White Nationalsm and Socialism

Why does white nationalism have to include socialism? Every reasonale person knows that socialism is fucking gay and it only works in low-test fag countries.

Why can't we be White Nationalist-Capitalism?

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Because capitalism is jewish and always ends in communism.

Natsoc isn't your commie style socialism. Its just a buzzword.

>letting your nation be cucked by corporations

Why don't we just focus on implementing laws that keep the Jews out?

What is stopping Jews from infiltrating a socialist economy by getting into politics?

We could have a capitalist system with a different election process and strive to get away from crony capitalism

It doesn't, low IQ retards have a boner for nazi germany because "muh cool looking uniforms".

The real question is how you have capitalism without what we have in the USA today, which is corporatism.

do I need to break out the commie meme ball? Your socialism is just as bad as the rest you fucking tard. Just because Hitler said it doesn't make it Gospel. We are talking about one of the worst tactical minds in the history of warfare here.

Okay what is natsoc then exactly? Everything I've read about it just sound like typical socialism

Why not have the best of both?


Outlaw governmental intervention in the economy. Corporatism is the result of this intervention. Allowing the government to legislate on economic matters inevitably leads to lobbying, corruption and corporatism. But if government does not have this power, there is no incentive.

Natsoc is capitalism with some differences, its called the third position for a reason. It is not socialism, there is still private property, there is no wealth redistribution and there is a market to determine the price of goods.

Read pic related for a brief intro to fascism since you're too lazy to pick up a book.

and because Nazis are the BLM of white people.

>Jews have higher IQs than whites
> Therefor on average more successful
>Can't be culture must be conspiracy

Half of Sup Forums is just white BLM

It's exactly that, socialism with nationalism.

Apparently Jews don't have their own agendas. Judaism is a religion of peace goy


Nobody is denying Jews are smart. They are just mindblowingly unethical and immoral. They collectively do things that the average white person would not consider doing, because it is immoral.

Anybody who has studied Judaism knows that it is deepy embedded in Jewish culture that white Christians are the enemy and they should be treated like swine.

I personally don't think it would be difficult to outsmart the Jew if people were actually educated on what the Jews were doing.

>why White Nationalism have to include socialism?

It doesn't. Socialism is for faggots. Fuck off.

Exactly, Jews are parasites and without us they would be nothing

Have you read this at least?
Read this for an intro:

Tbh jew-phobia is one of the few things they get right.

No need to be a good goy. But no need to advocate either for the suppression of freedom, and german pagan larping.

is there anywhere you fucking commies haven't infiltrated? Serious question.

Because you're a retard and don't understand capitalism. The ultimate fate of capitalism is automation and communism is the natural solution to machination destroying the blue collar worker. Only technocratic socialism, which national socialism was also, can prevent such a disgusting poorly thought out future from happening.

Tldr; capitalism is Jewish.

A redpill that I never see discussed on here:

Edward Bernays. This guy invented "marketing"in the 20's, and he created mind manipulation techniques in order to sell things to people.

He has saved multiple industries in the USA with his marketing techniques, including the tabaco industry. He believed that the general population were a "mindless herd" and they needed to be manipulated into doing things, or else our society would be a complete disaster.

His marketing techniques are still used today in Hollywood films and in many other parts of our culture.

Here is a documentary on him:

Letting a government what is good business for the nation is begging for a corrupt government. The notion that any socialist government has the well being of its people in mind is as silly as believing communism will make a world of equals.

NatSoc can have free markets. Just look at George Lincoln Rockwell.

And vice versa is begging for corrupt corporations, who will shape the future of society for generations with their technology and permanently irreversibly alter the structure of society.

t. Luddite

>free markets

Pick one commie scum.

>equivocating free market meritocracy with rapacious, Jew-pushed-and-led, multibillion dollar campaigns in industries like media, consumer goods, and banking which shifts the paradigm from one of traditonalism to the atomization of individuals until they are mere worker units and their happiness contingent on consuming, owning, and being part of a culture with no values, morals, nor higher purpose

This is what we see with Capitalism. National socialism is different for every country, see George Lincoln Rockwell . The most important thing is that the health and safety of the race comes first and foremost

you sound like every other commie. Too dumb to compete in the free market so you want "your version of socialism, not the bad kind" to fix that for you. You're all the fucking same, and you're all too fucking dumb to realize it.

>cucking yourself to the state

Whatever you say leaf

They are pretty cool looking

commie mental gymnastics at work.

"my socialism is the good kind" "that socialism is communism"

You're all commies.


The why not just kill all Jews? No Jew, no problem.

NatSoc and Leninism were economically identical.

>basing your economics on an ideology and not off of a culture

destined to fail. ideological economics is jewish all the way around. running your economy to serve your culture is the only true way forward.

NatSoc is White Dindusim.


If you want to do that go ahead. As long as the white race is put first and foremost us natsocs don't mind.

Hell of a read my friend
Good man

Fuck off Jamal. Nationalise the big banks to break the Jew. Don't let the oven niggers destroy our industries. Full employment and high wages for the working but the thrifty middle class are left alone to conduct their business like civilized Christians.
Only the thieving Jew and the welfare rat nigger goes to work camp.
Ancap is Jew paradise because they are lying thieving free riding cunts.
NatSoc is the Final Solution.

This is why I don't call myself Alt-Right/WN even though I agree with a lot of. I can't stand anti-capitalism and socialism. NatSoc is intra-racially egalitarian and is Leftist. I am a classist ethnicist palaeolibertarian.

>NatSoc and Leninism were economically identical.
Yeah, because Hitler advocated for a classless state, fuck off

>Fascism hols women in very high regard


>calls Jews thieving cunts
>wants successful whites to support his trailer park ass because he dindu nuffin his whole life.

Like I said, you're white BLM. Just another commie doing his daily mental gymnastics routine.


NatSoc isn't full-bore socialism, it is simply socialism when it comes to a few key industries:

-healthcare (this includes programs in which healthy intelligent women are paid money to get impregnated from alpha-men; incentivized eugenics)

But the banks being nationalized more than pays for the other two institutions.

Wasn't white nationalism an ironic meme to trigger snowflakes?

alt-right only tends to be socialist when it comes to banks and high finance, which i think is more of a "fuck jews" kinda thing than any principled economic position. personally, i think capitalism with nationalized banks works perfectly fine and hitler proved that.


>muh fascism supports private property

If government is constraining commerce for any reason other than preventing force and fraud, then it isn't respecting private property.

The only difference between communism and fascism is that communism nationalizes economies (which fascism also does to an extent!) whilst fascism de facto nationalizes economies via coercive bureaucracies. There is no 'Third Position': you support private property and free commerce or you don't.

"its different this time, I swear guys it'll finally be a good idea, not possible way that any collusion will happen under my glorious system."

All you commies are the same.

STOP REPLYING TO JIDF SLIDE THREADS. This is an attempt at Soviet 'normalization'. Look up Yuri Bezmenov.

There is a concerted effort to flood our board with Reddit faggots doing a "Raid".


Have fun working 10 hours a day for minimum wage until you die, good thing your kids will work with you so they'll take your job once you're 6 feet underground

Hitler didn't prove anything, his system was around for 12 years. It didn't have time to become corrupt and collapse on itself like every other socialist state ever.

It's not about Jews being successful; it's about Jews corrupting our polities with pathological ideologies like Marxism and multiculturalism. Asians are successful too but they don't subvert our societies are perniciously or as frequently as Jews.

if you're going to take an all or nothing principled position then you better be full anarcho-capitalist or you might as well kill yourself because you're retarded.

but for most people, the ends are more important than the means. all i care is that the result is good.


assuming everything is a slide thread is a shill move. Free speech is best speech. Let their dumb ideas be heard and torn apart.

Interest is just a fee payed for money being lent. There is nothing wrong with it. The real problem is central and fractional reserve banking.

let's fight their Marxism with our Marxism so we don't have to live under Marxism! Fucking brilliant burger.

>ultimate fate of capitalism is automation

And why is that a problem? Hail our machinic overlords I say.

that is true, it's entirely possible that it could have collapsed in the end. but who can really know that? it worked for the time that it existed, the rest is speculation.

national socialism works in white countries not nigger infested ones

if you want a healthy and happy populace you need to keep them healthy and happy

national socialism is helping whites,socialism invites in 3rd worlders and tries to help them also,no

>running your economy to serve your culture

That fuck does that even mean? Sounds like progressive pseudo-science to me.

Leninist Russia was not classless. Regardless, Hitler was still a class egalitarian (and therefore Leftist).

I agree with eugenics but why should any of those things be nationalized instead of free market?

Banking and high finance is already socialist.

>Equating a cultural observation with an economic theory
That's the kind of retarded shit that leftists do, hence how we ended up with "Cultural Marxism," but I suppose we should have expected as much from a leaf.

One may leave the markets completely alone and still use the government to intervene in matters of demography and social matters, where it would be preferable to an ancap approach. People need some measure of stability and culture, which a state can provide absent any economic handouts.

Not that it matters since the first poster was correct. Capitalism will inevitably become socialism, which will inevitably collapse. It's a cyclical process and the speed of the cycle depends on how corrupt the people in charge are and how many stupid people wanting free shit there are. Politicians can never keep their hands away from corporate money that backs socialism to get the poor to buy shit they couldn't otherwise afford while not getting hit with the tax increases by offshoring money.

speculation yes, but the systems that his was most similar too all collapsed, and all had terrible human rights issues. And it may start with the target, for open Communists it was the rich, for slight of hand NatSoc(BLM) Commies it was the Jews(Whites) who just happened to conveniently be wealthier on average.

They're both victim mentality cultures and once they run out of their perceived tyrant they will need another, and it may be you.

>if you're going to take an all or nothing principled position then you better be full anarcho-capitalist or you might as well kill yourself because you're retarded.

I'm neocameralist.

Lmao dude I'm not a shill, I just have a problem with socialism. I like white nationalism but I don't like the socialist bullshit

North Korea proves that socialism doesn't work even with a homogeneous and high IQ country.


no the state can not provide anything without handouts. How are they going to pay for all this cultural re-shifting without paying off the media and making sure that no other forms of culture are able to procure. You cannot do that without the free market. More mental gymnastics from a NatSoc Commie. Can't expect much more from a burger though.

>We can do this without money

You can't do anything without money you poor ass commie, maybe if you understood that and had some cash, you wouldn't be a fucking Commie.

Helping inferior Whites weakens your race as a whole by promoting dysgenics, malicentives, and mediocrity. Social Darwinism FTW.

without messing with the free market*
not "without the free market"

National Socialism has nothing to do with Communism or Socialism as Americans view it. It is simply one of many iterations of the reactionary movement.

The only "Socialism" at play is not letting parasites control finance and a nations culture at large. I'm not natsoc or even white and I know this shit.

Do you see literally everything the government does as intervening in the market? Is everything that is not 100% ancap automatically communism? Have some sense of fucking nuance.

I was more thinking of one time permanent changes anyway, such as involuntary repatriation.

>narrative changing OP starter


There is a concerted effort to flood our board with Reddit faggots doing a "Raid".


This thread is an attempt to slide genuine content off the board.

yes, because the gov't can't do anything financial without intervening in the market you fucking idiot. That should be obvious even with your very clearly complete lack of understanding on economics.

The only thing the gov't should do is protect us from international threats. Everything else should be left to the free market.

Even if you get this perfect omni-benevolent leader that your system requires to properly function under, eventually that leader will die or be replaced, and then your system is as useless as every other socialist system due to the inevitable collusion.

This idea that your socialism won't be corrupt like every other form of it is pure ego.

>calling other people shills
>telling us what we "are" and "are not" allowed to reply to.

Jew playing checkers who thinks he's playing 10D chess.

and the funny thing is even though I'm for gov't military, your countries best military asset is the second amendment which allows for the formation of civilian militias in the case of invasion making it fucking suicide for any nation to invade you.

Which you don't get with NatSoc because the obvious no guns.

That's exactly wrong. The goal of NatSoc/fascism/third position politics generally is the preservation and optimisation of a particular polity.

Liberalism (in the sense of philosophical individualism, not American leftism) is essentially incompatible with this. The above Rightist forms basically all believe in a system in which the individual is defined by their place in their society/culture. Liberalism (of which libertarianism is an offshoot) wants the primacy of the individual freed from social/cultural baggage - totally anathema.

You're looking at this like a liberal (because you are one), ascribing individualist and material motives about competing in markets to Rightists, to whom markets are totally secondary - their only importance being as an instrument with which to serve their polity.

I would not necessarily consider a one time government contract an intervention because it does not necessarily represent any permanent change. Also, there's a difference between the government paying for something and the government redistributing shit, though such a concept seems to elude you.

It's just as foolish to assume a minarchy won't be corrupt and won't quickly devolve into plutocracy. If limited governments were immune to corruption, we wouldn't currently be in the leftist, globalist shitholes we now exist within. The fact is that systems of government don't fail inherently because of any particular "interventionist" policies. They fail because it's almost impossible to stop the people who want the government to do more. And once the government drinks from that poison well, it never stops drinking until the poison eventually kills it.

Its been an hour and half and you're still shitposting against white interests, lol get a life dude

>NatSoc because the obvious no guns
Wrong, guns were legalised.

Because free market is a meme that allows the schemers and debauchers to take power and blackmail the politicians.

We need a degree authoritarianism so that this doesn't happen again

yes, and that particular polity happens to be a white socialist state. This is Poe's law in action, I can't tell if I'm being trolled or if this is legit mental gymnastics. Your socialism is still socialism even in a white ethnostate, and you're still a fucking communist.
It took the KGB 70 years to get the US to its current state spending 80% of their bugget on exactly that. You aren't going to turn around a culture using the gov't without massive intervention in the free market. You aren't just going to make one movie and then everything is going to be fine and dandy its all over. Culture is saved.

The problem was not limited gov't the problem was no constitutions amendments to not allow it to grow. So the gov't colluded with the media, corporations, and unions to become large and larger. Milton Friedman started a political movement to get such an amendment passed, it failed obviously. Hardly anyone voted to give away their influence and ability to be bought.

>white interests
>Socialist state

Pick one you fucking bum. They aren't white interests. They're I'm a poor as piece of trailer trash and want in on that stereotypical white money interests. You're just another fucking commie pretending to be here with good intentions for your fellow whities.

>Guns legalized
Hardly, you had to be a member of the right political party in order to not get a restricted licence and Jews were not allowed to own or manufacture.

US capitalism is the (so far) end result of 500 years of capitalism that started in northwestern Europe. No communism in sight. Don't know what sort of history you've been reading.

It is typical socialism, but because of the ethno-nationalist aspect, the lowest common denominator your tax money supports is someone like you with similar values, morals, and understanding of the nation's goals, not some dindu on food stamps with a g19 that hasn't been cleaned in 5 years.

if there is only the right political party and no jews then firearms are in fact legalized

Anyone who is a kike or against white nationalism doesn't need to bear arms.


even without an ethno-nationalistic approach it still ensures that it's going to the betterment of society rather than someone who can't help themselves.

Under fascism the vast majority of black children would be put into protective custody and given to families who can't conceive naturally, families who want to adopt to do their part, or into orphanages where (lets be honest) they'll likely be trained in some Master Chief-esc bullshit super soldier nonsense.

Regardless of race actually, parents who are not good caretakers of their children would have them removed and their parents face harsh consequences.

To some, this is tyrannical, to others, this is merciful. I don't sit here as a fascist and claim my beliefs are always the nicest, but they are effective and beneficial to society.

and you still don't see how this is in anyway similar to communism. You burgers are either way better at trolling then I give you credit for or this is some fucking 1980s Soviet Union Olympic gymanstics team level shit.

Hey everyone, point and laugh at this retard

so anyone who doesn't think you deserve free shit just for being white? Fuck off you hippie, go beg on the street, get off of Sup Forums you'll have more luck there.