How can you tell who is the shill on an anonymous board?

How can you tell who is the shill on an anonymous board?

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All I have to do is check if they disagree with me. I am right about everything, so anyone who holds a contrary opinion must only be doing it because they have been paid to do so.

they support and/or hate trump and/or jews

It is very easy if you apply 1 rule.

if it is anti-white it is a shill post. even if the post was not intended as a shill post it is if it is anti-white.

clears up every "omg ricepill, blacks did this" and so on. put the white filter on and you will know.

Because we know which formats and narratives are non natives but coming from a penetrative and subversive posistion.

Ask Shareblue..

lurk more newfag

the smell

and lurk moar faggot

are Jews white?

Pretty simple, get a job with them and leak their marching orders and organization plans.