Why are americans and australians much more manly than europeans? Is it because less city-folk?

Why are americans and australians much more manly than europeans? Is it because less city-folk?

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Americans are pooftas


Bunch of plonkers, the lot of them.

Including you, Johnny McAirbase.

Don't be rude friend. :(

>muh Jesus
>muh guns
>muh constitution
>muh bootstraps

Don't know what the Aussie equivalents are.

Because you drag down our average, cake boy.

muh prosperity?
Muh gallipoli
muh outback
muh bbq

I'm reasonably sure it's not all poison animals and bloomin onions. I'm sure they have some kind of culture.

>Muh Ned Kelly
>Muh Thongs
>Muh Welfare and Healthcare
>Muh Footy socks

don't know the yank equvalents are.