Sup Forums mods are Soros shills

Can a mod here explain this picture to me?

Other urls found in this thread:

Even a stupid leaf sees through your shit by now, pic related.

So, before you delete this thread and ban me, can you explain it? Maybe I'm just missing something here.

Why aren't you deleting the black porn threads when you are clearly active?

Why are you deleting a thread about how desirable white women are but not the exact same thread just instead of white women Asian women somewhat later?

And why do you act like NeoFAG mods lately making "epic finisher posts" before you delete a thread so the person can't reply to your bullshit?

Everyone sees through it.

bumping for interest

Bumping b4 delete

swaglord is literally working for a profiling marketing company related to millenials.

not even joking mate

Can you explain this, mods, before deleting my thread at least. Just one reply.

Or this?

Now this is wjat I call paranoid schizophrenia

Bamp for Hans

Then why are you guys still posting here? I literally just come here to make these kind of posts. Even infinity chan is a better alternative, at least there racemixing propaganda and sliding threads get deleted.

It's no surprise. Sup Forums is one of the most visited websites and it's more than obvious that some people are trying to push their propaganda for money.

If you think there is any place where manipulating doesn't work for money, then you are wrong

Because eight chan is fucking garbage filled with Sup Forumsermin and off the deep end stormtards, been there done that.

Somehow their Sup Forums board is even worse than 4shits.

And that really takes a fucking dedication

Yeah I can explain. See, you're an autistic nigger that's why


Inb4 some KEK mod tries to ban me citing 'doxing'. This information is public and from the fucking FEC for public viewing.

>bitching about moderation
this thread sure is going places.

You just need to take a look at the catalog to realise mods are shills.
80% of the threads are about drumpf BTFO, promoting racemixing, le stupid twitter quote, etc.

After 300 post, threads are no more bumped when someone repply.

It eventually reach page 10 and get archived. Make a new thread when you come close to 300.


I suggest a coup d' état

Any thread putting shit on Hillary gets instantly deleted while there are usually ten bashing trump.

It's paranoia when mods don't do their job and decide against deleting a porn thread with blacks? Well, at least until they got 300 posts.

When was the last time you have seen a porn thread with solely white chicks, may I ask?

It's tits with politics. This is one of those Australian tier shitposts that technically doesn't break the rules but is a shitpost none the less.

Sup Forums jannies err on the side of not banning stuff, I like this. Deal with the shit in order to get a fuller freeze peach experience.

I have noticed this too.

If it was archived it would say "this thread is archived" not "this thread is pruned or deleted"

That's called pruning, those threads are still viewable through Sup Forums's internal archive. A thread that has been physically deleted by a mod shows up as a 404 error instead.

now try a slightly off topic thread that still is relevant to politics but actually fun and innovative and the thread is gone in 5-10 minutes

A thread on race mixing doesn't break the rules, even if it has a bait picture that's only remotely relevant. Sup Forums has always been this way.

Tbh the how can white men even compete threads have became board culture.

kek I was just about to post in the thread pointing out its probably going to be deleted now that it reached 300 posts so they can pull this retarded "some threads are getting deleted" non-argument and thread just got deleted seconds before I hit the post button


All I'm asking for is ONE mod coming out and answering the questions in this thread. How come there are nigger fucking threads reaching 300 posts every single day? How come white porn threads usually never reach this many posts? When you are clearly active and not AFK.

At least you stopped making 20 Asian racemixing thread a day, I guess.

Some threads do get pruned instead of deleted. It seems random or at least not based on topic. It's almost as if certain images/word/ids/flags trigger auto prune.

This, I got a 3-day ban for posting owls. Quite Sup Forums-relevant I think, and the posters in it were having a good time in the thread. But nope, too "off-topic" apparently.

On the other hand any retarded BLACKED shit will stay up for hours and hours

bumping with black grill to get more attention

instead of archived

So, not one rebuttal by a fucking mod? So it's true? You do support propaganda threads?

Cool then. Guess it doesn't matter, retards will keep browsing this shit board.

Owls aren't relevant, but discussing why 4% of women race mix, hiding that it's 4% and posting a picture of a big black dude with a little white girl isn't against the rules. Posting an owl thread is against the rules.

They're very relevant. If you don't know why, you aren't from Sup Forums.

Sup Forums has different rules and almost entirely different jannies than Sup Forums

They aren't relevant.

A much simpler and less cultist explanation is that there are few mods, and they are lazy, and they only see the threads after hundreds of posts.

Exept it's several daily pro-racemixing threads a day. You can see at least 3 each time you open the catalog. And the comments inside are always the same "look at how great non-white women are compared to white women".
It doesn't take a genious to see those threads are not natural but the product of paid shills to corrupt Sup Forums. Mods should should delete them the moment they see one and if they don't it's because mods are shills too.

All boards are similarly shit.

I miss the Overjoo shilling time on Sup Forums, though. Mod bias was never this obvious again.

go to 8gag then you faggot.

Yeah, go back to /leftypol/, leaf shit. You clearly don't know fuck all about this board.

Fuck off

And they aren't against the rules. Same with the pro-Israel garbage threads. That's the whole point of Sup Forums and always has been. You deal with the shit and only non-politics and porn gets deleted. People abuse this and do just enough to not get banned, it's better than plebbit where every third post is moderated due to power creep over the years.

There are better alternatives. You'd know if you weren't a retard.

Do what can we do to change the mods?

nothing new here move on

time to sleep, Albania. Aren't you tired?

Only because the userbase is smaller. There were 170k posts on Sup Forums yesterday and it has far reaching real life influence. Obviously it will be targeted and it is. It's amazing how well it has held up considering every other platform that gets censored and ruined.

fucking bump

Fuck off /lefty/

They are doing the same shit on Sup Forums.
And when you try to report spam shitty threads like " I paid $40 for that did I get ripped? " and others of the like, you're getting banned.

don't listen to this leaf


Mods are and always have been faggots, glad there is a thread exposing them.

I got banned for three days for replying:
>a fucking frogposter


How is straight white on white porn politically incorrect? If you don't want to see black tranny dicks, go to a PC porn site.

>got a 3-day ban for posting owls.

I get banned bi-weekly for dumb "sage" statements in slides threads and I don't care since it's a rule, but why do the very same threads I get banned in are still up and running hours later when they clearly violate the rules as well.

Sup Forums has never been a right wing board, sure 95%+ might be right wing but it has never been a right wing board and this needs to be said and every few months they will sticky a banned thread to reassert this.

You've seen what happens when chans start banning shills. The shills on double chin do just enough to get banned, thus ensuring moderator and ban creep.

Same thing happens with Cannabis propaganda threads. Every 30 minutes a new one springs up

You make the assumption that everyone is anti Jew and anti Israel here.

I'm strongly anti Islam and pro Israel in that I don't give a fuck if they take entire Middle East. I tend to find Israelis a pack of cunts but I stay out of their road. I certainly don't go along with the puerile hitler revival meme.


>Sup Forums
>ever good

o i am laffin

fuck you faggot

The overwhelming majority of Sup Forums hates Jews. That's how this board started, it was a containment board originally.

When you see it..

This happened to be a month ago too, same scenario.

>How is straight white on white porn politically incorrect?
According to globalists it's basically esoteric nazism, though.

Stop defeniding racemixing propaganda threads, retard.

>pro Israel
fucking plebbit cunt

>expects mods to reply to this thread
They generally never post except when informing of a policy change. How fucking new are you, you stupid 8gagger?

Those are bait threads. Seeing how easy this board is to troll, it's no fucking wonder some find it funny to make a single "racemix goys" or "fuck drumpf" OP and let it reach bump limit without even posting in the thread afterwards.

Just fucking report and move on if the OP pic is porn. Normal racemix threads aren't against the rules, so don't complain if they don't get deleted. I actually wish that garbage would get removed too, along with LARPing threads and LE BRAISE KEK :DDDDD shit, but until then, stop seeing shills everywhere. (or, you know, use the filter function.)

If your feels are hurt at the very glance of them and you need mods that delete everything that remotely looks like a non-conventional PIZZAG8 DELETE HILLARY FUCK SJWS thread, 8/pol/ is for you.

They are against the rules. I can think of 5 rules they brake:
1. It's spam.
2. Not related to politics.
3. Adult content.
4. Very low quality threads and posts in it.
5. All such threads can be considered raiding by external paid agencies.

Also mods let all racemixing threads die at 300 replies but delete anyone promoting white women. Explain this.

Case in point, everyone hates muslims but Sup Forums supports Assad (1,300,000+ posts in /sg/ since 2015) because the kikes hate him.

youre doing gods work user

Race mixing is politics. Nudity isn't porn.

Ignore the garbage and move on, most of the shill threads are just full of redpill images anyway.

is soros trying to encourage us to sex up amazonian tribal women?

For anyone interested there's more information on this on 8 ch, endchan, and

They're trying to drive us all off the board, and replace us with marketable idiot Redditors.

>be on Sup Forums in a perfectly good thread
>shitposter starts complain the threads are turning to shit and we should stop making them (he's wrong)
>I call him on it and point out how the threads are fine and no one was arguing until he started
>I get banned for "off topic"
yeah this shit needs to end
I like the "10 minute temporary block" thing. That's fine, I get it, people shouldn't respond to shitposts either. But I've never had a 10 minute block NOT turn into 1-3 day ban once it's up, it doesn't make any fucking sense. All it does is make me want to STOP being a useful constructive contributor to the threads. When did Sup Forums moderation turn into dickwagging snowflake forum tier hurt feelings brigade?

Promoting white women isn't politics, but you can make a thread about pic related or about collapsing white birth rates and nobody will touch it. Make a 'white woman appreciation thread' and you'll probably get a 3 day ban.

Most of the bait threads don't even get people to reply they have to rely on multiple proxies to get their dead threads going

Sorry. That was my other. Work on a decent brief summary and show Hiro.

It's night time idiot, mods are not 24/7 monitoring a board for free.

Sup Forums went from ~100k posts a year ago to 170k posts yesterday. Nobody is trying to drive anyone anywhere, nothing has changed.

Mods are cucks and niggers, we've known this for a long time OP.

And the bans are set specifically to be under the appeal limit so they can't be challenged or reported for abusive mods.

Infinity has too much stormslfags. The counter to shills isn't stormfags, not to mention many boards are dead. You literally cannot say anything bad about Trump or neetsoc there, Sup Forums moderation is heavily biased towards both.
I've been on fire tires chan since it first got a sizable userbase after GG discussion was banned on half/v/. I haven't been here for 2 years, and I've been enjoying this place a lot more than 8/pol/ though /tech/, /k/ and Sup Forums are a lot better on infinity than their Sup Forums counterparts.

>yfw mods used to be gods

Jannies can't ban directly, they do a 10 minute block so that you can't post inbetween a jannie sending their ban request and a mod accepting/denying it.

>off the deep end stormtards
Literally no different from here but nigger loving and shill threads are banned.
Try reddit next time.

You're being dodgy.
The rule mentions adult content, which nudity is.
It's still low quality spam which goes against the rules so should be deleted.
Double standarts deleting pro-white threads but letting racemixing threads go.
The majority of the threads are still garbage made by shills. At this points it's better not to have mods than the scum we have now.

>It's night time idiot, mods are not 24/7 monitoring a board for free.
You're not a very smart man, are you.

And this is relevant... how, exactly? If anything it just shows the process is even more complicated and retarded. So now there's pissed off jannies submitting ban requests and glassy-eyed mods just clicking "OK" on everything without even investigating.