People on the left

>People on the left
>Prefer cats

>People on the right
>Prefer dogs

Why is this?

I prefer snakes, though

what if you like cattos and doggos

do you own any cats or dogs?

Cats are smug and useless assholes

Dogs are loyal companions who will stick by your side until death

Really jiggles my puffs

Dogs: Dependent on the state for everything
Cats: Feed them and the rest they take care of themselves

Dogs = niggers of the animal kingdom

>why is this?

it isn't

>What are wolves

>Dogs = niggers of the animal kingdom

A lot of dogs have jobs though

I'd agree if this was before my current cat. He follows me around, sleeps next to me every night, is always happy to see me, etc - most people are blown away by his behavior.
Trust me, it's not because I feed him. I keep a big bowl of dry cat food that I fill once every week and a half, and I'm not the only one who fills it.
The only difference between him and prior cats (who never showed me any affection) is that he was born feral, but I can't prove that it's the reason why he is so chill
I legitimately value the life of this cat more than 99.9% of the human race


Cats are lazy and expect someone to feed them no matter what.
Dogs are willing to work for their meal.

I only prefer cats because I live in a small apartment and am busy a lot and cats are a less maintenance option. Also I think it's cruel to own a bigger dog which is the only kind I would get if don't don't live in a house with a yard and don't have the time to walk it very much. (I hate small dogs)

Cats spread degeneracy. They are advanced bio-weapons.

>watches cats and dogs movie


bird is the one true path

>hmm i'll just say some shit with not a single fact to back it up now time to watch some Foosball it's about 6 bong aint it

i lke both

Cats are like refugees
They come into your house, eat your food and think they own the place while doing nothing.

I have a cat just like this. I'm starting to think he's legitimately in love with me. He'll lick my fingers, cries when I leave the house, and can't fall asleep at night without first having a cuddle. He gives me "love bites" too, where he'll just hold my finger between his teeth when he's really into me. He even drools with happiness when I get home after being away for a while. It's the darndest thing.

And yeah, my cat is a feral/rescue that was found in the bush at around 8 weeks old. Now that I think about it, the only other good cat I've had was also a rescue that had been living in the bush. Maybe there's something really to it?

Know many service cats that do anything useful?
Dog in pic related contributes more to society than niggers.

Birds are top tier

what if i don't like fucking pets?, they are a waste of money and they are filthy. I would have a huge dog though if didn't have to live in a apt, just for security


that's a smart dog, 10/10 would throw tennis ball for

They serve different purposes. Cats are housebound animals that take care of pests for you. And maybe it's just my particular cat, but it's neurotic as fuck so if anything weird is going on outside, my cat is the first to notice. It's kinda like a dog in that sense, but without the obnoxious barking.

I also have a rescue cat that shows loyalty and love

Cats keep pests away
they're cute too :3

I'm a leftie and I have a dog, what's this bullshit?

>trying to politicize pet ownership
Y'all bunch of retards.

... What if you have both? I have a cat and a dog.

Nigga my dog got rid of all pigeons I couldn't scare for 5 months in 3 days after I adopted him. And he eats flies and shit, he's so cute in his autism


House dogs are the niggers* Working dogs are the redpilled mans best friend

The point is really that you can train dogs to be productive. How good they are depends on how good a trainer you are. Training a cat is a matter of luck mostly.

Fascists like both

I like both. The cats help keep vermin away, the dogs help me herd the cattle.

Arguing which better is like arguing which is better between a tractor and a combine.

Muslims hate dogs and dogs hate niggers.

Ah, but a tractor can have many uses, depending on how you spec it. A combine is really only useful for harversting. Unless you want to believe the Top Gear people.
In this analogy, cats are the combine, which can be very good at one thing, but not very useful for others, while dogs can be trained to do a huge variety of tasks.

Toxoplasma. It creates aberrant behavior in men and women. The behavior it causes on women makes them hypersocial, empathic and moralizing.

You think feminism creates crazy cat ladies but it's the other way around. Toxoplasma makes them like cats more and makes them more outgoing to facilitate contagion.

I have seen it IRL, it started with only one of them being very feminist-animal rights-vegan, cat-loving, and her close friends turned one by one into hyperfeminist cat lovers.

Toxoplasma, man, it fucks with your mind.

I like both but when a cat loves you it feels genuine. They enjoy your company because they choose to.

Dogs have a genetic predisposition to love humans. Dogs will love you very nearly unconditionally. It doesn't feel special, it feels like it's an obligation.

Sometimes if there's a fly on the wall I'll lift my cat up so he can reach it.

>cat owners are literally infested with brain parasites

Sad! WAY too many cases!

Dogs are niggers translates to "even dogs don't respect me". If a dog does not go belly up in front of you and desperately want to please you, you are a literal sub-human. You are either mentally unstable or you got pond scum genes.
The above also answers OPs question.

It takes a lot more work to get a cat to respect you and love you. If you're shit, they'll treat you like shit.

Cats are basically welfare leeches.

As far as small dogs go, dachshunds are pretty based

What? How you spec it? A tractor can only haul things. It's what you attach to it that matters.

But my point is that neither one can do the job of the other, and neither is superior to the other. Make the argument a grain auger vs a grain dryer if you want.


hopefully they dont get too fucked up by breeders wanting them to be even longer or something, too many breeds have been ruined already

Because taking care of unthankful lazy assholes is what left is about. Also, dogs are nice.



Avians are wonderful, but they need plenty of companionship.

Rightwingers like collectivism and need strong figures to lead them, they can find them self in the mind of a dog, will leftwingers like indivualism and hate strong leaders they dont care for the big picture, just their own circle, and thus find them in the mind of a cat

Sometimes if there's a moth on the window my cat will jump up so she can reach it.

I appreciate the logic and common sense this post has. +1

cats are floofy and are basically tiny tigers in your living room. dogs shit and piss every 5 minutes and never shut the hell up

Not true. Libertarians make the best cat owners because they have a true understanding of them.


last time i checked domesticated dogs arent wolves. wolves are pretty badass just like tigers

Dogs are selfless, and loyal creatures, not only that they justify their existence by being useful in many ways.

Cats are lazy, indifferent, unreliable entitled, volatile assholes and completely deponent on you to take care of their every need. sound familiar?

There are exceptions to the rule. Bengals are awesome and chihuahuas are devil spawn

all tiny dogs are devil spawn. the bigger ones like labs and goldies are pretty chill

Pets are for women and children to take care of.
Why would a man waste his time and money for fucking animals?

kitties are cute and have little floofers. dont you wanna snuggle a little kitten user?

No I'm not a little girl. You should've gotten over ''cuteness''.


Im 1488 and I like cats

dogs will actually give you a good blowjob if you stick your dick in a jar of peanut butter.

cats will not. cats are too picky about their food and many cats won't even eat peanut butter (I know some will but mine won't), their jaws are too small, and they are either selfish psychopaths or just too dumb to realize that the benis is a part of your body that should not be bitten or clawed, unlike dogs who actually have empathy and won't bite it.

dont you belong in canada?

Sorry, forgot to turn off my flag-changer.

Everybody desires companionship and dogs (and other pets) can sometimes outperform humans in that aspect.

>Unable to obtain human companionship
>Taking friendship qualities from a dog

HA! Got a hardy chuckle out of that...

A lot of blacks had jobs pre 1860. So, your point is moot.

Have you ever been licked by a cat? Their tongues are like brushes.

They can't.

What the fuck did you do with your flag Poland?

no step on kek

Cats don't require any bonding or any nurturing, just clean the litter box and give it food. Literally the cat's bitch.
Dogs you just can't resist bonding with as you take them out, they do what you want if you train them and you will want to because you'll have a partner for life.

To put it this way: cats are for beta cucks, dogs are for alphas.

Cats don't do anything, they just sit there and "look cute"

Dogs actually do something, they run around with you, they play catch, all this stuff

Liberals only care about looks

Conservatives care about action

Spoken like people who've never had proper cats.

You don't have to clean or feed them. They shit in the woods and cover it themselves, making them cleaner then dogs who don't cover their shit.
And they catch their own food, unlike dogs who you have to feed yourself or they die.

Dogs are good tools, but they require much more care and attention to perform then cats do.

Not relevant post. No words spared

True patrician choice is not to get any animals for the sole purpose of comraderie.


>The point is really that you can train dogs to be productive. How good they are depends on how good a trainer you are
In the mean time, you're cleaning up excrement, fur, pieces of your couch, phone, eardrum, lawsuits, 1 lb of strip steak
Dogs are cool and all, but they just never leave you alone. And they're loud.

>Spoken like people who've never had proper cats.

For much of my childhood we had three cats. THREE cats.

From when I was born until I was about 7, we had one cat.

Then we got two more, so from maybe 7 to 15, we had three cats.

Then it went down to two, then one, who died when I was maybe 20.

Please tell me more that you think you know about me?

Dogs demand more care and attention. Too much for leftytards.

I've had like, 20 at all times my entire life. Number doesn't fucking matter man.
You said all a cat does is "Sit there and look cute". They do a lot more then that. As I said, they feed themselves, they clean after themselves. The only time they look cute is when they are kittens.

To befriend a dog you need to show dominance, because to actually build friendship with dog he needs to know you're the alpha and he has to listen to you so you'll respect him. If you're a weak beta you won't do shit.

Because lefties are fucking pussies.

Yes, but cats are only worth 3/5 of a dog

My point, my Canadian friend, is that you cannot do anything with a cat

You feed it and you pet it. That's it. All it ever does is fucking sleep all fucking day. That's fucking it.

Dogs get you out of the house. Dogs are very ACTIVE animals. You can play catch with them. You can do all sorts with them. They form a strong bond with you. They will even help ward off attackers.

Can a cat help ward off attackers against you? No. A cat is fucking useless. Just a bag of fur.

That's why liberals love cats and conservatives love dogs. Conservatives care about getting out and doing things in the real world. Also they care about things that have a USE to them, a PURPOSE, and dogs have such a use.

Cats don't. They're just a fucking decoration. Also they're feminine. Dogs are masculine. I guess that's another reason why conservatives like dogs and liberals like cats.


pets are worthless
whatever i see a dog or cat on the street, i cant stop the urge to kick the shit out of them

> Dogs actually do things if you teach them how, are loyal and pleasant

>Cats are fed and spend all their time outside fighting and fucking, and are jackasses who will scratch you because they're bored with you petting them, despite purring a second before.

Cats are the niggers, 100%

Dogs are manly, they have been used by primal people to hunt and protect
Cats are fucking fags who only shit and scratch you
Do you know why left likes cats now?

Because dogs take effort. You actually have to walk them and train them, given them attention, give their spaces to play/roam, etc. With a cat, you just need a litter box and a water bowl and that's it.

Having said that, it's a bit of a false dichotomy. I have two cats and two dogs

I don't really feed or pet any of the cats. They are completely hassle free animals. If they sleep the entire day they would fucking die.
The dogs require a lot more time and effort then any cats to do their job.

Like I said originally. You've never had proper cats. Just fucking house pets. House pets of all kinds, cat or dog, are useless things

I take my cat outside all the time you fucking sperg. I watch him hunt rodents and birds while I read on the deck, it's comfy as fuck. Killing rodents is extremely useful, they used to bring cats on ships for long journeys so rats didn't eat all the food.