>Sup Forums claims to hate jews
>Sup Forums overwhelmingly supports a man who allowed all three of his children to marry jews
>Sup Forums overwhelmingly supports a man who hired a jew to be his right-hand man
>Sup Forums invented a meme that there's two kinds of jews to justify this
Sup Forums claims to hate jews
People who hate Jews are trying way too hard to fit in. There is no credible evidence that Jewish people are some clan hellbent on destroying white people. It's nutty conspiracy crab.
If 1 greedy Jew can somehow represent all Jewish people, then one white school shooter can represent all white people. 'Nuff said.
That Venezuela Maduro thread I was replying to died for this...
it's a traditional conspiracy thing, there's a reason the Jew gag became a meme here. it's been a meme in politics for a millenium
Because he wanted to ban Muslims (didn't happen)
Because he's not a globalist (sucks Jens Stoltenberg cock and supports the EU)
Because he's gonna build wall (congress won't approve it)
what more? Too many to list
>69 manchmal ist Pol
Pol does hate jews but only the_donald retards still support (((Trump))).
I posted rhetoric about Jews being demons in another thread earlier today. I can't say they are literally that, but some of them might be. They certainly worship demons like Moloch.
The Jewish elite is pretty evil, regardless. Trump walks a thin line when his kids marry Jewish. They just can't be trusted because they don't see themselves as whites, and successful jews tend to be consummate liars and subversives.