Why do we call Asians yellow,and not Scandinavians?
Why do we call Asians yellow,and not Scandinavians?
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Skin color
If his skin isn't yellow then idk what you're smoking.
Asian yellow skin is a meme.They're either dark or pale,but not yellow.
They were called yellow back in the Roman times but it was because they had yellow hair.
I always thought Björk looked a little Mongoloid.
Iceland and Greenland isn't Scandinavia.
I'm Swedish/Finish/other Neurop, can confirm, have yellow skin
So she's a Viking rapebaby?
scandinavians basically are asian, notice their similarities:
>small penis
>uniform looks among their population, little genetic diversity
>extremely passive
>prefers fantasy as opposed to reality
>women have no ass and no tits
am i missing any ?
No she looks too Asian for that, obviously her father or mother was an Inuit and they just mixed in the modern era.
it's not yellow. Probably just appears yellow when watching it through shit brown eyes.
why are Scandinavians, so passive aggressively racist?
i am very cool dude
i am true viking and soldiers of odin member
What the hell that is these days.
Cause he's not fukin yellow
>I have never been to Scandinavia.
Interesting, thanks
>Asian yellow skin is a meme
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Seems a bit too obvious to even lay a thought on
yeah but i've met you smug liberal assholes on my travels elsewhere, i like danes alot actually.. but swedes and norwegians are insufferable and i always unknowingly trigger them when i reveal my power level then they hate me
>In excess
Causes their skin to turn yellow
The people you meet are not an accurate representation of an entire nation.
If i was to judge all americans by the ones i see in copenhagen daily, then i would assume that every american is a hardcore sjw hipster from san fran that views denmark as some sort of "socialist " paradise.
>People who hang with foreigners are usually sjws
Hmm made me think
im already watching kung fu stuff from matrix and mortal kombat then you claim scandis are yellow online
not cool bro im getting the chills over asian heritage. like bro that one asian girl jerked me off probably coz they lend fellow asian a hand
Dont you fucking dare talk shit about Mads you fucking nigger. I will hunt you.
yes most travelers from all our countries tend to be upper middle class uni or post uni libshits
glad i could jangle your jugullers
leave pajkatt alone