Daily Reminder

That if you are MGTOW, you are cucking yourself.

>All women are whores.
No, not all of them. Have you actually talked to women besides your mother?

Consider this your reality check. Quit cucking yourself. Quit being a little beta bitch. You know why women are not interested in you? Its because you're a whiny bitch.

Woman hate thread?
women hate thread

I despise both sides of argument and just want to be left alone with my books and vidya

>Have you actually talked to women besides your mother?
No, but I've spent years studying them on r9k and I consider myself quite an expert on the matter.

Short song about OP's life
>Hey Hey Hey
>I am very gay
>I post bull shit
>and that is it

you are gentleman and a scholar
theoretical research should always be done before practical approach

>Quit being a little beta bitch.
Because you say I am, and say I should? No.

Awww. did this hurt your feelings?

>muh vagina!
>muh genetic heritage!
>muh sex!
>muh emotional importance of having somebody!

I don't care, and neither millions of young man.

>you are gentleman and a scholar
I am a SUPREME gentleman senpai.

no, because I don't have any
only women and gays have those
so, which one is you? Women or gay?

>which one is you? Women or gay?

Which one are you? Autistic or severly autistic?

pls no
only Saint Elliot was supreme enough to be called SUPREME Gentleman

>no, because I don't have any
Do you think this could be a hindrance to healthy relationships with women?

Good goy, don't breed, ehehehehheh

neither, but I have to note that you did not answered my question regarding your gayness status, so from now I will assume you like being fucked in the ass, because both women and faggots enjoy that

like I give a shit at this point in my life
whenever I tried acting like a real human bean it backfired horribly, so I decided it is too much bother and now I am alone and happy
yes goy, breed and pay all your money to vagina jew, just like in our porn movies!

posting more /r9k/ content so maybe mods will notice and prune this shit so somebody may make thread that is actually relevant to politics

shit, I made my tea too hot and burned my tongue

Keep uploading your cherry picked photos of why you hate women. Tbqh you should just become a serial killer. You're autistic and hate women. Ultimate combo.

>refusing to be cucked by the state
>"lol ur a cuck"

If mgtows responded to shaming tactics, they wouldn't be mgtow in the first place.

>whenever I tried acting like a real human bean it backfired horribly, so I decided it is too much bother and now I am alone and happy
Dude... that's heavy stuff. desu.

>refusing to be cucked by the state
>pays taxes

yea, good point user. made me think.

>No, not all of them.

Yes, all of them. Some of them are just adept at concealing their whoreishness.

Mgtow will be a healthy sociological movement in the long run. Especially for women.
Once they hit rock bottom depression and see that what they have been told by society is not a way to experience true happiness and fulfillment in life.They can either fuck off or adapt to their biological reality.

And as men it is our duty to make sure they hit this point.

MGTOW makes most sense to me because I'm a gay male. I get the best of both worlds. I'm not deprived of sex and I don't get baited and manipulated by stupid whores (though a lot of fags are dumb as bricks).

it is not heavy at all
go to /r9k/
they are all variant of this story, though some of them did not found they inner peace in loneliness yet

sure thing gaylord, I will
and for the record I hate women just like I hate mosquitoes and ticks

>entering a slave contract with an irrational western woman
what a great deal!

>real human bean

Green, kidney, or pinto?

Maybe try a different legume?

>best of anything
dude, you fail at having sex, having sex with wrong gender
God hates you and so do I

memes, Jack

((MGTOW))) is a shit movement created by beta fags who can't find women, so try to justify their own ineptness

Source: OKCupid

how many MGTOW are actually bi-curious or suppressed gay?

>ignoring the role of the state and culture
>blaming men
jeesh u guys never learn

>it is not heavy at all
It fucking is. You're a real human bean and you have feelings user. We all do.

>Once they hit rock bottom depression and see that what they have been told by society is not a way to experience true happiness and fulfillment in life.They can either fuck off or adapt to their biological reality.

Never will work. Chad will outbreed you retards.

>U fone ME 2 RE
>You phone me to REEEE
your id agrees that you are troll, kekekeke

nah, fee fees are too much of a bother
ice cold logic is where it's at

That's a bit annoying desu.

always been a good copy pasta. The older i get the more i see the truth in it


mgtow is just male feminism
raise your price
expect more
be stubborn
fuck who you can but dont give much
tom leykis 101 style
now no one wants win win
they all want win lose
so its a game of chicken
so ugly women and men end up gaying out or jacking off or going to massage parlours

you know nothing about annoying

I think you are right.

i'm not mgtow tbqh
and while i am not lazy, i don't make an effort without good reason. so i really prefer not to dedicate what little free time i get to dating dozens upon dozens of different women in the hopes i eventually, after hundreds of hours spent on dates and thousands of dollars, stumble across a woman who shares my values.

really i think i'm better off working exclusively to improve my life and hope the universe throws me a bone. i actually think i can mathematically prove this to be the better course of action.

Can tradcucks attack mgtow without resorting to leftist shaming tactics?

you're mgtow

MRA is male feminism
here, grab another classic
I can also post Sup Forums guide to getting married

not paying women unless massage parlour or prostitute where guarantee put out
is actually smart
married men pay most per lay
guys with girlfriends same

Can MGTOW find reasons to bash women besides Sup Forums memes and cherry picked photos from social media?

literally nigger tier. blame society and take no responsibility. while society certainly ins't great now, to use that as an excuse to cover your own autistic cowardliness is beyond reprehensible. man up and find a decent girl, instead of embracing self defeating ideologies. only enemies of the west stand to gain from MGTOW

>That if you are MGTOW, you are cucking yourself.
No cuckoldry requires a wife. If i remain single i do not have a wife therefore i cannot be a cuckold.
>No, not all of them. Have you actually talked to women besides your mother?
It depends on what you mean by women being whores? if they are young then generally no they are not whores if they are fucking for sport in their late teens early 20's but the moment they pass 25 the only reason they fuck is for money.

Whether it is due to buying a new house, being a provider to them (aka another form of prositution) or other methods the whore comes at later.
>Quit cucking yourself
Again refer to my first point
> Quit being a little beta bitch
Marrying is what a beta would do since it involves mongamy and the keeping of one woman for life instead of just straight out fucking the tribe of them.
>You know why women are not interested in you? Its because you're a whiny bitch
I don't give a shit as this argument goes nowhere. Even if i could prove 100 percent that women are into me or other mgtow you would not fucking care as that goes against the narrative you have created in your own head.

Even if we were married with kids we still would be viewed as beta virgins.

>so ugly women and men end up gaying out or jacking off or going to massage parlours
kek, can confirm
I'm ugly and ugly women don't want me. They can fuck a hotter guy once in a while. And they keep complaining about being single. Oh well. Not really ugly, just less attractive but we call each others ugly here heh.

they cannot because there is nothing to attack them for
they just want to be left alone and live their life in peace
but living in peace means not paying some girls to just exist, and here we are

relevant to your not ugly, just less attractive post

>60% divorce rate
>modern slut culture
"hurr durr all women are precious creatures and ur getting ur ideas of them from Sup Forums"

Yeah. To me that's not a reason to hate women though. That's just how it works.

As a gay female you would think MGTOW would result in more vagina for me. Unfortunately I can't stand most "modern" women either. When I go on dates or look at dating profiles all they want to talk about is female oppression or social justice which is retarded since IMO straight and bi women (and to some extent, also us lesbians) have massive advantages these days. I am also not a sjw.

I'm ok being the main breadwinner (I'm in a "male" profession so my salary is decent and likely higher than a more neurotypical female), but I've noticed most of my guy friends have gfs who just don't freaking try at all. It drives me nuts. I would rather be alone than with such an extremely lazy and entitled person. I feel sad for my guy friends because I feel they are being exploited and abused. (Some girls have tried this on me also, but I think having an attachable dick makes it slightly easier to set it aside and think with my head instead.)

I don't know how to fix women. I wish I did.

Why can't MGTOW just man up?

Just man up, you whiny little idiots.

Have you considered the possibility that we don't want to be in a relationship?

don't want or can't get one?

>Why can't MGTOW just man up?
>Just man up, you whiny little idiots.

We don't have to do what you want us to, you self centered little bitch.

women steal
and vote for communism
which is stealing
what is alimony? child support? unwanted kid?
single mom cancer?

No, I fail at procreating. I don't fail at sex. And I have some bad news for you: God isn't real. Even a Pollack should be able to understand that.

Who knows. I mean, I sympathize with the straight mgtow guys, because they're desperate and alienated by our society. But the gay mgtows, I understand exactly where they're coming from. It's actually irrational to prop up the current system if you're not physically attracted to women, because let's face it: the only thing women have going for them in western society is their physical attractiveness. Without that, they're pretty worthless to the average male.

you are a moron
MGTOW is men saying I wont pay dinner whores and spend on my own car n gym membership and investments.
Its telling women you better bring more to the table.
You fucking fag.

I am maximum level of manned up
I am so manly that I do not care about anything female anymore

>I don't know how to fix women. I wish I did.
noone knows since ever
ok guys and girls, I'm out for work

i'm not 'going my own way' on my own accord.

i also am not buying expensive, flashy things and instead i live off of cheap food and never buy luxuries. i'm not 'financially going my own way', it's more like i'm forced into this position because i ain't got no money. sure, i could spend what little money is in my bank account on a ps4 and some new games. but then i wouldn't be able to pay rent in a few months.

i recognize i have limited resources (free time, money) and i'm probably better off spending my free time doing stress reducing activities like playing online games with my friends (which i don't have to pay for) or studying for my classes, rather than going on dates which are basically stress-additive not stress-reducing.

>Have you considered the possibility that we don't want to be in a relationship?

Apparently women don't want one with you either. badum tss! I'll be here all night boys.

shut up fag

>All women are whores.
> Have you actually talked to women besides your mother?
Hey, fuck off. My mom is beautiful woman, dont project your own experience on my life, shitbag.

Spoken like a true manchild.

Go back to your mancave, immature boys.

Your lack of a relationship proves your immaturity.

This is the alpha response to the beta members in society, and I can understand your point of view. It's tempting to accuse every man abandoning relationships of being a pussy, but you have to remember that there's always been betas in every society. Efficient civilizations mask the existance of betas by basically guaranteeing all law-abiding, working men a wife. The difference between now and the past is that betas are finding it much more difficult to marry and reproduce.

No matter how much you try and get through to them most men will always be betas. The most important thing civilization ever accomplished was making sure all these faggots and retards got married. Before patriarchal civilization enforced monogamy, betas simply banded together and stole women to use them as rape slaves. The reason marriage was invented in the first place was to stop this sort of thing and ensure the vast majority of men would be content to follow laws and contribute to the community.

Modern society has abandoned monogamy for betas and this will be disastrous. The only reason men obeyed law for so well and so long was because everyone could get married, have children, and not have to worry about getting cucked. Throughout history, there's a long trail of wrecked and fallen countries that were torn apart by internal strife when sexual rules were relaxed.

>99% of western women complete whores and would make terrible wives and mothers
>state of divorce laws that will chain you to a harpy legally/financially
hmm no thanks

Some of them are probably being exploited, but it's sort of voluntary, isn't it? Males are generally programmed to prioritize mating and reproduction, so finding an attractive female - even a needy, lazy, entitled one - is a plus for them because that's how they're programmed.

And if you're wondering, yes, guys do try to warn their friends when they see them getting attracted to lazy, entitled, possessive women but those warnings usually fall on deaf ears because "bro, she's so fucking hot." And when the relationship inevitably crumbles, we just hope he hasn't bitten off more than he can chew.

>No, not all of them.
Yes, all of them. All. Your girlfriends, your wives, your sisters, and your mom are all whores by nature. The only thing that stops them from breaking trust in relationships is the looming threat of shame. Once they can't feel shame, they are a lost cause and not even desirable to men. That's why marriage stats are almost nonexistent today.

shut up european fag
no one wants titless skrawney eurowomen
get your economy back to capitalism
you are not to give advice when usa is superior to your shithole in every way
you dummy
tom leykis 101
fuck em by telling them your rich as hell
then run when they find out different

honestly $40 rub n tug massage place
is best way to deal
far cheaper than girlfriend :)
mongering and sex tourism is also fucking epik

>t. ultimate woman expert.

I know

I keep all of my paycheck and only spend it on myself!!
I am such a fucking cuck!!
When will I stop cucking myself and give all of my money to raise someone else's grown child.

if you have a girlfriend
you have no game
-tom leykis


you are a kuk unless you give all your cash to stupid whores who them might but probly wont put out!!
thats being a REAL MAN!

no its not idiot. Men going their own way. it in the name of the movement, a bunch of shitlords glorifying their beta-virgin status. its not about finding better women, its about abstaining form them and trying to justify in a way so the person does not feel pathetic for doing so

>I keep all of my paycheck and only spend it on myself!!
>Gee! Life is good right now! Who am I gonna share all this success with?


>what is choosing a good partner

lazy, cowardly self defeatist fuck. u have a cuck mentality

game theory in economics

simple way to understand that

dating is DUMB

man up! It's your duty as a man to let someone siphon money from you the rest of your life. And if they leave, they take half your shit and kids. If you don't do this, you're a cuck

I will never get married
>mom cheated on dad for 10 years. Almost slit her throat for it
And to all other whites whether plan on marrying or going their own way please plan the same

Securing your genetics in this world and raise him or half raise him like you are until we can fix this cancer in society. It's worth half chaining yourself to any crazy cunt.

>These two butt ravaged roasties

woa woa woa
watch who you call idiot
my poor pussified friend
Im here to help you
but dont get uppity
mgtow is men simply saying look bnitches
put out and be fun
or fuck off
its totally awesome
and if it keep men single n banging these women and not marrying or moving in

I am gonna share it with absolutely fucking no one, comrade!!

>"find a unicorn" argument
If you're saying that is the solution, they'd you're admitting that most men can't get one due to the face most women make shit wives/mothers. So you're advocating for mgtow for most men.
Also, you can never tell if it's a quality woman until it's too late

kek+fries_ shake

just curious how you plan to do that

>i'm too shit to find a partner
>so i'll point to something which happens sometimes to justify my own cowardice. also i identify as a nationalist. i probably also expect alot form women even though i myself am a beta-NEET

man up or kill yourself u fucking peasant

shit the japs almost have plastic woman perfected

I am guna write a scifi novel about how women were killed off after this event.

>promoting promiscuity
>complaining all women are whores
>put out bitch,i'm a beta NEET so i deserve your undying respect and loyalty

to the gas chamber u autistic fuck

oh the duke of oz has spken!
pay your dinner whores or your a kuk!

MGTOW is Jewish shit designed to further depress the white birthrate. It's YOLO hedonism targeted at white men. Absolute cancer that deserves all the mockery and scorn heaped upon it.