Why niggers exist?

Why niggers exist?

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Africa was a paradise. They didn't go though natural selection, they didn't go through harsh winters, nature did not forced them to develop building skills to build shelters.
That's why they never go further than mud huts, they remain as basic creatures.

To place their sperm in White women

to be colonised


Because when ethiopia was eliminating disk in mouth omo niggers, russia decided to place one in power(mengitsu). Spoiler: He turned ethiopia into a shitstain.

To make the Irish look good

Not sure desu.

All they managed to do is serve as a tool for the long noses to subvert our culture, pillage our societies, and claim our civilizations.

Pic related, article in today's WSJ.

Meme edition.

This love, ingr, is basically how the gods and goddesses relate to us, as we are their children; they expose us to all kinds of adversity, horrors and problems because they love us. They do because they want us to become better, because they want us to eventually become gods and goddesses ourselves.

This explains why the gods decided to create the Nordic race in Thule (Atlantis), in the harsh climate of Northern Scandinavia, and it explains why people living in harsh climates are generally speaking more industrious, inventive and intelligent than people living in less harsh climates. After all, they have to be in order to survive. It explains further why the gods (by the help of gravity) threw our world into an Ice Age after they had created the Nordic race, and basically forced the Nordic man to improve, and to improve fast.

The best individuals of the Nordic race, those who really understood ingr, followed the rim of the ice back northwards, when the ice melted at the end of the last great Ice Age, rather than move to places with a friendlier climate, like others did. They understood the need for them to be exposed to as much adversity as possible. And individual who knows ingr will rejoice when he or she is exposed to adversity, and in fact he or she will knowingly and willingly expose him- or herself to it, while those who don't know ingr will instead whine, pity themselves and try to avoid adversity at all cost. The capacity for ingr is what separates humans from subhumans.

Yay! I get to post something I made!

What am I reading?

All religions have a mythological explanation to the creation of Earth and mankind, and they are often very similar, probably because they all have a common origin. The constantly recurring theme is the appearance of gods from above, who then fight and defeat a race of giants, that is often described as a dragon or a serpent. Earth and mankind is then created from the remains of these giants.

In the Scandinavian mythology we learn that the first human race was created when the gods gave the worms in the body of the giant a human form. The gods were not satisfied with this race, though, and Óðinn told Heimdallr to go to Middle Earth and improve mankind, by giving them the blood of the gods. He used the name Rígr ("ruler") and the first improved race was called the kin of Trell ("thrall"), and was made up of ugly and stupid black men, with dark hair and wrinkled skin. Óðinn was not satisfied with the result, and Heimdallr had to keep trying, to get a race worthy of Valhalla. After another failed attempt, the kin of Karl ("free men"), he finally succeeded in creating a human race worthy of Valhalla. This was the beautiful kin of Jarl ("earl"). This kin consisted of tall and fair men and women, with fair hair and fair eyes. They were wise and skilled in everything they did, and Rígr taught them the runes (secrets) of the gods. The creation of the youngest of these kins, Jarl's kin, took place on an island we today know as Atlantis.

>what is trial and error for 500?



lel How's it like drinking your grand parents?

For the amusement of everyone else?

Tekken 3 was a great game. Excellent quality for a the PS1.

How's it like being a 500lb fatfuck with boils, sores and shit all now a part of your body?

>died hair
>huge honker
"white" alright

His father's name is Pharaoh Williams.
The prophecy is true.

I am not being racist or anything.
But i have read my bible.
All my life and i know that god intention for niggers exintense is to be white people maybe even asians slaves.
Look at them.

They cant survive anywhere, they do not like anywhere and they are not as smart as anybody else on this planet.

>Why niggers exist?
As a Christian, this question is constantly making me vexed.

Genesis 3:
14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Hol up
so you be saying we be serpents and sheeit?

serpent was the good guy in that story though

I had a dream a few years back, I think when I became a Christian, and I really didn't like blacks, then I had a very realistic dream where 2 big niggers burst in through the front door and rushed me and knocked me back in my chair and stood over me threatening me. I've been attacked by demons plenty of times during this early phase of Christianity.

It really makes me think, (((they))) are constantly forcing us to accept them, and the more we go after their shitty bongobongo jungle shit, twerking and race-mixing with them, the worse our countries get. Why do (((they))) want to make us breed with them? Why do (((they))) want us to act like animals?

Where are blacks in the bible? The only place I can guess is in Genesis, the serpent's kids, or if they were all brought here after 2000 years ago to shit up the world. Some tribes in Africa say they were brought here from Mars. Fallen angel's slaves? You remember those Islamic quotes about people literally being shocked about what existed South of Egypt? They referred to them as dumb animals prone to slavery. Why? God doesn't make mistakes.

Not just that, they don't look like anyone else. Every race of people on the planet look normal, but they don't.

I'm a Christian, and know there's something not quite right about blacks. But God will reveal it when He returns.

Daniel 2:43
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

It's the blood of serpent/giants. This is why (((they))) want to destroy us.

Matthew 23:33:
"Snakes! Sons of vipers! How will you escape the judgment of hell?"

What do you think of australian aborigens?
Are they the children of the nephilim or some such?

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

They live in a barren desert and shit up civilization too. A different type of slave, I guess.

But why does God love them so much if they are literally the seed of the serpent? Why are blacks so much lower, if they are also the seed of the serpent? And if they aren't, why are they so much lower?

I think the vipers comment was more to do with their ungodly ways rather than blood.

Why do you think God loves them? Blacks are lower because they're from the kin of Trell and (((they))) are probably from the kin of Karl, impoved form of man.

This is like asking why chimps exist.

If the environment stays the same then the creature barely mutates compared to another of its species in a more challenging environment.

What? lol

I honestly think that Israel is white, and when Lord Jesus said "neither Jew nor Greek", I believe that Greeks were the other half of Israel and so He made Israel whole again in Lord Jesus. Then any gentile who converts gets treated like an Israelite too.

Anyway, God will reveal it. I think people will be shocked.

>keep people slaves
>dont' give them food
>they resort to eating anything they find for survival purposes

>white master race

what's even the point in eating dirt?
It's from Scandinavian mythology

>be me
>find out that blacks have small brains and act like stupid animals
>find out that (((some people))) shipped millions of them in to our lands a few hundred years ago and had sex with them
>look at where they come from
>they live in dust, eat dust, and the ground they live on looks cursed
>look at the country next to them
>white farmers live in plentiful land full of good food and nice communities
>look at the border of haiti and dominican republic
>you can literally see where the land is cursed to not yield food
>check their religion
>voodoo catholicism hybrid
>try to find them in the bible
>can only guess
>muslims only found them several hundred years after Christ came
>everywhere they go civilization collapses
>only kept alive by aid given by whites
>haiti got rekt twice when they chimped out and killed the whites there, and then ruined the US army's infrastructure they put in place


russia is in delirium tremens again

say it to his face

Slaves were well fed, better than most low class labourers in fact. they bought expensive imported clay with their pocket money because clay tasting is a custom of theirs.