BC Elections

Can any BC anons fill me in on the upcoming election and candidates? I don't know anything about provincial shit. Who should I vote for? Looking for the pragmatic choice, not idealism.

Is the conservative party even a choice in this election? And the impression I was getting was that everyone hates the liberals right now, like they are the Harper of this election. But I guess there's really only two options, liberals and NDP?



Big fucking difference, retard.

Sure OP, here's the quick rundown
>filled with chinks
>chinks love rice
>candidate with the most rice
wins the erection

Why do you believe in selling out your own people to foreigners for peanuts?

Do you admire the natives americans for doing it over the last few hundred years?

I think you already know the smart choice here.

So what's a white male living in BC to do? Which party will clamp down the hardest on foreign ownership? And which party will be the best for the economy overall?

It's just a provincial election not the federal one.

Wrong election dumbass.

I'll probably vote Green party.

you won't achieve your goals through a pre-existing political party in the current system. You're fucked, everyone hates the white man right now because its hip, its now, its wow. Everything is fucked. Future is fucked. Best you can hope for in this world is to make enough money to die alone in the middle of nowhere (which, is getting more expensive all the time)

Which party is bringing back the Chinese Exclusion Act?

Ya I'm not going to vote

green NDP and libs are bad
conservatives cant win

>going to china

>when you have the lowest unemployment rate in Canada and ppl want to oust the sitting gov

NDP would literally cause this cashcow of a province to go bankrupt in 2 years - look at fucking Alberta
Conservatives here are just way too small/underfunded to run gov. Also remember they formed a coalition with the Liberals in the last election when ppl were 100% convinced NDP would win.

>white kind of like Russian

Instead of voting you should overthrow your centralized government.

My sister is running in the provincial election for the libertarian party.

is she hot?

Take your pic goy they all seem good to me

Redpill me on the Green party and Andrew Weaver. They seem like a comfy centre party with no big money.

It's the platform piece that would let any party sweep the interior and suburbs.

That and outright banning foreign ownership.

BC would fall for populism so easily.

There really is no option, the liberals are in bed with the chinks, the NDP are a bunch of SJW faggots and the Greens are all hippie burnout losers...DIRE situation in British Columbia

can i please vancouver come in your sister britsh columbia mounties pussy sex with me

Any 'green' party will tax you into oblivion...do not ever vote green party...

But they will give a NEET like me so many gibs.

Her name is Jessica and she's running in BC.

All that I'll say is that she sold all MY video games like a cunt and didn't give me a dime, including a copy of earthbound she sold for $100.

>Dyed Hair

I'm so sorry user.

Huh... Libs are the least bad.

NDP is a fucking train wreck

They bought a bunch of ferries for half a billion dollars, fucked it all up, and ended up having to sell them for 14 million.

If you won't vote, you might as well vote Con just to help the next election.

We need a Sup Forums caucus to be formed.

Why don't you want to vote for Tarik, user? You're not a racist, are you?

You're dumb in more ways than one bud