American "parenting" thread

>Screams at son expecting him to keep his room clean
>he keeps the rest of his house a mess
Don't tell me you don't peacefully parent your kids, do you Sup Forums?

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Trully a piece of shit. Plz give me youtube money. Get a fucking job that isnt waking up your kids up in the morning with waterguns

To be fair in a lot of the videos the kids will whisper in the background asking if the camera is on. Not that I buy that last video with the ink was fake or pushing his kid into a shelf

Is this another prank, bro?

Yeah alot of it is fake there doesnt seem to be any real abuse other than some clear examples of it. Too now alot other utubers are jumping in attacking because they just want drama and views. (Philip de franco)

Video is unavailable.

Is there a mirror?

Piece of shit

And that pushing into the shelf i remember doing to my younger brother when i was like 16 my mom thought i slammed by brother into the tv, she wouldnt even look at me for weeks lel

Fucking mods posting traps