How bad is breaking up?

I have a wife and have two girls aged 2-5. Been together near ten years.

Thought I married my soul mate. Turns out we fight a lot.
I don't really put up with shit, and she tries to assert some kind of dominance over me. and so we are regularly not in alignment.

Is it better to keep working or to cut it off? I am most concerned about my girls.

Pls pol. I'm no newfag and need your advice.

Figure out what is wrong with your wife is trying to dominate you first. Was she like that when you married her or did this start last night at dinner

>asking a bunch of autistic retards about marital advice

>soul mate
>I'm no newfag.

If you were no newfag you wouldn't be married and used buzzwords like soul mate, you fucked up, kiss goodbye to your property and money for two decades or freedom. You fucked up.

Get a divorce. You want to set a good example for your kids that marriage is happiness.

Nothing more painful for children then a loveless marriage.

"Staying together for the children" is basically admitting your children are a burden.

>I don't really put up with shit, and she tries to assert some kind of dominance over me. and so we are regularly not in alignment.

Isn't that pretty common? I thought almost all relationships were like that.

Digits confirm

>Usual Canadian pussydom
>get to the gym and work out creep

You better try to avoid that divorce. Losing that battle will mean losing half your shit and both of your girls to her. And that means your girls losing their father figure. And that means your girls doing Anal-Stuff on BLACKED as soon as they're 18.

>assuming she's not getting side Dick from niggers
>Canadian woman
>Probable equal racial rights bullshit

How are you going to cope splitting your daughter time with Jerome OP?

Sort yourself out, why would you ask here?!

Boo Hoo, you don't get along, this magically changed after you proposed?! Learn to communicate, and to serve your spouse instead of keeping score. Who cares if she doesn't reciprocate enough or at all? If you're keeping track and doing it for a reaction then you are just being manipulative anyway and she shouldn't. Practice selflessness in an infectious way, and give grace at all times. It doesn't matter if she deserves it, it wouldn't be grace if she did.

If all that shit sounds too hard, and your vows just don't mean that much to you, then consider the difficulty in finding a suitable mate when your assets are cut in half, and you have to explain that there is an ex-wife and kids in the picture. If that doesn't scare you, consider the role her new man will take in shaping your children's worldview. You want to compete with that while rebuilding your financial situation AND sorting through other mens left overs for a new mate?

I'd rather crawl through broken glass and salt, so I made sure I meant it when I proposed.

It's not just BLACKED, all porn is degenerate.

Don't divorce, just ensure dominance over your wife.

Having a kid is an 18 year commitment if you care about them.
As long as neither of you are committing criminal behaviour or abuse, keep going


I'm no marriage counsellor, but it sounds like you never asserted yourself properly.
You need to piss in the corners of your rooms to prove your ownership. Once this is done, you need to piss on her clothes, then piss on her when she's asleep. If she wakes up, pretend you were sleepwalking.
Piss on everything you own, excluding electrical outlets.
Sure hope this helps, Leafy boy. If not you can go back to prepping the bull for her on week nights.

She was always "her own girl". I was a liberal idiot when we met who used words like soulmate

>I am most concerned about my girls.
Don't worry, you've already lost them.
If you wife doesn't want you arround them, you won't be arround them. Especially with the absolute madness that are canadian family court.

>evolving into giving advice on how British relationships work

No it's not wrong, women that do porn are losers and men that watch it are losers too. And what does ttf mean?

nice of shareblue to drop in for some advice. There are a million things more painful than a "loveless marriage", and their likelihood explodes once divorce proceedings start.

Children ARE a burden, a necessary and worthwhile burden, and you're kidding yourself if you disagree. Staying together for your children is selflessness in practice, and usually results in clearer thinking and renewed commitment as your priorities get corrected

Keep working at it. If you really need sexual relief outside of the relationship or whatever, cheat very discreetly.

If you can keep it together until the girls are 18, do that. If not, you're risking fucking them up and raising two riders of the cock carousel that will probably intentionally get caught fucking black guys in order to spite you for breaking up the family. Get therapy, do whatever you need to do, save the marriage until they are 18, then you can divorce or whatever.

Since we got married I've done pretty well for the family but I'm just as happy living in a novel as I am the mansion we are in right now

Digits double confirm. How do you go about doing something so life changing though? I'll admit. I'm scared

>used words like soulmate
>uses the same word in OP
You're a faggot. This isn't Sup Forums related.

I've always just walked away when people disrespect me. I've grown a lot in this marriage but I think she's just too much for me sometimes.

Remember user, once you are married you are married for life, for you are now one flesh, unless you or your wife commits adultery, which is a very grave sin.

Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

Genesis 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

>mfw I gym 4 days a week

>(She was always "her own girl")
>((She was always "her own girl"))
>(((She was always "her own girl".)))

R.I.P user

Not well

That's a start, do more for yourself

are either of you religious?

You make some good points. Thanks. She is just what I would call rude to me quite often. When I don't take it then things go off the rails.

I would say digits confirm but I'm not taking advice from your flag

Buy some Bitcoin to hide your assets.

Do you guys not mark your territory in America? How do you know what stuff is yours?

I would leave the wife and wed both daughters as soon as they're ready to be deflowered

Thanks for this perspective

>I've always just walked away when people disrespect me. I've grown a lot in this marriage but I think she's just too much for me sometimes.
Same here. That's why I'm single now in fact.

I think that I am slightly schizoid, and that explains why I don't like relationships. Having women around and trying to involve themselves in my life is unbearably uncomfortable for me.

Maybe up your benign narcissim to counter her shit tests (which is what lack of respect is) and start using game in your marriage.

Or just walk. Whatever. Make sure you can upgrade with your next relationship though, or you'll be mad with yourself.

Sounds like she's gotten used to shit-testing and dominating you.

Not a good place to be ....


Stick it out, cuck.
Assert your dominance in the masculine realms and let your wife have her power plays in the feminine. You're probably not listening to her enough.
Tell her you both belong to your children and their futures.

Can't argue with digits, son.

>muh soulmate
>getting married for emotional reasons

You fucked up. But guess what, you'll fuck up your kids more if you divorce.

your wife heard from her friends or online about what kind of alimony and child support she can expect this far into your marriage. she's testing you so you better smarten up and not be a sentimental dickhead that everyone here can tell you suffer from

Women's hearts are ruled by jealousy.

Find, and let her know, you have options; not saying you have to pursue it.

Why do you think marriage is about love and happiness? You sound like a selfish asshole who will never be happy. If you are at all concerned about your daughters you'll stay with your wife.

Fighting is not worth breaking up after all after all just have some angry hate sex after the fight.

>only having two kids
i despise you

Divorcing her because she's rude seems like committing suicide from the pain of a papercut. Get yourself together man.

I'd think it'd be more rude for your kids to hear your wife's head bouncing off the headboard in the house you bought personally.

this is great advice

First, open a company in Panama or some of the islands and get your money there. And buy some shit like diamonds that can be easily hidden and carried away.

if you leave you will destroy your daughters. you made the choice to fuck and have kids raise them right until they can be on their own. Divorce is going to create two more girls with daddy issues that end up as trash

Go to couples therapy. Talk to her. Seriously

She could be swayed to go to church. She believes in something. We live down the street from a church

Tell her to stop her shit or it's over. It's oddly effective, you might actually save the marriage.

Been married 19 years. Marriage can suck, but being divorced and having to pay child support is worse.

What if she remarries and you don't like the way her new husband treats your kids?

What if she moves across country, how will you see the kids?

If you want to remarry, can you afford that + child support + alimony?

What if during the divorce, she starts making claims that you abused her and your kids?

How are your finances going to be after the divorce?

What about health care for the kids? Who is going to pay?

The list goes on and on......

Agreed. Although as I read the advice here, I am seeing some solutions.

ask her what she believes. It blows my mind that you don't know before you married her, wtf, did you date for a month?!

Talk to your damn wife, have open discussions about what you believe in, and then look up churches and make some phone calls. Picking a church based on proximity is retarded, but honestly it sounds a bit like how you picked your wife.

You need to make it clear, not through direct threat but by passing mention, that if shit ever hits the fan: neither of you are walking away from it. No funny business.

I appreciate this perspective, thanks

Take her to church, it's good to have God at the center of your relationship. The most stable relationships I've seen are between Christians. My grandparents just celebrated their 60th anniversary a few years ago.

Excellent, I recommend going to a traditional Catholic church, do not under any circumstances go to a Liberal Baptist church that allows women to preach.

I would also recommend buying yourself a Bible, namely the King James Version, it is harder to understand but the newer translations are for profit and have twisted the understandings.

God bless.

Wait till she starts fucking other men.
You'll love being cucked.

There's no real way to come out as the winner here.

You divorce:

>You will be forced to hand over half of your possessions to your wife
>You will be forced to pay child support plus anything extra that the children may need
>Your daughters grow up without a father figure
>Therefore a high probability your daughters will grow up to be toxic SJW cunts
>Your wife will lie about you to your daughters so your daughters will also hate you forever

You stay:

>You will be miserable for at least the next 16 years and basically be living a lie

Start by burying bundles of cash in the woods for a rainy day.


He has made the mistake of marrying an unholy woman.

Suffer through the years and reap eternal rewards in Heaven.

>marrying a girl before gender roles are established

This was inevitable

You have kids. Stay together for them. Children of divorce are a gorillion times more likely to suck at life.

Because you don't assert yourself, faggot. Women like a leader; and, you don't seem like a leader to her.
Nice blogpost, BTW.

Divorce is for scumbags.
Read the fucking Bible you retard.
It's a mirror that will show you what you're doing wrong.

Don't break up. Seriously. The girls will grow up with tons of issues.

t. Child of divorced parents.


But it's ok for the woman to divorce, right?
Fuck that nigger noise, faggots.

>But it's ok for the woman to divorce, right?
Fuck off kike.
People who divorce should burn in Hell.
Fucking pussies.

Hey OP, enjoy raising your negro grandkids while your daughters take turns turning tricks for meth when they're not laying out in rehab.

Sup Forums is retarded when the topic of divorce comes up.

Remind her who the man of the house is and rape her.

How is this politics again?

Yeah sometimes I wonder

We just got into an argument. She shit tested me. Didn't work.
An hour later she apologized.
Progress maybe.

Something I and I am sure many people have suffered with all of our lives. True though.

>She was always "her own girl".

you're not alpha enough or stable enough to keep her around dude

cut your losses and find another....this shit happens to fucking Brad Pitt, don't let it get to you


Ok. After all the rest this is the one to make me realize maybe I'm being a bitch

Get marriage counseling from your church mate. They say that breaking up is hard to do.

Thanks pal

You're right. I guess my best excuse for having posted this is marriage is hard sometimes. A lot of the time it fucking rocks.

Um yeah that's gonna be a no from me dog

Best advice pol will ever give on parenting.

>19 years
Nice. Any kids?

There is nothing wrong with counseling, as long as it isn't from a Jew, where it's 50/50 bad advice. My parents did marriage counseling and have been together for 30 years. They still fight, but there is no violence ever.

You're clever but your straw man couldn't be more wrong. We have had multiple discussions on what we believe. Clever though feel free to kee up with the shit talk

no thanks

>your flag
Checks out

In most regards she adheres to gender norms but a few important ones

F-f-fuck o-off
>how did I do

the longest, happiest marriages have one person who's a bitch and backs down
that's usually the guy

Scare tactics, nice

But I appreciate the sentiment, fuckhead

M8 this is every woman ever. Don't think the grass is greener because it's not. You'll get divorced, financially raped then if you end up with another woman you'll have the exact same issues. The older generations had it right, men worked and women looked after the home and they had a relationship based on mutual respect and shared goals, none of this love and "friendship" bullshit.

When all is said and done, men can't really be friends with women. Women see you as either inferior or superior to them, never as an equal. She is shit testing you to ensure that you're still her superior.

t. 35 yo guy who's been in many relationships.

Should become copypasta really