shitskin LARPers
Catch him and take him there.
Um, depends on how bad it fucks up the ecosystem because you might inadvertently cause mass extinctions.
Fuck big cats.
Fuck wolves.
Fuck bears.
Fuck porcupines.
Fuck rattlesnakes.
Fuck poisonous spiders.
Fuck wasps.
Also, why aren't we shaming China or ancient Sumeria or whoever built the great wall in China? There are a bunch of other walls around there too.
Ocelots are assholes. All they do is scratch and piss.
Wall is stupid, no matter how high you build it the mexican cartels will find a way around it. Just set up guys to shoot any human they see near the border instead.
How do you know it won't? Hey, I have an Idea, let's kill all the wolves they have no use...oh no now the deer are overpopulated and eating our crops and destroying forests...Leave ecosystems alone.
Nobody fucking cares what some rice nigger in the north thinks about a US infrastructure project. Deal with your own problems, I lived near the border my entire life, Mexicans are a scourge that are destroying every town they go into.
>affects bat
>cause extinction of a predator species
>cause a prey species to overpopulate
>Prey species eats wheat, corn and barley crops
>no more beer.
This is important to you, you are just too short sighted and retarded to realize it.
That WAY will take a great deal more time and make more noise, to get through. Then they will be caught. No more, snip snip, go go.
Yes, and how would any of the wildlife on the border possibly going extinct be a determent?
Armadillos are an invasive species. Plus, most of those species exist further into the interior of Texas.
I am pro-Bobcat, though.
>speed up the extinction of ocelots
Ocelots are already on their way out
Big cats eat deer, deer eat plants.
No more big cats or wolves, no more plants.
in other words, fucking the ecosystem fucks us. I want my beer, I don't want fucking deer to eat the grain before it get's turned to beer. so leave the deer killers alive to prevent that you fucking tard.
If I was a chink I wouldn't give a fuck about nature, unless I was Japanese
I'm an anglo and nordic mix.
what are you? probably a typical LARPing american on Sup Forums
I know you people don't care, you've become too brainwashed
Here in Canada the problem are liberals and their pipe lines and shilling for LNG which isn't clean and has more environment pros than cons. Not much I can do either, but I can raise a little awareness on my spare time
None of those creatures is migratory. In fact, many of them are very territorial. They stick to their territories. The wall won't afeect teir populations much.
*cons than pros
sorry, I fucked that sentence up
I'm white. Like my small town in arizona used to be 15 years ago.
We're going to need a northern wall soon.