Americans are sleeping let's talk real. Socialism like in Venezuela has given them hot women. Every protest since 2013 shown basically fashion model tier women in the streets. Whereas in America because of capitalism and burgers they are ugly and fat and try to come up with hundred genders because they too ugly to be a man or a woman. So why do we like capitalism again? I rather have same hot women.
Capitalism makes you fat
Justin Butler
Carson Baker
jesus christ how horrifying
Connor Ward
But USA keep you warm all night.
Ethan James
yeah but capitalism keeps you from starving to death
Jason Perez
wtf I love socialism now
Kevin Diaz
that's average topkek
Aaron Adams
Wtf I love Venezuela now
Parker King
All hail capifatism
Bentley Butler
>socialists would rather have no food and die than have too much food and get fat
Jordan Perry
what does the rest of the world fuck?, the girls aren't like that everywhere?