New right-wing song parody HELP

I haven't finished it yet and need help with some lyrics. The song is Hearts (kikes) bursts into fire:
This what I have lyrically so far, but I'm not THAT happy with it. Could need some help lads.

My home is Rome
I’ve been gone for far too long
Euros are outbred and all alone

I’m heiling
Will you march with me again

Dr. Goebbels
We’ll shut the kikes up now just see

It hurts
Girls so sore
Now they’re torn
Now they’re torn

Hitler’s far away
When they see his face the
Kikes burst into fire
Kikes burst into fire

Other urls found in this thread:


thanks burger
seen this? hahahahha

bump and good luck i guess,

oh yeah thats fucking hilarious, the Still White one is great too

fuck off lmao, you will never be anything like mr bond.

I'm not even a fascist but god damn that guy is fucking amazing. Don't post his shit without paying homage you unworthy snowcuck

lol the nigger is amazing at rap (for an austrian/EU somewhere), i can play anything from oasis to dragonforce on guitar and very capable to record and mix so i dunno why u talking shit nigger. i'm not the most gifted lyrically but instrumentally i can create anything, which is why i'm asking for help

have u heard his changes parody?
never came across it until the other day
some great rhymes there

But the heebs aren't alone
death squads aren't far from home
do you remember the good days?
I'm still dreaming
Of hanging the jewish gays
I hope this marxism is leaving
No more peaceful ways

2nd verse half ass lyrics for u

Oh shit this is fucking amazing

Uuh I don't think that fits exactly but I'll save the thread and try to put together the pieces when I'm not drunk