Dear Antifa: You're appropriating and ruining gun culture

please stop, I'm going to call my gun whatever the fuck I want

(OP's note: was going to post this in /k/ but it seemed political and didn't want to get b&)

We have to stop Antifa from getting guns just so they can't ruin guns for us.

fuck you

Well, I mean, if you're a grill (or even a qt trap)...

Holy shit I couldn't imagine actually - willingly - conversing with someone online who makes an issue out of referencing a gun as she

I sometimes hope people like that do lurk here


OH look commie fags being retarded who knew
Great thread dick head

Post more qt gunfus

I couldn't imagine not smashing them in the face with the butt of my rifle and running them through with my bayonet just to show them why Charlie is a HE.

Nothing wrong with them owning guns. It is their constitutional right.

Also; even on a gunsub reddit will still be reddit. Kek. You have to go back.

> antifa culturally appropriating gun culture

bravo this is some 6d cultural marxism chess