Why does pol hate immigration? If it wasn't for German immigrants...

Why does pol hate immigration? If it wasn't for German immigrants, huge swaths of the country would be almost uninhabited.

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Wanna know the difference?
>Germans show up and farm, homesteading, n' shit
Meanwhile every new immigrant population we've had since the late 1800's, starting with Jews and Southern Europeans
>go straight to cities and fuel industrial and financial capitalism while bring crime (Italians) and Socialism (Jews).
If your ancestors didn't come here and build a farm/homestead/business from scratch you're not an American. Plus from 1965 to (((current year))) immigration went from 90% European (INCLUDING Jews, Southern Europeans, etc) to 10% today. Yeah maybe I just don't want to be replaced and become a hated minority in the country my ancestors built with their bare hands.

Sorry amigo, it's too late. We're already likely below 50% at this point if you don't count Hispanics as white. Move back to Europe with the rest of us

Nothing wrong with German immigrants.

>giving up
I'm just hoping the coming conflict happens before I'm an old man but after my children get to live a semi-normal childhood.

my ancestors were german but they didn't farm they just ran cigarmaking sweatshops

We're talking a population here. Obviously not all Germans were farmers/homesteaders, we're just talking proportions.

giving up? that's not it, ese, it's just that the battleground is shifting. can you bear to see the land of your ancestors be bastardized and degraded?

>implying having less people is a bad thing

If war broke out in German, France, or any other European country and it was natioanlists vs. foreign invaders and commies I'd sign up for that fight in a minute. America is my country though, it's where I intend to find a decent woman, have a decent career, have a large family, and defend it.